the ancien regime-第7部分
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slaves; provided we are all slaves alike。〃 It may destroy every
standard of humanity above its own mean average; it may forget that
the old ruling class; in spite of all its defects and crimes; did at
least pretend to represent something higher than man's necessary
wants; plus the greed of amassing money; never meeting (at least in
the country districts) any one wiser or more refined than an
official or a priest drawn from the peasant class; it may lose the
belief that any standard higher than that is needed; and; all but
forgetting the very existence of civilisation; sink contented into a
dead level of intellectual mediocrity and moral barbarism; crying;
〃Let us eat and drink; for to…morrow we die。〃
A nation in such a temper will surely be taken at its word。 Where
the carcase is; there the eagles will be gathered together; and
there will not be wanting to such nationsas there were not wanting
in old Greece and Romedespots who will give them all they want;
and more; and say to them: 〃Yes; you shall eat and drink; and yet
you shall not die。 For I; while I take care of your mortal bodies;
will see that care is taken of your immortal souls。〃
For there are those who have discovered; with the kings of the Holy
Alliance; that infidelity and scepticism are political mistakes; not
so much because they promote vice; as because they promote (or are
supposed to promote) free thought; who see that religion (no matter
of what quality) is a most valuable assistant to the duties of a
minister of police。 They will quote in their own behalf
Montesquieu's opinion that religion is a column necessary to sustain
the social edifice; they will quote; too; that sound and true saying
of De Tocqueville's: {1} 〃If the first American who might be met;
either in his own country; or abroad; were to be stopped and asked
whether he considered religion useful to the stability of the laws
and the good order of society; he would answer; without hesitation;
that no civilised society; but more especially none in a state of
freedom; can exist without religion。 Respect for religion is; in
his eyes; the greatest guarantee of the stability of the State; and
of the safety of the community。 Those who are ignorant of the
science of government; know that fact at least。〃
M。 de Tocqueville; when he wrote these words; was lamenting that in
France; 〃freedom was forsaken;〃 〃a thing for which it is said that
no one any longer cares in France。〃 He did not; it seems to me;
perceive that; as in America the best guarantee of freedom is the
reverence for a religion or religions; which are free themselves;
and which teach men to be free; so in other countries the best
guarantee of slavery is; reverence for religions which are not free;
and which teach men to be slaves。
But what M。 de Tocqueville did not see; there are others who will
see; who will say: 〃If religion be the pillar of political and
social order; there is an order which is best supported by a
religion which is adverse to free thought; free speech; free
conscience; free communion between man and God。 The more enervating
the superstition; the more exacting and tyrannous its priesthood;
the more it will do our work; if we help it to do its own。 If it
permit us to enslave the body; we will permit it to enslave the
And so may be inaugurated a period of that organised anarchy of
which the poet says:
It is not life; but death; when nothing stirs。
The degradation of the European nobility caused; of course; the
increase of the kingly power; and opened the way to central
despotisms。 The bourgeoisie; the commercial middle class; whatever
were its virtues; its value; its real courage; were never able to
stand alone against the kings。 Their capital; being invested in
trade; was necessarily subject to such sudden dangers from war;
political change; bad seasons; and so forth; that its holders;
however individually brave; were timid as a class。 They could never
hold out on strike against the governments; and had to submit to the
powers that were; whatever they were; under penalty of ruin。
But on the Continent; and especially in France and Germany; unable
to strengthen itself by intermarriage with the noblesse; they
retained that timidity which is the fruit of the insecurity of
trade; and had to submit to a more and more centralised despotism;
and grow up as they could; in the face of exasperating hindrances to
wealth; to education; to the possession; in many parts of France; of
large landed estates; leaving the noblesse to decay in isolated
uselessness and weakness; and in many cases debt and poverty。
The systemor rather anarchyaccording to which France was
governed during this transitional period; may be read in that work
of M。 de Tocqueville's which I have already quoted; and which is
accessible to all classes; through Mr。 H。 Reeve's excellent
translation。 Every student of history is; of course; well
acquainted with that book。 But as there is reason to fear; from
language which is becoming once more too common; both in speech and
writing; that the general public either do not know it; or have not
understood it; I shall take the liberty of quoting from it somewhat
largely。 I am justified in so doing by the fact that M。 de
Tocqueville's book is founded on researches into the French
Archives; which have been made (as far as I am aware) only by him;
and contains innumerable significant facts; which are to be found
(as far as I am aware) in no other accessible work。
The French peoplesays M。 de Tocquevillemade; in 1789; the
greatest effort which was ever made by any nation to cut; so to
speak; their destiny in halves; and to separate by an abyss that
which they had heretofore been; from that which they sought to
become hereafter。 But he had long thought that they had succeeded
in this singular attempt much less than was supposed abroad; and
less than they had at first supposed themselves。 He was convinced
that they had unconsciously retained; from the former state of
society; most of the sentiments; the habits; and even the opinions;
by means of which they had effected the destruction of that state of
things; and that; without intending it; they had used its remains to
rebuild the edifice of modern society。 This is his thesis; and this
he proves; it seems to me; incontestably by documentary evidence。
Not only does he find habits which we supposeor supposed till
latelyto have died with the eighteenth century; still living and
working; at least in France; in the nineteenth; but the new opinions
which we look on usually as the special children of the nineteenth
century; he shows to have been born in the eighteenth。 France; he
considers; is still at heart what the Ancien Regime made her。
He shows that the hatred of the ruling caste; the intense
determination to gain and keep equality; even at the expense of
liberty; had been long growing up; under those influences of which I
spoke in my first lecture。
He shows; moreover; that the acquiescence in a centralised
administration; the expectation that the government should do
everything for the people; and nothing for themselves; the
consequent loss of local liberties; local peculiarities; the
helplessness of the towns and the parishes: and all which issued in
making Paris France; and subjecting the whole of a vast country to
the arbitrary dictates of a knot of despots in the capital; was not
the fruit of the Revolution; but of the Ancien Regime which preceded
it; and that Robespierre and his 〃Comite de Salut Public;〃 and
commissioners sent forth to the four winds of heaven in bonnet rouge
and carmagnole complete; to build up and pull down; according to
their wicked will; were only handling; somewhat more roughly; the
same wires which had been handled for several generations by the
Comptroller…General and Council of State; with their provincial
〃Do you know;〃 said Law to the Marquis d'Argenson; 〃that this
kingdom of France is governed by thirty intendants? You have
neither parliament; nor estates; nor governors。 It is upon thirty
masters of request; despatched into the provinces; that their evil
or their good; their fertility or their sterility; entirely depend。〃
To do everything for the people; and let them do nothing for
themselvesthis was the Ancien Regime。 To be more wise and more
loving than Almighty God; who certainly does not do everything for
the sons of men; but forces them to labour for themselves by bitter
need; and after a most Spartan mode of education; who allows them to
burn their hands as often as they are foolish enough to put them
into the fire; and to be filled with the fruits of their own folly;
even though the folly be one of necessary ignorance; treating them
with that seeming neglect which is after all the most provident
care; because by it alone can men be trained to experience; self…
help; science; true humanity; and so become not tolerably harmless
dolls; but men and women worthy of the name; with
The reason firm; the temperate will;
Endurance; foresight; strength; and skill;
The perfect spirit; nobly planned
To cheer; to counsel; and command。
Such seems to be the education and government appointed for man by
the voluntatem Dei in rebus revelatum; and the education; therefore;
which the man of science will accept and carry out。 But the men of
the Ancien Regimein as far as it was a Regime at alltried to be
wiser than the Almighty。 Why not? They were not the first; nor
will be the last; by many who have made the same attempt。 So this
Council of State settled arbitrarily; not only taxes; and militia;
and roads; but anything and everything。 Its members meddled; with
their whole hearts and minds。 They tried to teach agriculture by
schools and pamphlets and prizes;