八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > part18 >



小说: part18 字数: 每页4000字

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this country; on the practical demonstration it was about to exhibit;

of the happy truth that man is capable of self…government; and only

rendered otherwise by the moral degradation designedly superinduced

on him by the wicked acts of his tyrants。

        I have much confidence that we shall proceed successfully for

ages to come; and that; contrary to the principle of Montesquieu; it

will be seen that the larger the extent of country; the more firm its

republican structure; if founded; not on conquest; but in principles

of compact and equality。  My hope of its duration is built much on

the enlargement of the resources of life going hand in hand with the

enlargement of territory; and the belief that men are disposed to

live honestly; if the means of doing so are open to them。  With the

consolation of this belief in the future result of our labors; I have

that of other prophets who foretell distant events; that I shall not

live to see it falsified。  My theory has always been; that if we are

to dream; the flatteries of hope are as cheap; and pleasanter than

the gloom of despair。  I wish to yourself a long life of honors;

health and happiness。

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