the ancien regime-第4部分
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never entered into the mind of Celt or Gaul; Hun or Sclav; one which
seems continuous with the spread of the Teutonic conquerors。 They
ruled because they did practically raise the ideal of humanity in
the countries which they conquered; a whole stage higher。 They
ceased to rule when they were; through their own sins; caught up and
surpassed in the race of progress by the classes below them。
But; even when at its best; their system of government had in it
like all human inventionoriginal sin; an unnatural and unrighteous
element; which was certain; sooner or later; to produce decay and
ruin。 The old Nobility of Europe was not a mere aristocracy。 It
was a caste: a race not intermarrying with the races below it。 It
was not a mere aristocracy。 For that; for the supremacy of the best
men; all societies strive; or profess to strive。 And such a true
aristocracy may exist independent of caste; or the hereditary
principle at all。 We may conceive an Utopia; governed by an
aristocracy which should be really democratic; which should use;
under developed forms; that method which made the mediaeval
priesthood the one great democratic institution of old Christendom;
bringing to the surface and utilising the talents and virtues of all
classes; even to the lowest。 We may conceive an aristocracy
choosing out; and gladly receiving into its own ranks as equals;
every youth; every maiden; who was distinguished by intellect;
virtue; valour; beauty; without respect to rank or birth; and
rejecting in turn; from its own ranks; each of its own children who
fell below some lofty standard; and showed by weakliness; dulness;
or baseness; incapacity for the post of guiding and elevating their
fellow…citizens。 Thus would arise a true aristocracy; a governing
body of the really most worthythe most highly organised in body
and in mindperpetually recruited from below: from which; or from
any other ideal; we are yet a few thousand years distant。
But the old Ancien Regime would have shuddered; did shudder; at such
a notion。 The supreme class was to keep itself pure; and avoid all
taint of darker blood; shutting its eyes to the fact that some of
its most famous heroes had been born of such left…handed marriages
as that of Robert of Normandy with the tanner's daughter of Falaise。
〃Some are so curious in this behalf;〃 says quaint old Burton;
writing about 1650; 〃as these old Romans; our modern Venetians;
Dutch; and French; that if two parties dearly love; the one noble;
the other ignoble; they may not; by their laws; match; though equal
otherwise in years; fortunes; education; and all good affection。 In
Germany; except they can prove their gentility by three descents;
they scorn to match with them。 A nobleman must marry a noblewoman;
a baron; a baron's daughter; a knight; a knight's。 As slaters sort
their slates; do they degrees and families。〃
And doubtless this theorylike all which have held their ground for
many centuriesat first represented a fact。 These castes were; at
first; actually superior to the peoples over whom they ruled。 I
cannot; as long as my eyes are open; yield to the modern theory of
the equalityindeed of the non…existenceof races。 Holding; as I
do; the primaeval unity of the human race; I see in that race the
same inclination to sport into fresh varieties; the same competition
of species between those varieties; which Mr。 Darwin has pointed out
among plants and mere animals。 A distinguished man arises; from him
a distinguished family; from it a distinguished tribe; stronger;
cunninger than those around。 It asserts its supremacy over its
neighbours at first exactly as a plant or animal would do; by
destroying; and; where possible; eating them; next; having grown
more prudent; by enslaving them; next; having gained a little
morality in addition to its prudence; by civilising them; raising
them more or less toward its own standard。 And thus; in every land;
civilisation and national life has arisen out of the patriarchal
state; and the Eastern scheik; with his wives; free and slave; and
his hundreds of fighting men born in his house; is the type of all
primaeval rulers。 He is the best man of his hordein every sense
of the word best; and whether he have a right to rule them or not;
they consider that he has; and are the better men for his guidance。
Whether this ought to have been the history of primaeval
civilisation; is a question not to be determined here。 That it is
the history thereof; is surely patent to anyone who will imagine to
himself what must have been。 In the first place; the strongest and
cunningest savage must have had the chance of producing children
more strong and cunning than the average; he would havethe
strongest savage has stillthe power of obtaining a wife; or wives;
superior in beauty and in household skill; which involves
superiority of intellect; and therefore his children wouldsome of
them at leastbe superior to the average; both from the father's
and the mother's capacities。 They again would marry select wives;
and their children again would do the same; till; in a very few
generations; a family would have established itself; considerably
superior to the rest of the tribe in body and mind; and become
assuredly its ruling race。
Again; if one of that race invented a new weapon; a new mode of
tillage; or aught else which gave him power; that would add to the
superiority of his whole family。 For the invention would be
jealously kept among them as a mystery; a hereditary secret。 To
this simple cause; surely; is to be referred the system of
hereditary caste occupations; whether in Egypt or Hindoostan。 To
this; too; the fact that alike in Greek and in Teutonic legend the
chief so often appears; not merely as the best warrior and best
minstrel; but as the best smith; armourer; and handicraftsman of his
tribe。 If; however; the inventor happened to be a low…born genius;
its advantages would still accrue to the ruling race。 For nothing
could be more natural or more easyas more than one legend
intimatesthan that the king should extort the new secret from his
subject; and then put him to death to prevent any further publicity。
Two great inventive geniuses we may see dimly through the abysses of
the past; both of whom must have become in their time great chiefs;
founders of mighty aristocraciesit may be; worshipped after their
death as gods。
The first; who seems to have existed after the age in which the
black race colonised Australia; must have been surely a man worthy
to hold rank with our Brindleys; Watts; and Stephensons。 For he
invented (and mind; one man must have invented the thing first; and
by the very nature of it; invented it all at once) an instrument so
singular; unexpected; unlike anything to be seen in nature; that I
wonder it has not been called; like the plough; the olive; or the
vine; a gift of the immortal gods: and yet an instrument so simple;
so easy; and so perfect; that it spread over all races in Europe and
America; and no substitute could be found for it till the latter
part of the fifteenth century。 Yes; a great genius was he; and the
consequent founder of a great aristocracy and conquering race; who
first invented for himself and his children after him abow and
The nextwhether before or after the first in time; it suits me to
speak of him in second placewas the man who was the potential
ancestor of the whole Ritterschaft; Chivalry; and knightly caste of
Europe; the man who first; finding a foal upon the steppe; deserted
by its dam; brought it home; and reared it; and then bethought him
of the happy notion of making it drawpresumably by its taila
fashion which endured long in Ireland; and had to be forbidden by
law; I think as late as the sixteenth century。 A great aristocrat
must that man have become。 A greater still he who first substituted
the bit for the halter。 A greater still he who first thought of
wheels。 A greater still he who conceived the yoke and pole for
bearing up his chariot; for that same yoke; and pole; and chariot;
became the peculiar instrument of conquerors like him who mightily
oppressed the children of Israel; for he had nine hundred chariots
of iron。 Egyptians; Syrians; Assyrians; Greeks; Romansnone of
them improved on the form of the conquering biga; till it was given
up by a race who preferred a pair of shafts to their carts; and who
had learnt to ride instead of drive。 A great aristocrat; again;
must he have been among those latter races who first conceived the
notion of getting on his horse's back; accommodating his motions to
the beast's; and becoming a centaur; half…man; half…horse。 That
invention must have tended; in the first instance; as surely toward
democracy as did the invention of firearms。 A tribe of riders must
have been always; more or less; equal and free。 Equal because a man
on a horse would feel himself a man indeed; because the art of
riding called out an independence; a self…help; a skill; a
consciousness of power; a personal pride and vanity; which would
defy slavery。 Free; because a tribe of riders might be defeated;
exterminated; but never enchained。 They could never become gleboe
adscripti; bound to the soil; as long as they could take horse and
saddle; and away。 History gives us more than one glimpse of such
tribesthe scourge and terror of the non…riding races with whom
they came in contact。 Some; doubtless; remember how in the wars
between Alfred and the Danes; 〃the army〃 (the Scandinavian invaders)
again and again horse themselves; steal away by night from the Saxon
infantry; and ride over the land (whether in England or in France);
〃doing unspeakable evil。〃 To that special instinct of horsemanship;
which still distinguishes their descendants; we may attribute mainly
the Scandinavian settlement of the north and east of England。 Some;
too; may