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into the power of the demons; he felt himself pushed and dragged amidst a
crowd of people who were all hurrying in the same direction。 As he was
unaccustomed to walk in the streets of a city; he was shoved and knocked
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from one passer to another like an inert mass; and being embarrassed by
the folds of his tunic; he was more than once on the point of falling。
Desirous of knowing where all these people could be going; he asked one
of them the cause of this hurry。
〃Do you not know; stranger;〃 replied he; 〃that the games are about to
begin; and that Thais will appear on the stage? All the citizens are going to
the theatre; and I also am going。 Would you like to accompany me?〃
It occurred to him at once that it would further his design to see Thais
in the games; and Paphnutius followed the stranger。 In front of them stood
the theatre; its portico ornamented with shining masks; and its huge
circular wall covered with innumerable statues。 Following the crowd; they
entered a narrow passage; at the end of which lay the amphitheatre;
glittering with light。 They took their places on one of the seats; which
descended in steps to the stage; which was empty but magnificently
decorated。 There was no curtain to hide the view; and on the stage was a
mound; such as used to be erected in old times to the shades of heroes。
This mound stood in the midst of a camp。 Lances were stacked in front of
the tents; and golden shields hung from masts; amidst boughs of laurel and
wreaths of oak。 On the stage all was silence; but a murmur like the
humming of bees in a hive rose from the vast hemicycle filled with
spectators。 All their faces; reddened by the reflection from the purple
awning which waved above them; turned with attentive curiosity towards
the large; silent stage; with its tomb and tents。 The women laughed and ate
lemons; and the regular theatre…goers called gaily to one another from their
Paphnutius prayed inwardly; and refrained from uttering any vain
words; but his neighbour began to complain of the decline of the drama。
〃Formerly;〃 he said; 〃clever actors used to declaim; under a mask; the
verses of Euripides and Menander。 Now they no longer recite dramas; they
act in dumb show; and of the divine spectacles with which Bacchus was
honoured in Athens; we have kept nothing but what a barbariana
Scythian evencould understandattitude and gesture。 The tragic mask;
the mouth of which was provided with metal tongues that increased the
sound of the voice; the cothurnus; which raised the actors to the height of
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gods; the tragic majesty and the splendid verses that used to be sung; have
all gone。 Pantomimists; and dancing girls with bare faces; have replaced
Paulus and Roscius。 What would the Athenians of the days of Pericles
have said if they had seen a woman on the stage? It is indecent for a
woman to appear in public。 We must be very degenerate to permit it。 It is
as certain as that my name is Dorion; that woman is the natural enemy of
man; and a disgrace to human kind。〃
〃You speak wisely;〃 replied Paphnutius; 〃woman is our worst enemy。
She gives us pleasure; and is to be feared on that account。〃
〃By the immovable gods;〃 cried Dorion; 〃it is not pleasure that woman
gives to man; but sadness; trouble; and black cares。 Love is the cause of
our most biting evils。 Listen; stranger。 When I was a young man I visited
Troezene; in Argolis; and I saw there a myrtle of a most prodigious size;
the leaves of which were covered with innumerable pinholes。 And this is
what the Troezenians say about that myrtle。 Queen Phaedra; when she was
in love with Hippolytos; used to recline idly all day long under this same
tree。 To beguile the tedium of her weary life she used to draw out the
golden pin which held her fair locks; and pierce with it the leaves of the
sweet…scented bush。 All the leaves were riddled with holes。 After she had
ruined the poor young man whom she pursued with her incestuous love;
Phaedra; as you know; perished miserably。 She locked herself up in her
bridal chamber; and hanged herself by her golden girdle from an ivory peg。
The gods willed that the myrtle; the witness of her bitter misery; should
continue to bear; in its fresh leaves; the marks of the pin…holes。 I picked
one of these leaves; and placed it at the head of my bed; that by the sight
of it I might take warning against the folly of love; and conform to the
doctrine of the divine Epicurus; my master; who taught that all lust is to be
feared。 But; properly speaking; love is a disease of the liver; and one is
never sure of not catching the malady。〃
Paphnutius asked 〃Dorion; what are your pleasures?〃
Dorion replied sadly
〃I have only one pleasure; and; it must be confessed; that it is not a
very exciting one; it is meditation。 When a man has a bad digestion; he
must not look for any others。〃
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Taking advantage of these words; Paphnutius proceeded to initiate the
Epicurean into those spiritual joys which the contemplation of God
procures。 He began
〃Hear the truth; Dorion; and receive the light。〃
But he saw then that all heads were turned towards him; and
everybody was making signs for him to be quiet。 Dead silence prevailed in
the theatre; broken at last by the strains of heroic music。
The play began。 The soldiers left their tents; and were preparing to
depart; when a prodigy occurreda cloud covered the summit of the
funeral pile。 Then the cloud rolled away; and the ghost of Achilles
appeared; clad in golden armour。 Extending his arms towards the warriors;
he seemed to say to them; 〃What! do you depart; children of Danaos? do
you return to the land I shall never behold again; and leave my tomb
without any offerings?〃 Already the principal Greek chieftains pressed to
the foot of the pile。 Acamas; the son of Theseus; old Nestor; Agamemnon;
bearing a sceptre and with a fillet on his brow; gazed at the prodigy。
Pyrrhus; the young son of Achilles; was prostrate in the dust。 Ulysses;
recognisable by the cap which covered his curly hair; showed by his
gestures that he acquiesced in the demand of the hero's shade。 He argued
with Agamemnon; and their words might be easily guessed
〃Achilles;〃 said the King of Ithaca; 〃is worthy to be honoured by us;
for he died gloriously for Hellas。 He demands that the daughter of Priam;
the virgin Polyxena; should be immolated on his tomb。 Greeks! appease
the manes of the hero; and let the son of Peleus rejoice in Hades。〃
But the king of kings replied
〃Spare the Trojan virgins we have torn from the altars。 Sufficient
misfortunes have already fallen on the illustrious race of Priam。〃
He spoke thus because he shared the couch of the sister of Polyxena;
and the wise Ulysses reproached him for preferring the couch of
Cassandra to the lance of Achilles。
The Greeks showed they shared the opinion of Ulysses; by loudly
clashing their weapons。 The death of Polyxena was resolved on; and the
appeased shade of Achilles vanished。 The musicsometimes wild and
sometimes plaintivefollowed the thoughts of the personages in the drama。
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The spectators burst into applause。
Paphnutius; who applied divine truth to everything murmured
〃This fable shows how cruel the worshippers of false gods were。〃
〃All religions breed crimes;〃 replied the Epicurean。 〃Happily; a Greek;
who was divinely wise; has freed men from foolish terrors of the
Just at that moment; Hecuba; her white hair dishevelled; her robe
tattered; came out of the tent in which she was kept captive。 A long sigh
went up from the audience; when her woeful figure appeared。 Hecuba had
been warned by a prophetic dream; and lamented her daughter's fate and
her own。 Ulysses approached her; and asked her to give up Polyxena。 The
old mother tore her hair; dug her nails into her cheeks; and kissed the
hands of the cruel chieftain; who; with unpitying calmness; seemed to say…
〃Be wise; Hecuba; and yield to necessity。 There are amongst us many
old mothers who weep for their children; now sleeping under the pines of
And Hecuba; formerly queen of the most flourishing city in Asia; and
now a slave; bowed her unhappy head in the dust。
Then the curtain in front of one of the tents was raised; and the virgin
Polyxena appeared。 A tremor passed through all the spectators。 They had
recognised Thais。 Paphnutius saw again the woman he had come to