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the ethics(part ii)-第9部分

小说: the ethics(part ii) 字数: 每页4000字

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and confused; therefore this kind of knowledge is the  only

source of falsity (II。 xxxv。)。  Furthermore; we assigned to the

second and third kinds  of knowledge those ideas which are

adequate; therefore these kinds are necessarily true (II。 

xxxiv。)。  Q。E。D。

XLII。 Knowledge of the second and third kinds; not knowledge of

the first kind; teaches us  to distinguish the true from the


》》》》》ProofThis proposition is self…evident。  He; who knows how

to distinguish between  true and false; must have an adequate

idea of true and false。  That is (II。 xl。; note ii。); he  must

know the true and the false by the second or third kind of


XLIII。 He; who has a true idea; simultaneously knows that he has

a true idea; and cannot  doubt of the truth of the thing


》》》》》ProofA true idea in us is an idea which is adequate in

God; in so far as he is  displayed through the nature of the

human mind (II。 xi。 Cor。)。  Let us suppose that there is  in God;

in so far as he is displayed through the human mind; an adequate

idea; A。  The  idea of this idea must also necessarily be in God;

and be referred to him in the same way as  the idea A (by II。

xx。; whereof the proof is of universal application)。  But the

idea A is  supposed to be referred to God; in so far as he is

displayed through the human mind;  therefore; the idea of the

idea A must be referred to God in the same manner; that is (by 

II。 xi。 Cor。); the adequate idea of the idea A will be in the

mind; which has the adequate  idea A; therefore he; who has an

adequate idea or knows a thing truly (II。 xxxiv。); must at  the

same time have an adequate idea or true knowledge of his

knowledge; that is;  obviously; he must be assured。  Q。E。D。

*****NoteI explained in the note to II。 xxi。 what is meant by

the idea of an idea; but we  may remark that the foregoing

proposition is in itself sufficiently plain。  No one; who has a 

true idea; is ignorant that a true idea involves the highest

certainty。  For to have a true idea  is only another expression

for knowing a thing perfectly; or as well as possible。  No one; 

indeed; can doubt of this; unless he thinks that an idea is

something lifeless; like a picture  on a panel; and not a mode of

thinkingnamely; the very act of understanding。  And who;  I

ask; can know that he understands anything; unless he do first

understand it?  In other  words; who can know that he is sure of

a thing; unless he be first sure of that thing?   Further; what

can there be more clear; and more certain; than a true idea as a

standard  of truth?  Even as light displays both itself and

darkness; so is truth a standard both of  itself and of falsity。

I think I have thus sufficiently answered these

questionsnamely; if a true idea is  distinguished from a false

idea; only in so far as it is said to agree with its object; a

true  idea has no more reality or perfection than a false idea

(since the two are only distinguished  by an extrinsic mark);

consequently; neither will a man who has a true idea have any 

advantage over him who has only false ideas。  Further; how comes

it that men have false  ideas?  Lastly; how can anyone be sure;

that he has ideas which agree with their objects?   These

questions; I repeat; I have; in my opinion; sufficiently

answered。  The difference  between a true idea and a false idea

is plain:  from what was said in II。 xxxv。; the former is 

related to the latter as being is to not…being。  The causes of

falsity I have set forth very  clearly in II。 xix。 and II。 xxxv。

with the note。  From what is there stated; the difference 

between a man who has true ideas; and a man who has only false

ideas; is made apparent。   As for the last questionas to how a

man can be sure that he has ideas that agree with  their objects;

I have just pointed out; with abundant clearness; that his

knowledge arises  from the simple fact; that he has an idea which

corresponds with its objectin other words;  that truth is its

own standard。  We may add that our mind; in so far as it

perceives things  truly; is part of the infinite intellect of God

(II。 xi。 Cor。); therefore; the clear and distinct  ideas of the

mind are as necessarily true as the ideas of God。

XLIV。 It is not in the nature of reason to regard things as

contingent; but as necessary。

》》》》》ProofIt is in the nature of reason to perceive things

truly (II。 xli。); namely (I。 Ax。  vi。); as they are in

themselvesthat is (I。 xxix。); not as contingent; but as

necessary。   Q。E。D。

ProofThe idea of a particular thing actually existing

necessarily involves both the  existence and the essence of the

said thing (II。 viii。)。  Now particular things cannot be 

conceived without God (I。 xv。); but; inasmuch as (II。 vi。) they

have God for their cause;  in so far as he is regarded under the

attribute of which the things in question are modes;  their ideas

must necessarily involve (I。 Ax。 iv。) the conception of the

attributes of those  ideasthat is (I。 vi。); the eternal and

infinite essence of God。  Q。E。D。

*****NoteBy existence I do not here mean durationthat is;

existence in so far as it is  conceived abstractedly; and as a

certain form of quantity。  I am speaking of the very nature  of

existence; which is assigned to particular things; because they

follow in infinite numbers  and in infinite ways from the eternal

necessity of God's nature (I。 xvi。)。  I am speaking; I  repeat;

of the very existence of particular things; in so far as they are

in God。  For although  each particular thing be conditioned by

another particular t

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