the ancien regime-第15部分
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fair chance of knowing what we know? Have we proof that their
hatred was against all religion; or only against that which they saw
around them? Have we proof that they would have equally hated; had
they been in permanent contact with them; creeds more free from
certain faults which seemed to them; in the case of the French
Church; ineradicable and inexpiable? Till then we must have
charitywhich is justiceeven for the philosophes of the
eighteenth century。
This view of the case had been surely overlooked by M。 de
Tocqueville; when he tried to explain by the fear of revolutions;
the fact that both in America and in England; 〃while the boldest
political doctrines of the eighteenth…century philosophers have been
adopted; their anti…religious doctrines have made no way。〃
He confesses that; 〃Among the English; French irreligious philosophy
had been preached; even before the greater part of the French
philosophers were born。 It was Bolingbroke who set up Voltaire。
Throughout the eighteenth century infidelity had celebrated
champions in England。 Able writers and profound thinkers espoused
that cause; but they were never able to render it triumphant as in
France。〃 Of these facts there can be no doubt: but the cause which
he gives for the failure of infidelity will surely sound new and
strange to those who know the English literature and history of that
century。 It was; he says; 〃inasmuch as all those who had anything
to fear from revolutions; eagerly came to the rescue of the
established faith。〃 Surely there was no talk of revolutions; no
wish; expressed or concealed; to overthrow either government or
society; in the aristocratic clique to whom English infidelity was
confined。 Such was; at least; the opinion of Voltaire; who boasted
that 〃All the works of the modern philosophers together would never
make as much noise in the world as was made in former days by the
disputes of the Cordeliers about the shape of their sleeves and
hoods。〃 If (as M。 de Tocqueville says) Bolingbroke set up Voltaire;
neither master nor pupil had any more leaning than Hobbes had toward
a democracy which was not dreaded in those days because it had never
been heard of。 And if (as M。 de Tocqueville heartily allows) the
English apologists of Christianity triumphed; at least for the time
being; the cause of their triumph must be sought in the plain fact
that such men as Berkeley; Butler; and Paley; each according to his
light; fought the battle fairly; on the common ground of reason and
philosophy; instead of on that of tradition and authority; and that
the forms of Christianity current in Englandwhether Quaker;
Puritan; or Anglicanoffended; less than that current in France;
the common…sense and the human instincts of the many; or of the
sceptics themselves。'
But the eighteenth century saw another movement; all the more
powerful; perhaps; because it was continually changing its shape;
even its purpose; and gaining fresh life and fresh adherents with
every change。 Propagated at first by men of the school of Locke; it
became at last a protest against the materialism of that school; on
behalf of all that is; or calls itself; supernatural and mysterious。
Abjuring; and honestly; all politics; it found itself sucked into
the political whirlpool in spite of itself; as all human interests
which have any life in them must be at last。 It became an active
promoter of the Revolution; then it helped to destroy the
Revolution; when that had; under Napoleon; become a levelling
despotism; then it helped; as actively; to keep revolutionary
principles alive; after the reaction of 1815:a Protean
institution; whose power we in England are as apt to undervalue as
the governments of the Continent were apt; during the eighteenth
century; to exaggerate it。 I mean; of course; Freemasonry; and the
secret societies which; honestly and honourably disowned by
Freemasonry; yet have either copied it; or actually sprung out of
it。 In England; Freemasonry never was; it seems; more than a
liberal and respectable benefit…club; for secret societies are
needless for any further purposes; amid free institutions and a free
press。 But on the Continent during the eighteenth century;
Freemasonry excited profound suspicion and fear on the part of
statesmen who knew perfectly well their friends from their foes; and
whose precautions were; from their point of view; justified by the
I shall not enter into the deep question of the origin of
Freemasonry。 One uninitiate; as I am; has no right to give an
opinion on the great questions of the mediaeval lodge of Kilwinning
and its Scotch degrees; on the seven Templars; who; after poor
Jacques Molay was burnt at Paris; took refuge on the Isle of Mull;
in Scotland; found there another Templar and brother Mason;
ominously named Harris; took to the trowel in earnest; and revived
the Order;on the Masons who built Magdeburg Cathedral in 876; on
the English Masons assembled in Pagan times by 〃St。 Albone; that
worthy knight;〃 on the revival of English Masonry by Edwin; son of
Athelstan; on Magnus Grecus; who had been at the building of
Solomon's Temple; and taught Masonry to Charles Martel; on the
pillars Jachin and Boaz; on the masonry of Hiram of Tyre; and indeed
of Adam himself; of whose first fig…leaf the masonic apron may be a
typeon all these matters I dare no more decide than on the making
of the Trojan Horse; the birth of Romulus and Remus; or the
incarnation of Vishnoo。
All I dare say is; that Freemasonry emerges in its present form into
history and fact; seemingly about the beginning of George I。's
reign; among Englishmen and noblemen; notably in four lodges in the
city of London: (1) at The Goose and Gridiron alehouse in St。
Paul's Churchyard; (2) at The Crown alehouse near Drury Lane; (3) at
The Apple Tree tavern near Covent Garden; (4) at The Rummer and
Grapes tavern; in Charnel Row; Westminster。 That its principles
were brotherly love and good fellowship; which included in those
days port; sherry; claret; and punch; that it was founded on the
ground of mere humanity; in every sense of the word; being (as was
to be expected from the temper of the times) both aristocratic and
liberal; admitting to its ranks virtuous gentlemen 〃obliged;〃 says
an old charge; 〃only to that religion wherein all men agree; leaving
their particular opinions to themselves: that is; to be good men
and true; or men of honour and honesty; by whatever denominations or
persuasions they may be distinguished; whereby Masonry becomes the
centre of union and means of conciliating true friendship among
persons that otherwise must have remained at a distance。〃
Little did the honest gentlemen who established or re…established
their society on these grounds; and fenced it with quaint
ceremonies; old or new; conceive the importance of their own act;
we; looking at it from a distance; may see all that such a society
involved; which was quite new to the world just then; and see; that
it was the very child of the Ancien Regimeof a time when men were
growing weary of the violent factions; political and spiritual;
which had torn Europe in pieces for more than a century; and longed
to say: 〃After all; we are all alike in one thingfor we are at
least men。〃
Its spread through England and Scotland; and the seceding bodies
which arose from it; as well as the supposed Jacobite tendency of
certain Scotch lodges; do not concern us here。 The point
interesting to us just now is; that Freemasonry was imported to the
Continent exclusively by English and Scotch gentlemen and noblemen。
Lord Derwentwater is said by some to have founded the 〃Loge
Anglaise〃 in Paris in 1725; the Duke of Richmond one in his own
castle of Aubigny shortly after。 It was through Hanoverian
influence that the movement seems to have spread into Germany。 In
1733; for instance; the English Grand Master; Lord Strathmore;
permitted eleven German gentlemen and good brethren to form a lodge
in Hamburg。 Into this English Society was Frederick the Great; when
Crown Prince; initiated; in spite of strict old Frederick William's
objections; who had heard of it as an English invention of
irreligious tendency。 Francis I。 of Austria was made a Freemason at
the Hague; Lord Chesterfield being in the chair; and then became a
Master in London under the name of 〃Brother Lothringen;〃 to the
discontent of Maria Theresa; whose woman's wit saw farther than her
husband。 Englishmen and Scotchmen introduced the new society into
Russia and into Geneva。 Sweden and Poland seem to have received it
from France; while; in the South; it seems to have been exclusively
an English plant。 Sackville; Duke of Middlesex; is said to have
founded the first lodge at Florence in 1733; Lord Coleraine at
Gibraltar and Madrid; one Gordon in Portugal; and everywhere; at the
commencement of the movement; we find either London or Scotland the
mother…lodges; introducing on the Continent those liberal and humane
ideas of which England was then considered; to her glory; as the
only home left on earth。
But; alas! the seed sown grew up into strange shapes; according to
the soil in which it rooted。 False doctrine; heresy; and schism;
according to Herr Findel; the learned and rational historian whom I
have chiefly followed; defiled the new Church from its infancy。 〃In
France;〃 so he bemoans himself; 〃first of all there shot up that
baneful seed of lies and frauds; of vanity and presumption; of
hatred and discord; the mischievous high degrees; the misstatement
that our order was allied to the Templars; and existed at the time
of the Crusades; the removal of old charges; the bringing in
surreptitiously of a multitude of symbols and forms which awoke the
love of secrecy; knighthood; and; in fact; all which tended to
poison Freemasonry。〃 Herr Findel seems to attribute these evils