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a christmas carol(圣诞赞歌)-第19部分

小说: a christmas carol(圣诞赞歌) 字数: 每页4000字

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idea of knocking Scrooge down with it; holding him; and calling to the
people in the court for help and a strait…waistcoat。   
     ‘A merry Christmas; Bob;' said Scrooge; with an earnestness that could
not be mistaken; as he clapped him on the back。 ‘A merrier Christmas;
Bob; my good fellow; than I have given you for many a year。 I'll raise your
salary; and endeavour to assist your struggling family; and we will discuss
your affairs this very afternoon; over a Christmas bowl of smoking bishop;
Bob。 Make up the fires; and buy another coal…scuttle before you dot
another i; Bob Cratchit。'                              
     Scrooge was better than his word。 He did it all; and infinitely more;
and to Tiny Tim; who did not die; he was a second father。 He became as
good a friend; as good a master; and as good a man; as the good old city
knew; or any other good old city; town; or borough; in the good old world。
Some people laughed to see the alteration in him; but he let them laugh;
and little heeded them; for he was wise enough to know that nothing ever
happened on this globe; for good; at which some people did not have their
fill of laughter in the outset; and knowing that such as these would be
blind anyway; he thought it quite as well that they should wrinkle up their
eyes in grins; as have the malady in less attractive forms。 His own heart

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                                          A CHRISTMAS CAROL
laughed: and that was quite enough for him。            
     He had no further intercourse with Spirits; but lived upon the Total
Abstinence Principle; ever afterwards; and it was always said of him; that
he knew how to keep Christmas well; if any man alive possessed the
knowledge。 May that be truly said of us; and all of us! And so; as Tiny Tim
observed; God bless Us; Every One!                     


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