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first across the continent-第61部分

小说: first across the continent 字数: 每页4000字

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Alkali; natural deposits of; 60。  Antelope; first seen; 29; how hunted; 69。  Assiniboins; at war with Sioux; 49;


Beaver; hunted as game; 70; Beaver Head; 143。  Big Dry River; 75。 Bismarck; N。 D。; 44。  Bitter Root Mountains; 147。  Black Cat; a Mandan chief; 342。  Boone; Daniel; 14。  Buffalo; first signs of; 16; hunt; 51; curious adventure with; 87; extermination of; 338。


Caches; how built; 98。  Calumet bird; 43。  Camas; edible root; 179。 Cameahwait; a Shoshonee chief; 157; Camp; first winter; 48; departure from; 57。  Candle…fish; 252。  Cannonball River; N。 D…; 43。 Captain Cook; 3。  Captain Gray; 3。  Captain Vancouver; 3。 Carroll; Mont。; 83。  Carver; Jonathan; 5。  Cascades of the Columbia; 262。  Cathedral Rocks; 90…92。 Cheyenne River; 40。 Chinook Indians; 208; some account of; 246。  Chouteau; a St。 Louis trader; 355。  Christmas (1804); 52; (1805); 240…

Clark; Captain; biographical notice Of; 7; general of militia; 359。 Clark's Fort; 48; river; 180…63; party overtaken by disaster; 142。 Clatsop Indians; some account Of; 248。  Clearwater River; 183。 Cloudburst; 116。  Columbia River; discovery Of; 4; portage to; 108; at the headwaters of; 148; at the entrance to; 194; great falls of; 202; the great chute Of; 215 et seq。  Comowol; a Columbia River Indian chief; 239。  Condor; a California variety; 256。  Council Bluffs; 19。 Cowas; an edible root; 278。  Coyote; described; 72。  Crow Indians; 24。

D Dalles; the; 266。  Dearborn River; 130。  Divide; on the great; 148; across the; 179。  Dog's flesh as an article of food; 24; 185…


Echeloot Indians; 210。  Elk; hunting of; 251。  Ermine; first seen; 49。 Expedition; Lewis and Clark's; 7; Organization of; 8; route of; 10; sets sail; 14。  〃Experiment;〃 failure of the boat; 124


Falls of the Missouri; 101; description of; 111 et seq。 Flathead Indians; 211。  Floyd's River; why so named; 23; Forks of the Missouri; 135。  Fort Clark; 48; Clatsop; 255。


Gallatin's fork of the Missouri; 135。  Gates of the Rocky Mountains; 132。 Goose…nests in trees; 61。  gray; Capt。; discoverer of the Columbia; 3。 Grizzly bear; first seen; 40; thrilling encounters with; 72; 76; 77; 105) 115; 315…


Horse…flesh eaten by the expedition; 77。  Hungry Creek; 178; 303…


Independence Day; celebration of (1805); 123; (180(i); 327。 Iowa Indians; 16。  Islands; White Bear; 110。


Jefferson; President Thomas; 2…4; his letters to Capt。 Lewis; 12; presents to; from Lewis and Clark; 55; welcome to Capt。 Lewis on return; 358; name given to fork of the Missouri; 135。  John Day's River; 203…


Klikitat River; 214; Kooskooskee River; 180。


Lewis; Capt。; biographical notice of; 6; 7; accidentally wounded; 341; announces his return; 358; Governor of Louisiana Territory; 359; his tragical death; 360。  Lewis and Clark; pursue separate routes across the Divide; 140; also on their return; 310; Lewis's River; 165。

Lewiston; Idaho; 185。  Ledyard; John; 4。  Lemhi River; 152。 Little Devils; hill Of; 23。  Louisiana Purchase; the; 1…2; divided into two territories; 360。


Madison; fork of the Missouri; 135。  Mandan Indians; 46 et seq。; religion of; 50。  Maria's River; 97。  Medicine River; 106。 Meriwether's Bay; 234。  Milk River; 74。  Minnetarees; at war with Sioux; 49; expedition has an encounter with; 318 et seq; Missouri River; Little; 60。  Missouri; the Upper; So; great falls of; 101; forks of; 135; at the headwaters Of; 147。  Mosquitoes; the great plague of; 126; 339。  Mount St。 Helen's; 198; Hood; 203。 Mouse River; source of; 60。  Multnomah (Willamette) River; 221; 259。 Musselshell River; 81。


Nez Perce Indians (Chopunnish); 180; some account of the; 186。 Noises; mysterious; 122。


Osage Indians; traditions of; 15。  Ottoes; council with; 20。


Pacific Ocean; first sight of the; 225。  Pawpaw fruit; 357。  Pemmican; 33。 Platte River as a boundary; 17; Porcupine River; 70。  Prairie dog; 29。

Q Quamash flats; 302。  Quicksand River; 220。


Rat; peculiar variety of; 121。  Rickarees; in the country of the; 40。  River; Little Missouri; to; Mouse; source of; 60; Yellowstone; 65; Porcupine; 70; Saskatchewan; 74; Milk; 74; Big Dry; 75; Upper Missouri; 80; Musselshell; 81; Slaughter; 88; Maria's; 97; Madison; 106; Columbia; portage to; 108; Smith's; 129; Dearborn; 130; Salmon; 152; Lemhi; 152; Lewis's; 165; Kooskooskee; 180; Clark's; 180; Clearwater; 183; Snake; 188; Yakima; 196; John Day'S; 203; Klikitat; 214 Quicksand; 220; Multnomah。  220。  Rocky Mountains; first sight of; 85; sheep; 85; gates of the; 132; farewell to the mountains; 335。  Rocks; Cathedral; 90…92。


St。 Louis; village of; 11; first post…office in; 359。 Sacajawea; joins the expedition; 48 stream named for her; 82; story of her capture; 138; finds her own people; 160; a tribute to her memory; 332。  Sage…brush; first seen; 62。  Saline County; Mo。; 16。 Salmon River; 152; City; Idaho; 165; abundance of fish; 194。 Salt; made from sea…water; 235 et seq。  Saskatchewan River; 74。 Shannon; the lost hunter; 143。  Shoshonees; first meeting with; 145 among the; 150 et seq。; some account of the; 171 et seq。 Sioux Indians; 27; Slaughter River; 88。  Smith's River; 128。

Snake River; 188; junction of the with Columbia; 190。 Sokulk Indians; some account of; 191 et seq。  Spirit Mound; 24。 Spring River; S。 D…; 42。  Stone…Idol Creek; legend Of; 42。 Sweat baths; Indian; 187; 298。


Tetons; in the country of; 33…38。 Three…thousand…mile Island; 331。 Tillamook Indians; 244。  Traveller's…rest Creek; 309。 Twisted…hair; an Indian chief; adventures with; 282 et seq。

U Umatilla; 271…


Vancouver; Capt…y 3…


Wahkiacum Indians; 224; Walla Walla; 271。  Wappatoo; edible root; 230 description of; 260。  Weocksockwillacums; 265。 Wharfington; commands return party to the U。 S。; 58。 White Bear Islands; 110; camp at; 114。  Whisky; Indian rejection of; 42。  Winter camp; first; 48; departure from; 57…


Yakima River; 196。  Yankton; S。 D。; 24。  Yellowstone River; 65; Capt。 Clark's descent of the; 327。  York; a negro servant; 41; 159。


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