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the comparison of numa with lycurgus-第2部分

小说: the comparison of numa with lycurgus 字数: 每页4000字

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view to the birth of children; the other; looking to a life to be
spent together; is more moral。 However; the rules which Lycurgus
drew up for superintendence of children; their collection into
companies; their discipline and association; as also his exact
regulations for their meals; exercises; and sports; argue Numa no more
than an ordinary lawgiver。 Numa left the whole matter simply to be
decided by the parent's wishes or necessities; he might; if he
pleased; make his son a husbandman or carpenter; coppersmith or
musician; as if it were of no importance for them to be directed and
trained up from the beginning to one and the same common end; or as
though it would do for them to be like passengers on shipboard;
brought thither each for his own ends and by his own choice; uniting
to act for the common good only in time of danger upon occasion of
their private fears; in general looking simply to their own interest。
  We may forbear; indeed; to blame common legislators; who may be
deficient in power or knowledge。 But when a wise man like Numa had
received the sovereignty over a new and docile people; was there
anything that would better deserve his attention than the education of
children; and the training up of the young; not to contrariety and
discordance of character; but to the unity of the common model of
virtue; to which from their cradle they should have been formed and
moulded? One benefit among many that Lycurgus obtained by his course
was the permanence which it secured to his laws。 The obligation of
oaths to preserve them would have availed but little; if he had not;
by discipline and education; infused them into the children's
characters; and imbued their whole early life with a love of his
government。 The result was that the main points and fundamentals of
his legislation continued for above five hundred years; like some deep
and thoroughly ingrained tincture; retaining their hold upon the
nation。 But Numa's whole design and aim; the continuance of peace
and goodwill; on his death vanished with him; no sooner did he
expire his last breath than the gates of Janus's temple flew wide
open; and; as if war had; indeed; been kept and caged up within
those walls; it rushed forth to fill all Italy with blood and
slaughter; and thus that best and justest fabric of things was of no
long continuance; because it wanted that cement which should have kept
all together; education。 What; then; some may say; has not Rome been
advanced and bettered by her wars? A question that will need a long
answer; if it is to be one to satisfy men who take the better to
consist in riches; luxury; and dominion; rather than in security;
gentleness; and that independence which is accompanied by justice。
However; it makes much for Lycurgus; that; after the Romans had
deserted the doctrine and discipline of Numa; their empire grew and
their power increased so much; whereas so soon as the Lacedaemonians
fell from the institutions of Lycurgus; they sank from the highest
to the lowest state; and; after forfeiting their supremacy over the
rest of Greece; were themselves in danger of absolute extirpation。
Thus much; meantime; was peculiarly signal and almost divine in the
circumstances of Numa; that he was an alien; and yet courted to come
and accept a kingdom; the frame of which though he entirely altered;
yet he performed it by mere persuasion; and ruled a city that as yet
had scarce become one city; without recurring to arms or any
violence (such as Lycurgus used; supporting himself by the aid of
the nobler citizens against the commonalty); but; by mere force of
wisdom and justice; established union and harmony amongst all。

                              THE END

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