八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > on fistulae >


on fistulae-第2部分

小说: on fistulae 字数: 每页4000字

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medicine to the nose and provoke sneezing; and having moistened
pomegranate rind with hot water; and having powdered alum in white
wine; pour it on the gut; then apply rags; bind the thighs together
for three days; and let the patient fast; only he may drink sweet
wine。 If even thus matters do not proceed properly; having mixed
vermillion with honey; anoint。

  10。 If procidentia ani be attended with a discharge of blood; pare
off the rind of the root of wakerobin; then pound and mix flour with
it; and apply it warm as a cataplasm。 Another: Having scraped off
the rind of the most tender roots of the wild vine; which some call
psilothrion; boil in a dark austere wine undiluted; then having
pounded; apply as a tepid cataplasm; but mix also flour and stir it up
with white wine and oil in a tepid state。 Another:…Having pounded
the seed of hemlock; pour on it a fragrant white wine; and then
apply in a tepid state as a cataplasm。

  11。 But if it be inflamed; having boiled in water the root of me
ivy; finely powdered; and mixing the finest flour; and stirring it
up with white wine; apply as a cataplasm; and mix up some fat with
these things。 Another:…Take the root of the mandrake; especially the
green (fresh) root; but otherwise the dried; and having cleaned the
green root and cut it down; boil in diluted wine; and apply as a
cataplasm; but the dry may be pounded and applied as a cataplasm in
the manner。 Another:…Having bruised the inner part of a ripe
cucumber to a soft state; apply as a cataplasm。

  12。 If there be pain without inflammation; having roasted red
natron; and pounded it to a fine powder; and added alum and roasted
salts; finely triturated; mix together in equal proportions; then
having mixed it up with the best pitch and spread upon a rag; apply;
and bind。 Another:…Having pounded the green leaves of capers; put into
a bag and bind on the part; and when it appears to burn; take it
away and apply it afterward; or; if you have not the leaves of capers;
pound the rind of its roots; and having mixed it up with
dark…colored wine; bind on the part in the same manner。 This is a good
application also for pains of the spleen。 Of these poultices; those
which are cooling; stop the discharge; those which are emollient and
heating; discuss; and those which are attractive; dry up and
attenuate。 This disease is formed when bile and phlegm become seated
in the parts。 When the anus is inflamed; it should be anointed with
the ointment; the ingredients of which are resin; oil; wax;
plumbago; and suet; these being all melted and applied quite hot as
a cataplasm。

                                    THE END

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