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the ethics(part ii)-第2部分

小说: the ethics(part ii) 字数: 每页4000字

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modes of thought; does  not follow from the divine nature;

because that nature has prior knowledge of the things。   Things

represented in ideas follow; and are derived from their

particular attribute; in the  same manner; and with the same

necessity as ideas follow (according to what we have  shown) from

the attribute of thought。

VII。  The order and connection of ideas is the same as the order

and connection of things。

》》》》》ProofThis proposition is evident from Part i。; Ax。 iv。 

For the idea of everything  that is caused depends on a

knowledge of the cause; whereof it is an effect。

ProofThis proposition is evident from the last; it is

understood more clearly from  the preceding note。

ProofThe idea of an individual thing actually existing is

an individual mode of  thinking; and is distinct from other modes

(by the Cor。 and Note to Prop。 viii。 of this part);  thus (by

Prop。 vi。 of this part) it is caused by God; in so far only as he

is a thinking thing。   But not (by Prop。 xxviii。 of Part i。) in

so far as he is a thing thinking absolutely; only in so  far as

he is considered as affected by another mode of thinking; and he

is the cause of this  latter; as being affected by a third; and

so on to infinity。  Now; the order and connection  of ideas is

(by Prop。 vii。 of this book) the same as the order and connection

of causes。   Therefore of a given individual idea another

individual idea; or God; in so far as he is  considered as

modified by that idea; is the cause; and of this second idea God

is the  cause; in so far as he is affected by another idea; and

so on to infinity。  Q。E。D。

ProofWhatsoever takes place in the object of any idea; its

idea is in God (by  Prop。 iii。 of this part); not in so far as he

is infinite; but in so far as he is considered as  affected by

another idea of an individual thing (by the last Prop。); but (by

Prop。 vii。 of  this part) the order and connection of ideas is

the same as the order and connection of  things。  The knowledge;

therefore; of that which takes place in any individual object

will  be in God; in so far only as he has the idea of that

object。  Q。E。D。

X。  The being of substance does not appertain to the essence of

manin other words;  substance does not constitute the actual

being (forma) of man。

》》》》》ProofThe being of substance involves necessary existence

(Part i。; Prop。 vii。)。   If; therefore; the being of substance

appertains to the essence of man; substance being  granted; man

would necessarily be granted also (II。 Def。 ii。); and;

consequently; man would  necessarily exist; which is absurd (II。

Ax。 i。)。  Therefore &c。  Q。E。D。

*****NoteThis proposition may also be proved from I。v。; in

which it is shown that there  cannot be two substances of the

same nature; for as there may be many men; the being of 

substance is not that which constitutes the actual being of man。 

Again; the proposition is  evident from the other properties of

substancenamely; that substance is in its nature  infinite;

immutable; indivisible; &c。; as anyone may see for himself。

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