the ancien regime-第6部分
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caused the law to be executed; they came to the relief of the weak;
they conducted the business of the community。 In proportion as they
ceased to do these things; the burden of their privileges appeared
more oppressive; and their existence became an anomaly in proportion
as they ceased to do these things。〃 And the Ancien Regime may be
defined as the period in which they ceased to do these thingsin
which they began to play the idlers; and expected to take their old
wages without doing their old work。
But in any case; government by a ruling caste; whether of the
patriarchal or of the feudal kind; is no ideal or permanent state of
society。 So far from it; it is but the first or second step out of
primeval savagery。 For the more a ruling race becomes conscious of
its own duty; and not merely of its own powerthe more it learns to
regard its peculiar gifts as entrusted to it for the good of menso
much the more earnestly will it labour to raise the masses below to
its own level; by imparting to them its own light; and so will it
continually tend to abolish itself; by producing a general equality;
moral and intellectual; and fulfil that law of self…sacrifice which
is the beginning and the end of all virtue。
A race of noblest men and women; trying to make all below them as
noble as themselvesthat is at least a fair ideal; tending toward;
though it has not reached; the highest ideal of all。
But suppose that the very opposite tendencyinherent in the heart
of every child of manshould conquer。 Suppose the ruling caste no
longer the physical; intellectual; and moral superiors of the mass;
but their equals。 Suppose themshameful; but not without example
actually sunk to be their inferiors。 And that such a fall did come…
…nay; that it must have comeis matter of history。 And its cause;
like all social causes; was not a political nor a physical; but a
moral cause。 The profligacy of the French and Italian
aristocracies; in the sixteenth century; avenged itself on them by a
curse (derived from the newly…discovered America) from which they
never recovered。 The Spanish aristocracy suffered; I doubt not very
severely。 The English and German; owing to the superior homeliness
and purity of ruling their lives; hardly at all。 But the
continental caste; instead of recruiting their tainted blood by
healthy blood from below; did all; under pretence of keeping it
pure; to keep it tainted by continual intermarriage; and paid; in
increasing weakness of body and mind; the penalty of their exclusive
pride。 It is impossible for anyone who reads the French memoirs of
the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; not to perceive; if he be
wise; that the aristocracy therein depicted was ripe for ruinyea;
already ruinedunder any form of government whatsoever; independent
of all political changes。 Indeed; many of the political changes
were not the causes but the effects of the demoralisation of the
noblesse。 Historians will tell you how; as early as the beginning
of the seventeenth century; Henry IV。 complained that the nobles
were quitting their country districts; how succeeding kings and
statesmen; notably Richelieu and Louis XIV。; tempted the noblesse up
to Paris; that they might become mere courtiers; instead of powerful
country gentlemen; how those who remained behind were only the poor
hobereaux; little hobby…hawks among the gentry; who considered it
degradation to help in governing the parish; as their forefathers
had governed it; and lived shabbily in their chateaux; grinding the
last farthing out of their tenants; that they might spend it in town
during the winter。 No wonder that with such an aristocracy; who had
renounced that very duty of governing the country; for which alone
they and their forefathers had existed; there arose government by
intendants and sub…delegates; and all the other evils of
administrative centralisation; which M。 de Tocqueville anatomises
and deplores。 But what was the cause of the curse? Their moral
degradation。 What drew them up to Paris save vanity and profligacy?
What kept them from intermarrying with the middle class save pride?
What made them give up the office of governors save idleness? And
if vanity; profligacy; pride; and idleness be not injustices and
moral vices; what are?
The race of heroic knights and nobles who fought under the walls of
Jerusalemwho wrestled; and not in vain; for centuries with the
equally heroic English; in defence of their native soilwho had set
to all Europe the example of all knightly virtues; had rotted down
to this; their only virtue left; as Mr。 Carlyle says; beinga
perfect readiness to fight duels。
Every Intendant; chosen by the Comptroller…General out of the lower…
born members of the Council of State; a needy young plebeian with
his fortune to make; and a stranger to the province; was; in spite
of his greed; ambition; chicane; arbitrary tyranny; a better man
abler; more energetic; and often; to judge from the pages of De
Tocqueville; with far more sympathy and mercy for the wretched
peasantrythan was the count or marquis in the chateau above; who
looked down on him as a roturier; and let him nevertheless become
first his deputy; and then his master。
Understand meI am not speaking against the hereditary principle of
the Ancien Regime; but against its caste principletwo widely
different elements; continually confounded nowadays。
The hereditary principle is good; because it is founded on fact and
nature。 If men's minds come into the world blank sheets of paper
which I much doubtevery other part and faculty of them comes in
stamped with hereditary tendencies and peculiarities。 There are
such things as transmitted capabilities for good and for evil; and
as surely as the offspring of a good horse or dog is likely to be
good; so is the offspring of a good man; and still more of a good
woman。 If the parents have any special ability; their children will
probably inherit it; at least in part; and over and above; will have
it developed in them by an education worthy of their parents and
themselves。 If man werewhat he is nota healthy and normal
species; a permanent hereditary caste might go on intermarrying; and
so perpetuate itself。 But the same moral reason which would make
such a caste dangerousindeed; fatal to the liberty and development
of mankind; makes it happily impossible。 Crimes and follies are
certain; after a few generations; to weaken the powers of any human
caste; and unless it supplements its own weakness by mingling again
with the common stock of humanity; it must sink under that weakness;
as the ancient noblesse sank by its own vice。 Of course there were
exceptions。 The French Revolution brought those exceptions out into
strong light; and like every day of judgment; divided between the
good and the evil。 But it lies not in exceptions to save a caste;
or an institution; and a few Richelieus; Liancourts; Rochefoucaulds;
Noailles; Lafayettes were but the storks among the cranes involved
in the wholesale doom due not to each individual; but to a system
and a class。
Profligacy; pride; idlenessthese are the vices which we have to
lay to the charge of the Teutonic Nobility of the Ancien Regime in
France especially; and (though in a less degree perhaps) over the
whole continent of Europe。 But below them; and perhaps the cause of
them all; lay another and deeper vicegodlessnessatheism。
I do not mean merely want of religion; doctrinal unbelief。 I mean
want of belief in duty; in responsibility。 Want of belief that
there was a living God governing the universe; who had set them
their work; and would judge them according to their work。 And
therefore; want of belief; yea; utter unconsciousness; that they
were set in their places to make the masses below them better men;
to impart to them their own civilisation; to raise them to their own
level。 They would have shrunk from that which I just now defined as
the true duty of an aristocracy; just because it would have seemed
to them madness to abolish themselves。 But the process of abolition
went on; nevertheless; only now from without instead of from within。
So it must always be; in such a case。 If a ruling class will not
try to raise the masses to their own level; the masses will try to
drag them down to theirs。 That sense of justice which allowed
privileges; when they were as strictly official privileges as the
salary of a judge; or the immunity of a member of the House of
Commons; when they were earned; as in the Middle Age; by severe
education; earnest labour; and life and death responsibility in
peace and war; will demand the abolition of those privileges; when
no work is done in return for them; with a voice which must be
heard; for it is the voice of truth and justice。
But with that righteous voice will mingle another; most wicked; and
yet; alas! most flattering to poor humanitythe voice of envy;
simple and undisguised; of envy; which moralists hold to be one of
the basest of human passions; which can never be justified; however
hateful or unworthy be the envied man。 And when a whole people; or
even a majority thereof; shall be possessed by that; what is there
that they will not do?
Some are surprised and puzzled when they find; in the French
Revolution of 1793; the noblest and the foulest characters labouring
in concert; and side by sideoften; too; paradoxical as it may
seem; united in the same personage。 The explanation is simple。
Justice inspired the one; the other was the child of simple envy。
But this passion of envy; if it becomes permanent and popular; may
avenge itself; like all other sins。 A nation may say to itself;
〃Provided we have no superiors to fall our pride; we are content。
Liberty is a slight matter; provided we have equality。 Let us be
slaves; provided we are all slaves alike。〃 It may destroy every
standard of hum