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hesiod, the homeric hymns, and homerica-第6部分

小说: hesiod, the homeric hymns, and homerica 字数: 每页4000字

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The Epigrams of Homer

The 〃Epigrams of Homer〃 are derived from the pseudo…Herodotean 〃Life of Homer〃; but many of them occur in other documents such as the 〃Contest of Homer and Hesiod〃; or are quoted by various ancient authors。  These poetic fragments clearly antedate the 〃Life〃 itself; which seems to have been so written round them as to supply appropriate occasions for their composition。  Epigram iii on Midas of Larissa was otherwise attributed to Cleobulus of Lindus; one of the Seven Sages; the address to Glaucus (xi) is purely Hesiodic; xiii; according to MM。 Croiset; is a fragment from a gnomic poem。  Epigram xiv is a curious poem attributed on no very obvious grounds to Hesiod by Julius Pollox。  In it the poet invokes Athena to protect certain potters and their craft; if they will; according to promise; give him a reward for his song; if they prove false; malignant gnomes are invoked to wreck the kiln and hurt the potters。

The Burlesque Poems

To Homer were popularly ascribed certain burlesque poems in which Aristotle (〃Poetics〃 iv) saw the germ of comedy。  Most interesting of these; were it extant; would be the 〃Margites〃。  The hero of the epic is at once sciolist and simpleton; ‘knowing many things; but knowing them all badly'。  It is unfortunately impossible to trace the plan of the poem; which presumably detailed the adventures of this unheroic character: the metre used was a curious mixture of hexametric and iambic lines。  The date of such a work cannot be high: Croiset thinks it may belong to the period of Archilochus (c。 650 B。C。); but it may well be somewhat later。

Another poem; of which we know even less; is the 〃Cercopes〃。  These Cercopes (‘Monkey…Men') were a pair of malignant dwarfs who went about the world mischief…making。  Their punishment by Heracles is represented on one of the earlier metopes from Selinus。  It would be idle to speculate as to the date of this work。

Finally there is the 〃Battle of the Frogs and Mice〃。  Here is told the story of the quarrel which arose between the two tribes; and how they fought; until Zeus sent crabs to break up the battle。  It is a parody of the warlike epic; but has little in it that is really comic or of literary merit; except perhaps the list of quaint arms assumed by the warriors。  The text of the poem is in a chaotic condition; and there are many interpolations; some of Byzantine date。

Though popularly ascribed to Homer; its real author is said by Suidas to have been Pigres; a Carian; brother of Artemisia; ‘wife of Mausonis'; who distinguished herself at the battle of Salamis。

Suidas is confusing the two Artemisias; but he may be right in attributing the poem to about 480 B。C。

The Contest of Homer and Hesiod

This curious work dates in its present form from the lifetime or shortly after the death of Hadrian; but seems to be based in part on an earlier version by the sophist Alcidamas (c。 400 B。C。)。  Plutarch (〃Conviv。 Sept。 Sap。〃; 40) uses an earlier (or at least a shorter) version than that which we possess (18)。  The extant 〃Contest〃; however; has clearly combined with the original document much other ill…digested matter on the life and descent of Homer; probably drawing on the same general sources as does the Herodotean 〃Life of Homer〃。  Its scope is as follows: 1) the descent (as variously reported) and relative dates of Homer and Hesiod; 2) their poetical contest at Chalcis; 3) the death of Hesiod; 4) the wanderings and fortunes of Homer; with brief notices of the circumstances under which his reputed works were composed; down to the time of his death。

The whole tract is; of course; mere romance; its only values are 1) the insight it give into ancient speculations about Homer; 2) a certain amount of definite information about the Cyclic poems; and 3) the epic fragments included in the stichomythia of the 〃Contest〃 proper; many of which  did we possess the clue  would have to be referred to poems of the Epic Cycle。


(1)  sc。 in Boeotia; Locris and Thessaly: elsewhere the movement      was forced and unfruitful。 (2)  The extant collection of three poems; 〃Works and Days〃;      〃Theogony〃; and 〃Shield of Heracles〃; which alone have come      down to us complete; dates at least from the 4th century      A。D。: the title of the Paris Papyrus (Bibl。 Nat。 Suppl。 Gr。      1099) names only these three works。 (3)  〃Der Dialekt des Hesiodes〃; p。 464: examples are AENEMI (W。      and D。 683) and AROMENAI (ib。 22)。 (4)  T。W。 Allen suggests that the conjured Delian and Pythian      hymns to Apollo (〃Homeric Hymns〃 III) may have suggested      this version of the story; the Pythian hymn showing strong      continental influence。 (5)  She is said to have given birth to the lyrist Stesichorus。 (6)  See Kinkel 〃Epic。 Graec。 Frag。〃 i。 158 ff。 (7)  See 〃Great Works〃; frag。 2。 (8)  〃Hesiodi Fragmenta〃; pp。 119 f。 (9)  Possibly the division of this poem into two books is a      division belonging solely to this ‘developed poem'; which      may have included in its second part a summary of the Tale      of Troy。 (10) Goettling's explanation。 (11) x。 1。 52 (12) Odysseus appears to have been mentioned once only  and      that casually  in the 〃Returns〃。 (13) M。M。 Croiset note that the 〃Aethiopis〃 and the 〃Sack〃 were      originally merely parts of one work containing lays (the      Amazoneia; Aethiopis; Persis; etc。); just as the 〃Iliad〃      contained various lays such as the Diomedeia。 (14) No date is assigned to him; but it seems likely that he was      either contemporary or slightly earlier than Lesches。 (15) Cp。 Allen and Sikes; 〃Homeric Hymns〃 p。 xv。  In the text I      have followed the arrangement of these scholars; numbering      the Hymns to Dionysus and to Demeter; I and II respectively:      to place 〃Demeter〃 after 〃Hermes〃; and the Hymn to Dionysus      at the end of the collection seems to be merely perverse。 (16) 〃Greek Melic Poets〃; p。 165。 (17) This monument was returned to Greece in the 1980's。  DBK。 (18) Cp。 Marckscheffel; 〃Hesiodi fragmenta〃; p。 35。  The papyrus      fragment recovered by Petrie (〃Petrie Papyri〃; ed。 Mahaffy;      p。 70; No。 xxv。) agrees essentially with the extant      document; but differs in numerous minor textual points。


HESIOD。  The classification and numerations of MSS。 here followed is that of Rzach (1913)。  It is only necessary to add that on the whole the recovery of Hesiodic papyri goes to confirm the authority of the mediaeval MSS。  At the same time these fragments have produced much that is interesting and valuable; such as the new lines; 〃Works and Days〃 169 a…d; and the improved readings ib。 278; 〃Theogony〃 91; 93。  Our chief gains from papyri are the numerous and excellent fragments of the Catalogues which have been recovered。

〃Works and Days〃: 

S    Oxyrhynchus Papyri 1090。 A    Vienna; Rainer Papyri L。P。 21…9 (4th cent。)。 B    Geneva; Naville Papyri Pap。 94 (6th cent。)。 C    Paris; Bibl。 Nat。 2771 (11th cent。)。 D    Florence; Laur。 xxxi 39 (12th cent。)。 E    Messina; Univ。 Lib。 Preexistens 11 (12th…13th cent。)。 F    Rome; Vatican 38 (14th cent。)。 G    Venice; Marc。 ix 6 (14th cent。)。 H    Florence; Laur。 xxxi 37 (14th cent。)。 I    Florence; Laur。 xxxii 16 (13th cent。)。 K    Florence; Laur。 xxxii 2 (14th cent。)。 L    Milan; Ambros。 G 32 sup。 (14th cent。)。 M    Florence; Bibl。 Riccardiana 71 (15th cent。)。 N    Milan; Ambros。 J 15 sup。 (15th cent。)。 O    Paris; Bibl。 Nat。 2773 (14th cent。)。 P    Cambridge; Trinity College (Gale MS。); O。9。27 (13th…14th      cent。)。 Q    Rome; Vatican 1332 (14th cent。)。

These MSS。 are divided by Rzach into the following families; issuing from a common original: 

a = C b = F;G;H a = D b = I;K;L;M a = E b = N;O;P;Q


N    Manchester; Rylands GK。 Papyri No。 54 (1st cent。 B。C。 … 1st      cent。 A。D。)。 O    Oxyrhynchus Papyri 873 (3rd cent。)。 A    Paris; Bibl。 Nat。 Suppl。 Graec。 (papyrus) 1099 (4th…5th      cent。)。 B    London; British Museam clix (4th cent。)。 R    Vienna; Rainer Papyri L。P。 21…9 (4th cent。)。 C    Paris; Bibl。 Nat。 Suppl。 Graec。 663 (12th cent。)。 D    Florence; Laur。 xxxii 16 (13th cent。)。 E    Florence; Laur。; Conv。 suppr。 158 (14th cent。)。 F    Paris; Bibl。 Nat。 2833 (15th cent。)。 G    Rome; Vatican 915 (14th cent。)。 H    Paris; Bibl。 Nat。 2772 (14th cent。)。 I    Florence; Laur。 xxxi 32 (15th cent。)。 K    Venice; Marc。 ix 6 (15th cent。)。 L    Paris; Bibl。 Nat。 2708 (15th cent。)。

These MSS。 are divided into two families:

a = C;D b = E;F c = G;H;I  = K;L

〃Shield of Heracles〃: 

P    Oxyrhynchus Papyri 689 (2nd cent。)。 A    Vienna; Rainer Papyri L。P。 21…29 (4th cent。)。 Q    Berlin Papyri; 9774 (1st cent。)。 B    Paris; Bibl。 Nat。; Suppl。 Graec。 663 (12th cent。)。 C    Paris; Bibl。 Nat。; Suppl。 Graec。 663 (12th cent。)。 D    Milan; Ambros。 C 222 (13th cent。)。 E    Florence; Laur。 xxxii 16 (13th cent。)。 F    Paris; Bibl。 Nat。 2773 (14th cent。)。 G    Paris; Bibl。 Nat。 2772 (14th cent。)。 H    Florence; Laur。 xxxi 32 (15th cent。)。 I    London; British Museaum Harleianus (14th cent。)。 K    Rome; Bibl。 Casanat。 356 (14th cent。) L    Florence; Laur。 Conv。 suppr。 158 (14th cent。)。 M    Paris; Bibl。 Nat。 2833 (15th cent。)。

These MSS。 belong to two families:

a = B;C;D;F b = G;H;I a = E b = K;L;M

To these must be added two MSS。 of mixed family:

N    Venice; Marc。 ix 6 (14th cent。)。 O    Paris; Bibl。 Nat。 2708 (15th cent。)。

Editions of Hesiod: 

Demetrius Chalcondyles; Milan (?) 1493 (?) (〃editio princeps〃;      containing; however; only the 〃Works and Days〃)。 Aldus Manutius (Aldine edition); Venice; 1495 (complete works)。 Juntine Editions; 1515 and 1540。 Trincavelli; Venice; 1537 (with scholia)。

Of modern editions; the following may be noticed: 

Gaisford; Oxford; 1814…1820; Leipzig; 1823 (with scholia: in      Poett。 Graec。 Minn II)。 Goettling; Gotha; 1831 (3rd edition。  Leipzig; 1878)。 Didot Edition; Paris; 1840。 Schomann; 1869。 Koechly and Kinkel; Leipzig; 1870。 Flach; Leipzig; 1874…8。 Rzach; Leipzig; 1902 (larger edition); 1913 (smaller edition)。

On the Hesiodic poems generally the ordinary Histories of Greek Literature may be consulted; but especially the 〃Hist。 de la Litterature Grecque〃 I pp

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