men of invention and industry-第27部分
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made an elaborate calculation in his pamphlet entitled 'The New
Patriotic Imperial and National Light and Heat Company;' from
which it appeared that the net annual profits 〃agreeable to the
official experiments〃 would amount to over two hundred and
twenty…nine millions of pounds!and that; giving over
nine…tenths of that sum towards the redemption of the National
Debt; there would still remain a total profit of 570L。 to be paid
to the subscribers for every 5L。 of deposit! Winsor took out a
patent for the invention; and the company; of which he was a
member; proceeded to Parliament for an Act。 Boulton and Watt
petitioned against the Bill; and James Watt; junior; gave
evidence on the subject。 Henry Brougham; who was the counsel for
the petitioners; made great fun of Winsor's absurd
speculations;'10' and the Bill was thrown out。
In the following year the London and Westminster Chartered Gas
Light and Coke Company succeeded in obtaining their Act。 They
were not very successful at first。 Many prejudices existed
against the employment of the new light。 It was popularly
supposed that the gas was carried along the pipes on fire; and
that the pipes must necessarily be intensely hot。 When it was
proposed to light the House of Commons with gas; the architect
insisted on the pipes being placed several inches from the walls;
for fear of fire; and; after the pipes had been fixed; the
members might be seen applying their gloved hands to them to
ascertain their temperature; and afterwards expressing the
greatest surprise on finding that they were as cool as the
adjoining walls。
The Gas Company was on the point of dissolution when Mr。 Samuel
Clegg came to their aid。 Clegg had been a pupil of Murdock's; at
Soho。 He knew all the arrangements which Murdock had invented。
He had assisted in fitting up the gas machinery at the mills of
Phillips & Lee; Manchester; as well as at Lodge's Mill; Sowerby
Bridge; near Halifax。 He was afterwards employed to fix the
apparatus at the Catholic College of Stoneyhurst; in Lancashire;
at the manufactory of Mr。 Harris at Coventry; and at other
places。 In 1813 the London and Westminster Gas Company secured
the services of Mr。 Clegg; and from that time forwards their
career was one of prosperity。 In 1814 Westminster Bridge was
first lighted with gas; and shortly after the streets of St。
Margaret's; Westminster。 Crowds of people followed the
lamplighter on his rounds to watch the sudden effect of his flame
applied to the invisible stream of gas which issued from the
burner。 The lamplighters became so disgusted with the new light
that they struck work; and Clegg himself had for a time to act as
The advantages of the new light; however; soon became generally
recognised; and gas companies were established in most of the
large towns。 Glasgow was lit up by gas in 1817; and Liverpool
and Dublin in the following year。 Had Murdock in the first
instance taken out a patent for his invention; it could not fail
to have proved exceedingly remunerative to him; but he derived no
advantage from the extended use of the new system of lighting
except the honour of having invented it。'11' He left the benefits
of his invention to the public; and returned to his labours at
Soho; which more than ever completely engrossed him。
Murdock now became completely identified with the firm of Boulton
& Watt。 He assigned to them his patent for the slide…valve; the
rotary engine; and other inventions 〃for a good and valuable
consideration。〃 Indeed his able management was almost
indispensable to the continued success of the Soho foundry。 Mr。
Nasmyth; when visiting the works about thirty years after Murdock
had taken their complete management in hand; recalled to mind the
valuable services of that truly admirable yet modest mechanic。
He observed the admirable system; which he had invented; of
transmitting power from one central engine to other small vacuum
engines attached to the several machines which they were employed
to work。 〃This vacuum method;〃 he says; 〃of transmitting power
dates from the time of Papin; but it remained a dead contrivance
for about a century until it received the masterly touch of
〃The sight which I obtained〃 (Mr。 Nasmyth proceeds) 〃of the vast
series of workshops of that celebrated establishment; fitted with
evidences of the presence and results of such master minds in
design and execution; and the special machine tools which I
believe were chiefly to be ascribed to the admirable inventive
power and common…sense genius of William Murdock; made me feel
that I was indeed on classic ground in regard to everything
connected with the construction of steam…engine machinery。 The
interest was in no small degree enhanced by coming every now and
then upon some machine that had every historical claim to be
regarded as the prototype of many of our modern machine tools。
All these had William Murdock's genius stamped upon them; by
reason of their common…sense arrangements; which showed that he
was one of those original thinkers who had the courage to break
away from the trammels of traditional methods; and take short
cuts to accomplish his objects by direct and simple means。〃
We have another recollection of William Murdock; from one who
knew him when a boy。 This is the venerable Charles Manby;
F。R。S。; still honorary secretary of the Institute of Civil
Engineers。 He says (writing to us in September 1883); 〃I see
from the public prints that you have been presiding at a meeting
intended to do honour to the memory of William Murdocka most
worthy man and an old friend of mine。 When he found me working
the first slide valve ever introduced into an engine…building
establishment at Horsley; he patted me on the head; and said to
my father; 'Neighbour Manby; this is not the way to bring up a
good workman merely turning a handle; without any shoulder
work。' He evidently did not anticipate any great results from my
engineering education。 But we all know what machine tools are
doing now;and where should we be without them?〃
Watt withdrew from the firm in 1800; on the expiry of his patent
for the condensing steam…engine; but Boulton continued until the
year 1809; when he died full of years and honours。 Watt lived on
until 1819。 The last part of his life was the happiest。 During
the time that he was in the throes of his invention; he was very
miserable; weighed down with dyspepsia and sick headaches。 But
after his patent had expired; he was able to retire with a
moderate fortune; and began to enjoy life。 Before; he had
〃cursed his inventions;〃 now he could bless them。 He was able to
survey them; and find out what was right and what was wrong。 He
used his head and his hands in his private workshop; and found
many means of employing both pleasantly。 Murdock continued to be
his fast friend; and they spent many agreeable hours together。
They made experiments and devised improvements in machines。 Watt
wished to make things more simple。 He said to Murdock; 〃it is a
great thing to know what to do without。 We must have a book of
blotsthings to be scratched out。〃 One of the most interesting
schemes of Watt towards the end of his life was the contrivance
of a sculpture…making machine; and he proceeded so far with it as
to to able to present copies of busts to his friends as 〃the
productions of a young artist just entering his eighty…third
year。〃 The machine; however; remained unfinished at his death;
and the remarkable fact is that it was Watt's only unfinished
The principle of the machine was to carry a guide…point at one
side over the bust or alto…relievo to be copied; and at the other
side to carry a corresponding cutting…tool or drill over the
alabaster; ivory; jet; or plaster of Paris to be executed。 The
machine worked; as it were; with two hands; the one feeling the
pattern; the other cutting the material into the required form。
Many new alterations were necessary for carrying out this
ingenious apparatus; and Murdock was always at hand to give his
old friend and master his best assistance。 We have seen many
original letters from Watt to Murdock; asking for counsel and
help。 In one of these; written in 1808; Watt says: 〃I have
revived an idea which; if it answers; will supersede the frame
and upright spindle of the reducing machine; but more of this
when we meet。 Meanwhile it will be proper to adhere to the
frame; etc。; at present; until we see how the other alterations
answer。〃 In another he says: 〃I have done a Cicero without any
plaitsthe different segments meeting exactly。 The fitting the
drills into the spindle by a taper of 1 in 6 will do。 They are
perfectly stiff and will not unscrew easily。 Four guide…pullies
answer; but there must be a pair for the other end; and to work
with a single hand; for the returning part is always cut upon
some part or other of the frame。〃
These letters are written sometimes in the morning; sometimes at
noon; sometimes at night。 There was a great deal of
correspondence about 〃pullies;〃 which did not seem to answer at
first。 〃I have made the tablets;〃 said Watt on one occasion;
〃slide more easily; and can counterbalance any part of their
weight which may be necessary; but the first thing to try is the
solidity of the machine; which cannot be done till the pullies
are mounted。〃 Then again: 〃The bust…making must be given up
until we get a more solid frame。 I have worked two days at one
and spoiled it; principally from the want of steadiness。〃 For
Watt; it must be remembered; was now a very old man。
He then proceeded to send Murdock the drawing of a 〃parallel
motion for the machine;〃 to be executed by the workmen at Soho。
The truss braces and the crosses were to be executed of steel;
according to the details he enclosed。 〃I have warmed up;〃 he