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the lily of the valley-第58部分

小说: the lily of the valley 字数: 每页4000字

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  hold there。

  You ask me to love you out of Christian charity。 I could do much;

  I candidly admit; for charity; in fact I could do allexcept

  love。 You are sometimes wearisome and wearied; you call your

  dulness melancholy。 Very good;so be it; but all the same it is

  intolerable; and causes much cruel anxiety to one who loves you。 I

  have often found the grave of that saint between us。 I have

  searched my own heart; I know myself; and I own I do not wish to

  die as she did。 If you tired out Lady Dudley; who is a very

  distinguished woman; I; who have not her passionate desires;

  should; I fear; turn coldly against you even sooner than she did。

  Come; let us suppress love between us; inasmuch as you can find

  happiness only with the dead; and let us be merely friendsI wish


  Ah! my dear count; what a history you have told me! At your

  entrance into life you found an adorable woman; a perfect

  mistress; who thought of your future; made you a peer; loved you

  to distraction; only asked that you would be faithful to her; and

  you killed her! I know nothing more monstrous。 Among all the

  passionate and unfortunate young men who haunt the streets of

  Paris; I doubt if there is one who would not stay virtuous ten

  years to obtain one half of the favors you did not know how to

  value! When a man is loved like that how can he ask more? Poor

  woman! she suffered indeed; and after you have written a few

  sentimental phrases you think you have balanced your account with

  her coffin。 Such; no doubt; is the end that awaits my tenderness

  for you。 Thank you; dear count; I will have no rival on either

  side of the grave。 When a man has such a crime upon his

  conscience; at least he ought not to tell of it。 I made you an

  imprudent request; but I was true to my woman's part as a daughter

  of Eve;it was your part to estimate the effect of the answer。

  You ought to have deceived me; later I should have thanked you。 Is

  it possible that you have never understood the special virtue of

  lovers? Can you not feel how generous they are in swearing that

  they have never loved before; and love at last for the first time?

  No; your programme cannot be carried out。 To attempt to be both

  Madame de Mortsauf and Lady Dudley;why; my dear friend; it would

  be trying to unite fire and water within me! Is it possible that

  you don't know women? Believe me; they are what they are; and they

  have therefore the defects of their virtues。 You met Lady Dudley

  too early in life to appreciate her; and the harm you say of her

  seems to me the revenge of your wounded vanity。 You understood

  Madame de Mortsauf too late; you punished one for not being the

  other;what would happen to me if I were neither the one nor the

  other? I love you enough to have thought deeply about your future;

  in fact; I really care for you a great deal。 Your air of the

  Knight of the Sad Countenance has always deeply interested me; I

  believed in the constancy of melancholy men; but I little thought

  that you had killed the loveliest and the most virtuous of women

  at the opening of your life。

  Well; I ask myself; what remains for you to do? I have thought it

  over carefully。 I think; my friend; that you will have to marry a

  Mrs。 Shandy; who will know nothing of love or of passion; and will

  not trouble herself about Madame de Mortsauf or Lady Dudley; who

  will be wholly indifferent to those moments of ennui which you

  call melancholy; during which you are as lively as a rainy day;a

  wife who will be to you; in short; the excellent sister of charity

  whom you are seeking。 But as for loving; quivering at a word;

  anticipating happiness; giving it; receiving it; experiencing all

  the tempests of passion; cherishing the little weaknesses of a

  beloved womanmy dear count; renounce it all! You have followed

  the advice of your good angel about young women too closely; you

  have avoided them so carefully that now you know nothing about

  them。 Madame de Mortsauf was right to place you high in life at

  the start; otherwise all women would have been against you; and

  you never would have risen in society。

  It is too late now to begin your training over again; too late to

  learn to tell us what we long to hear; to be superior to us at the

  right moment; or to worship our pettiness when it pleases us to be

  petty。 We are not so silly as you think us。 When we love we place

  the man of our choice above all else。 Whatever shakes our faith in

  our supremacy shakes our love。 In flattering us men flatter

  themselves。 If you intend to remain in society; to enjoy an

  intercourse with women; you must carefully conceal from them all

  that you have told me; they will not be willing to sow the flowers

  of their love upon the rocks or lavish their caresses to soothe a

  sickened spirit。 Women will discover the barrenness of your heart

  and you will be ever more and more unhappy。 Few among them would

  be frank enough to tell you what I have told you; or sufficiently

  good…natured to leave you without rancor; offering their

  friendship; like the woman who now subscribes herself

Your devoted friend;

Natalie de Manerville。


The following personages appear in other stories of the Human Comedy。

Birotteau; Abbe Francois

  Cesar Birotteau

  The Vicar of Tours

Blamont…Chauvry; Princesse de

  The Thirteen

  Madame Firmiani

Brandon; Lady Marie Augusta

  The Member for Arcis

  La Grenadiere

Chessel; Madame de

  The Government Clerks

Dudley; Lord

  The Thirteen

  A Man of Business

  Another Study of Woman

  A Daughter of Eve

Dudley; Lady Arabella

  The Ball at Sceaux

  The Magic Skin

  The Secrets of a Princess

  A Daughter of Eve

  Letters of Two Brides


  Letters of Two Brides

  Scenes from a Courtesan's Life

Lenoncourt; Duc de

  Cesar Birotteau

  Jealousies of a Country Town

  The Gondreville Mystery


Lenoncourt…Givry; Duchesse de

  Letters of Two Brides

  Scenes from a Courtesan's Life

Listomere; Marquis de

  A Distinguished Provincial at Paris

  A Study of Woman

Listomere; Marquise de

  Lost Illusions

  A Distinguished Provincial at Paris

  A Study of Woman

  A Daughter of Eve

Louis XVIII。; Louis…Stanislas…Xavier

  The Chouans

  The Seamy Side of History

  The Gondreville Mystery

  Scenes from a Courtesan's Life

  The Ball at Sceaux

  Colonel Chabert

  The Government Clerks

Manerville; Comtesse Paul de

  A Marriage Settlement

  A Daughter of Eve

Marsay; Henri de

  The Thirteen

  The Unconscious Humorists

  Another Study of Woman

  Father Goriot

  Jealousies of a Country Town

  Ursule Mirouet

  A Marriage Settlement

  Lost Illusions

  A Distinguished Provincial at Paris

  Letters of Two Brides

  The Ball at Sceaux

  Modeste Mignon

  The Secrets of a Princess

  The Gondreville Mystery

  A Daughter of Eve

Stanhope; Lady Esther

  Lost Illusions

Vandenesse; Comte Felix de

  Lost Illusions

  A Distinguished Provincial at Paris

  Cesar Birotteau

  Letters of Two Brides

  A Start in Life

  The Marriage Settlement

  The Secrets of a Princess

  Another Study of Woman

  The Gondreville Mystery

  A Daughter of Eve


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