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men of invention and industry-第3部分

小说: men of invention and industry 字数: 每页4000字

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French; and Venetians continued to be our principal workmen。  Our

iron was mostly obtained from Spain and Germany。  The best arms

and armour came from France and Italy。  Linen was imported from

Flanders and Holland; though the best came from Rheims。  Even the

coarsest dowlas; or sailcloth; was imported from the Low


The royal ships continued to be of very small burthen; and the

mercantile ships were still smaller。  The Queen; however; did

what she could to improve the number and burthen of our ships。 

〃Foreigners;〃 says Camden; 〃stiled her the restorer of naval

glory and Queen of the Northern Seas。〃  In imitation of the

Queen; opulent subjects built ships of force; and in course of

time England no longer depended upon Hamburg; Dantzic; Genoa; and

Venice; for her fleet in time of war。

Spain was then the most potent power in Europe; and the

Netherlands; which formed part of the dominions of Spain; was the

centre of commercial prosperity。  Holland possessed above 800

good ships; of from 200 to 700 tons burthen; and above 600 busses

for fishing; of from 100 to 200 tons。  Amsterdam and Antwerp were

in the heyday of their prosperity。  Sometimes 500 great ships

were to be seen lying together before Amsterdam;'9' whereas

England at that time had not four merchant ships of 400 tons

each!  Antwerp; however; was the most important city in the Low

Countries。  It was no uncommon thing to see as many as 2500 ships

in the Scheldt; laden with merchandize。  Sometimes 500 ships

would come and go from Antwerp in one day; bound to or returning

from the distant parts of the world。  The place was immensely

rich; and was frequented by Spaniards; Germans; Danes; English;

Italians; and Portuguese the Spaniards being the most numerous。 

Camden; in his history of Queen Elizabeth; relates that our

general trade with the Netherlands in 1564 amounted to twelve

millions of ducats; five millions of which was for English cloth


The religious persecutions of Philip II。 of Spain and of Charles

IX。 of France shortly supplied England with the population of

which she stood in needactive; industrious; intelligent

artizans。  Philip set up the Inquisition in Flanders; and in a

few years more than 50;000 persons were deliberately murdered。 

The Duchess of Parma; writing to Philip II。 in 1567; informed him

that in a few days above 100;000 men had already left the country

with their money and goods; and that more were following every

day。  They fled to Germany; to Holland; and above all to England;

which they hailed as Asylum Christi。  The emigrants settled in

the decayed cities and towns of Canterbury; Norwich; Sandwich;

Colchester; Maidstone; Southampton; and many other places; where

they carried on their manufactures of woollen; linen; and silk;

and established many new branches of industry。'10'

Five years later; in 1572; the massacre of St。 Bartholomew took

place in France; during which the Roman Catholic Bishop Perefixe

alleges that 100;000 persons were put to death because of their

religions opinions。  All this persecution; carried on so near the

English shores; rapidly increased the number of foreign fugitives

into England; which was followed by the rapid advancement of the

industrial arts in this country。

The asylum which Queen Elizabeth gave to the persecuted

foreigners brought down upon her the hatred of Philip II。 and

Charles IX。  When they found that they could not prevent her

furnishing them with an asylum; they proceeded to compass her

death。  She was excommunicated by the Pope; and Vitelli was hired

to assassinate her。  Philip also proceeded to prepare the Sacred

Armada for the subjugation of the English nation; and he was

master of the most powerful army and navy in the world。

Modern England was then in the throes of her birth。  She had not

yet reached the vigour of her youth; though she was full of life

and energy。  She was about to become the England of free thought;

commerce; and manufactures; to plough the ocean with her navies;

and to plant her colonies over the earth。  Up to the accession of

Elizabeth; she had done little; but now she was about to do much。

It was a period of sudden emancipation of thought; and of immense

fertility and originality。  The poets and prose writers of the

time united the freshness of youth with the vigour of manhood。 

Among these were Spenser; Shakespeare; Sir Philip Sidney; the

Fletchers; Marlowe; and Ben Jonson。  Among the statesmen of

Elizabeth were Burleigh; Leicester; Walsingham; Howard; and Sir

Nicholas Bacon。  But perhaps greatest of all were the sailors;

who; as Clarendon said; 〃were a nation by themselves;〃 and their

leadersDrake; Frobisher; Cavendish; Hawkins; Howard; Raleigh;

Davis; and many more distinguished seamen。

They were the representative men of their time; the creation in a

great measure of the national spirit。  They were the offspring of

long generations of seamen and lovers of the sea。  They could not

have been great but for the nation which gave them birth; and

imbued them with their worth and spirit。  The great sailors; for

instance; could not have originated in a nation of mere landsmen。

They simply took the lead in a country whose coasts were fringed

with sailors。  Their greatness was but the result of an

excellence in seamanship which prevailed widely around them。

The age of English maritime adventure only began in the reign of

Elizabeth。  England had then no coloniesno foreign possessions

whatever。  The first of her extensive colonial possessions was

established in this reign。  〃Ships; colonies; and commerce 〃began

to be the national mottonot that colonies make ships and

commerce; but that ships and commerce make colonies。  Yet what

cockle…shells of ships our pioneer navigators first sailed in!

Although John Cabot or Gabota; of Bristol; originally a citizen

of Venice; had discovered the continent of North America in 1496;

in the reign of Henry VII。; he made no settlement there; but

returned to Bristol with his four small ships。  Columbus did not

see the continent of America until two years later; in 1498; his

first discoveries being the islands of the West Indies。

It was not until the year 1553 that an attempt was made to

discover a North…west passage to Cathaya or China。  Sir Hugh

Willonghby was put in command of the expedition; which consisted

of three ships;the Bona Esperanza; the Bona Ventura (Captain

Chancellor); and the Bona Confidentia (Captain Durforth);most

probably ships built by Venetians。  Sir Hugh reached 72 degrees

of north latitude; and was compelled by the buffeting of the

winds to take refuge with Captain Durforth's vessel at Arcina

Keca; in Russian Lapland; where the two captains and the crews of

these ships; seventy in number; were frozen to death。  In the

following year some Russian fishermen found Sir John Willonghby

sitting dead in his cabin; with his diary and other papers beside


Captain Chancellor was more fortunate。  He reached Archangel in

the White Sea; where no ship had ever been seen before。  He

pointed out to the English the way to the whale fishery at

Spitzbergen; and opened up a trade with the northern parts of

Russia。  Two years later; in 1556; Stephen Burroughs sailed with

one small ship; which entered the Kara Sea; but he was compelled

by frost and ice to return to England。  The strait which he

entered is still called 〃Burrough's Strait。〃

It was not; however; until the reign of Elizabeth that great

maritime adventures began to be made。  Navigators were not so

venturous as they afterwards became。  Without proper methods of

navigation; they were apt to be carried away to the south; across

an ocean without limit。  In 1565 a young captain; Martin

Frobisher; came into notice。  At the age of twenty…five he

captured in the South Seas the Flying Spirit; a Spanish ship

laden with a rich cargo of cochineal。  Four years later; in 1569;

he made his first attempt to discover the north…west passage to

the Indies; being assisted by Ambrose Dudley; Earl of Warwick。 

The ships of Frobisher were three in number; the Gabriel; of from

15 to 20 tons; the Michael; of from 20 to 25 tons; or half the

size of a modern fishing…boat; and a pinnace; of from 7 to 10

tons!  The aggregate of the crews of the three ships was only

thirty…five; men and boys。  Think of the daring of these early

navigators in attempting to pass by the North Pole to Cathay

through snow; and storm; and ice; in such miserable little

cockboats!  The pinnace was lost; the Michael; under Owen

Griffith; a Welsh…man; deserted; and Martin Frobisher in the

Gabriel went alone into the north…western sea!

He entered the great bay; since called Hudson's Bay; by

Frobisher's Strait。  He returned to England without making the

discovery of the Passage; which long remained the problem of

arctic voyagers。  Yet ten years later; in 1577; he made another

voyage; and though he made his second attempt with one of Queen

Elizabeth's own ships; and two barks; with 140 persons in all; he

was as unsuccessful as before。  He brought home some supposed

gold ore; and on the strength of the stones containing gold; a

third expedition went out in the following year。  After losing

one of the ships; consuming the provisions; and suffering greatly

from ice and storms; the fleet returned home one by one。  The

supposed gold ore proved to be only glittering sand。

While Frobisher was seeking El…Dorado in the North; Francis Drake

was finding it in the South。  He was a sailor; every inch of him。

〃Pains; with patience in his youth;〃 says Fuller; 〃knit the

joints of his soul; and made them more solid and compact。〃  At an

early age; when carrying on a coasting trade; his imagination was

inflamed by the exploits of his protector Hawkins in the New

World; and he joined him in his last unfortunate adventure on the


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