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history of the impeachment of andrew johnson-第23部分

小说: history of the impeachment of andrew johnson 字数: 每页4000字

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You will transfer to Brevet Major General Lorenzo Thomas; Adjutant General of the army; who has this day been authorized and empowered to act as Secretary of War ad interim; all records。 books; papers; and other public property now in your custody and charge。

Respectfully yours; Andrew Johnson。 To the Hon。 Edwin M。 Stanton; Washington; D。 C。

Which order was unlawfully issued with intent then and there to violate the act entitled 〃An Act regulating the tenure of certain civil offices;〃 passed March 2d; 1867; and with the further intent contrary to the provisions of said act; in violation thereof; and contrary to the provisions of the Constitution of the United States; and without the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States; the said Senate then and there being in session; to remove said Edwin M。 Stanton from the office of Secretary for the Department of War; the said。 Edwin M。 Stanton being then and there Secretary for the Department of War; and being then and there in the due and lawful execution and discharge of the duties of said office; whereby said Andrew Johnson。 President of the United States; did then and there commit and was guilty of a high misdemeanor in office。


That on the said twenty…first of February; in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty…eight; at Washington; in the District of Columbia; said Andrew Johnson; President of the United States; unmindful of the high duties of his office; of his oath of office; and in violation of the Constitution of the United States; and contrary to the provisions of an act entitled 〃An act regulating the tenure of certain civil offices;〃 passed March second; eighteen hundred and sixty…seven; without the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States; said Senate then and there being in session; and without authority of law; did; with intent to violate the Constitution of the United States; and the act aforesaid; issue and deliver to one Lorenzo Thomas a letter of authority in substance as follows; that is to say:

Executive Mansion。 Washington; D。 C。; February 21; 1868。

Sir:The Hon。 Edwin M。 Stanton having been this day removed from office as Secretary for the Department of War; you are hereby authorized and empowered to act as Secretary of War ad interim; and will immediately enter upon the discharge of the duties pertaining to that office。

Mr。 Stanton has been instructed to transfer to you all the records; books; papers; and other public property now in his custody and charge。

Respectfully yours; Andrew Johnson。 To Brevet Major General Lorenzo Thomas。 Adjutant General U。 S。 Army; Washington; D。 C。

Then and there being no vacancy in said offce of Secretary for the Department of War; whereby said Andrew Johnson。 President of the United States; did then and there commit and was guilty of a high misdemeanor in office。


That said Andrew Johnson; President of the United States; on the twenty…first day of February; in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty…eight; at Washington; in the District of Columbia; did commit and was guilty of a high misdemeanor in office in this; that; without authority of law; while the Senate of the United States was then and there in session; he did appoint one Lorenzo Thomas to be Secretary for the Department of War ad interim; without the advice and consent of the Senate; and with intent to violate the Constitution of the United States; and no vacancy having happened in said office of Secretary for the Department of War during the recess of the Senate; and no vacancy existing in said office at the time; and which said appointment; so made by said Andrew Johnson; of said Lorenzo Thomas; is in substance as follows; that is to say:

Executive Mansion; Washington; D。 C。; Feb。 21; 1868。 Sir:The Hon。 Edwin M。 Stanton having been this day removed from office as Secretary for the Department of War; you are hereby authorized and empowered to act as Secretary of War ad interim; and will immediately enter upon the discharge of the duties pertaining to that office。

Mr。 Stanton; has been instructed to transfer to you all the records。 books; papers; and other public property now in his custody and charge。

Respectfully yours; Andrew Johnson。 To Brevet Major General Lorenzo Thomas; Adjutant General; U。 S。 Army; Washington; D。 C


That said Andrew Johnson; President of the United States; unmindful of the high duties of his office and of his oath of office; in violation of the Constitution and laws of the United States; on the twenty…first day of February; in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty…eight; at Washington; in the District of Columbia; did unlawfully conspire with one Lorenzo Thomas; and with other persons to the House of Representatives unknown; with intent; by intimidation and threats; unlawfully to hinder and prevent Edwin M。 Stanton; then and there the Secretary for the Department of War; duly appointed under the laws of the United Stales; from holding said office of Secretary for the Department of War; contrary to and in violation of the Constitution of the United States; and of the provisions of an act entitled 〃An act to define and punish certain conspiracies;〃 approved July thirty…first; eighteen hundred and sixty…one; whereby said Andrew Johnson; President of the United States; did then and there commit and was guilty of a high crime in office。


That said Andrew Johnson; President of the United States; unmindful of the high duties of his office and of his oath of office。 on the twenty…first day of February; in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty…eight; and on divers other days and times in said year; before the second day of March; in the year; of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty…eight; at Washington; in the District of Columbia; did unlawfully conspire with one Lorenzo Thomas; and with other persons to the House of Representatives unknown; to prevent and hinder the execution of an act entitled 〃An act regulating the tenure of certain civil offces;〃 passed March second; eighteen hundred and sixty…seven; and in pursuance of said conspiracy; did unlawfully attempt to prevent Edwin M。 Stanton; then and there being Secretary for the Department of War; duly appointed and commissioned under the laws of the United States; from holding said office; whereby the said Andrew Johnson; President of the Unite States; did then and there commit and was guilty of a high misdemeanor in office。


That said Andrew Johnson; President of the United States; unmindful of the high duties of his office and of his oath of office; on the twenty…first day of February; in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty…eight; at Washington; in the District of Columbia; did unlawfully conspire with one Lorenzo Thomas by force to seize; take and possess the property of the United States in the Department of War; and then and there in the custody and charge of Edwin M。 Stanton; Secretary for said Department; contrary to the provisions of an act entitled 〃An act to define and punish certain conspiracies;〃 approved July thirty…one; eighteen hundred and sixty one; and with intent to violate and disregard an act entitled 〃An act regulating the tenure of certain civil offices;〃 passed March second; eighteen hundred and sixty…seven; whereby said Andrew Johnson; President of the United States; did then and there commit a high crime in office。


That said Andrew Johnson; President of the United States; unmindful of the high duties of his office and of his oath of office; on the twenty…first day of February; in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty…eight; at Washington。 in the District of Columbia; did unlawfully conspire with one Lorenzo Thomas with intent unlawfully to seize; take; and possess the property of the United States in the Department of War; in the custody and charge of Edwin M。 Stanton Secretary for said Department; with intent to violate and disregard the act entitled 〃An act regulating the tenure of certain civil offices〃 passed March second; eighteen hundred and sixty…seven; whereby said Andrew Johnson; President of the United States; did then and there commit a high misdemeanor in office。


That said Andrew Johnson; President of the United States; unmindful of the high duties of his office and of his oath of office; with intent unlawfully to control the disbursements of the moneys appropriated for the military service and for the Department of War; on the twenty…first day of February; in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty…eight; at Washington; in the District of Columbia; did unlawfully and contrary to the provisions of an act entitled 〃An act regulating the tenure of certain civil offices;〃 passed March second; eighteen hundred and sixty…seven; and in violation of the Constitution of the United States; and without the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States; and while the Senate was then and there in session; there being no vacancy in the office of Secretary for the Department of War; and with intent to violate and disregard the act aforesaid; then and there issue and deliver to one Lorenzo Thomas a letter of authority in writing; in substance as follows; that is to say:

Executive Mansion; Washington; D。 C。; Feb。 21; 1868。

Sir:The Hon。 Edwin M。 Stanton having been this day removed from office as Secretary for the Department of War; you are hereby authorized and empowered to act as Secretary of War ad interim; and will immediately enter upon the discharge of the duties pertaining to that office。

Mr。 Stanton has been instructed to transfer to you all the records; books; papers; and other public property now in his custody and charge。

Respectfully yours; Andrew Johnson。 To Brevet Major General Lorenzo Thomas; Adjutant General; United States Army; Washington; D。 C。

Whereby said Andrew Johnson; President of the United States; did then and there commit and was guilty of a high misdemeanor in office。


That said Andrew Johnson; President of the United States。 on the twenty…second day of February; in the year of our Lord one thousand 

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