八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the alkahest >


the alkahest-第29部分

小说: the alkahest 字数: 每页4000字

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Marguerite made him explain to her once more the legal points which

she did not at first understand。 It was certainly a novel sight to see

this pair of lovers poring over the Code; which Emmanuel had brought

with him to show his mistress the laws which protected the property of

minors; she quickly caught the meaning of them; thanks to the natural

penetration of women; which in this case love still further sharpened。

Gabriel came home to his father's house on the following day。 When

Monsieur de Solis brought him up to Balthazar and told of his

admission to the Ecole Polytechnique; the father thanked the professor

with a wave of his hand; and said:

〃I am very glad; Gabriel may become a man of science。〃

〃Oh; my brother;〃 cried Marguerite; as Balthazar went back to his

laboratory; 〃work hard; waste no money; spend what is necessary; but

practise economy。 On the days when you are allowed to go out; pass

your time with our friends and relations; contract none of the habits

which ruin young men in Paris。 Your expenses will amount to nearly

three thousand francs; and that will leave you a thousand francs for

your pocket…money; that is surely enough。〃

〃I will answer for him;〃 said Emmanuel de Solis; laying his hand on

his pupil's shoulder。

A month later; Monsieur Conyncks; in conjunction with Marguerite; had

obtained all necessary securities from Claes。 The plan so wisely

proposed by Emmanuel de Solis was fully approved and executed。 Face to

face with the law; and in presence of his cousin; whose stern sense of

honor allowed no compromise; Balthazar; ashamed of the sale of the

timber to which he had consented at a moment when he was harassed by

creditors; submitted to all that was demanded of him。 Glad to repair

the almost involuntary wrong that he had done to his children; he

signed the deeds in a preoccupied way。 He was now as careless and

improvident as a Negro who sells his wife in the morning for a drop of

brandy; and cries for her at night。 He gave no thought to even the

immediate future; and never asked himself what resources he would have

when his last ducat was melted up。 He pursued his work and continued

his purchases; apparently unaware that he was now no more than the

titular owner of his house and lands; and that he could not; thanks to

the severity of the laws; raise another penny upon a property of which

he was now; as it were; the legal guardian。

The year 1818 ended without bringing any new misfortune。 The sisters

paid the costs of Jean's education and met all the expenses of the

household out of the thirteen thousand francs a year from the sum

placed in the Grand…Livre in Gabriel's name; which he punctually

remitted to them。 Monsieur de Solis lost his uncle; the abbe; in

December of that year。

Early in January Marguerite learned through Martha that her father had

sold his collection of tulips; also the furniture of the front house;

and all the family silver。 She was obliged to buy back the spoons and

forks that were necessary for the daily service of the table; and

these she now ordered to be stamped with her initials。 Until that day

Marguerite had kept silence towards her father on the subject of his

depredations; but that evening after dinner she requested Felicie to

leave her alone with him; and when he seated himself as usual by the

corner of the parlor fireplace; she said:

〃My dear father; you are the master here; and can sell everything;

even your children。 We are ready to obey you without a murmur; but I

am forced to tell you that we are without money; that we have barely

enough to live on; and that Felicie and I are obliged to work night

and day to pay for the schooling of little Jean with the price of the

lace dress we are now making。 My dear father; I implore you to give up

your researches。〃

〃You are right; my dear child; in six weeks they will be finished; I

shall have found the Absolute; or the Absolute will be proved

undiscoverable。 You will have millions〃

〃Give us meanwhile the bread to eat;〃 replied Marguerite。

〃Bread? is there no bread here?〃 said Claes; with a frightened air。

〃No bread in the house of a Claes! What has become of our property?〃

〃You have cut down the forest of Waignies。 The ground has not been

cleared and is therefore unproductive。 As for your farms at Orchies;

the rents scarcely suffice to pay the interest of the sums you have


〃Then what are we living on?〃 he demanded。

Marguerite held up her needle and continued:

〃Gabriel's income helps us; but it is insufficient; I can make both

ends meet at the close of the year if you do not overwhelm me with

bills that I do not expect; for purchases you tell me nothing about。

When I think I have enough to meet my quarterly expenses some

unexpected bill for potash; or zinc; or sulphur; is brought to me。〃

〃My dear child; have patience for six weeks; after that; I will be

judicious。 My little Marguerite; you shall see wonders。〃

〃It is time you should think of your affairs。 You have sold

everything;pictures; tulips; plate; nothing is left。 At least;

refrain from making debts。〃

〃I don't wish to make any more!〃 he said。

〃Any more?〃 she cried; 〃then you have some?〃

〃Mere trifles;〃 he said; but he dropped his eyes and colored。

For the first time in her life Marguerite felt humiliated by the

lowering of her father's character; and suffered from it so much that

she dared not question him。

A month after this scene one of the Douai bankers brought a bill of

exchange for ten thousand francs signed by Claes。 Marguerite asked the

banker to wait a day; and expressed her regret that she had not been

notified to prepare for this payment; whereupon he informed her that

the house of Protez and Chiffreville held nine other bills to the same

amount; falling due in consecutive months。

〃All is over!〃 cried Marguerite; 〃the time has come。〃

She sent for her father; and walked up and down the parlor with hasty

steps; talking to herself:

〃A hundred thousand francs!〃 she cried。 〃I must find them; or see my

father in prison。 What am I to do?〃

Balthazar did not come。 Weary of waiting for him; Marguerite went up

to the laboratory。 As she entered she saw him in the middle of an

immense; brilliantly…lighted room; filled with machinery and dusty

glass vessels: here and there were books; and tables encumbered with

specimens and products ticketed and numbered。 On all sides the

disorder of scientific pursuits contrasted strongly with Flemish

habits。 This litter of retorts and vaporizers; metals; fantastically

colored crystals; specimens hooked upon the walls or lying on the

furnaces; surrounded the central figure of Balthazar Claes; without a

coat; his arms bare like those of a workman; his breast exposed; and

showing the white hair which covered it。 His eyes were gazing with

horrible fixity at a pneumatic trough。 The receiver of this instrument

was covered with a lens made of double convex glasses; the space

between the glasses being filled with alchohol; which focussed the

light coming through one of the compartments of the rose…window of the

garret。 The shelf of the receiver communicated with the wire of an

immense galvanic battery。 Lemulquinier; busy at the moment in moving

the pedestal of the machine; which was placed on a movable axle so as

to keep the lens in a perpendicular direction to the rays of the sun;

turned round; his face black with dust; and called out;

〃Ha! mademoiselle; don't come in。〃

The aspect of her father; half…kneeling beside the instrument; and

receiving the full strength of the sunlight upon his head; the

protuberances of his skull; its scanty hairs resembling threads of

silver; his face contracted by the agonies of expectation; the

strangeness of the objects that surrounded him; the obscurity of parts

of the vast garret from which fantastic engines seemed about to

spring; all contributed to startle Marguerite; who said to herself; in


〃He is mad!〃

Then she went up to him and whispered in his ear; 〃Send away


〃No; no; my child; I want him: I am in the midst of an experiment no

one has yet thought of。 For the last three days we have been watching

for every ray of sun。 I now have the means of submitting metals; in a

complete vacuum; to concentrated solar fires and to electric currents。

At this very moment the most powerful action a chemist can employ is

about to show results which I alone〃

〃My father; instead of vaporizing metals you should employ them in

paying your notes of hand〃

〃Wait; wait!〃

〃Monsieur Merkstus has been here; father; and he must have ten

thousand francs by four o'clock。〃

〃Yes; yes; presently。 True; I did sign a little note which is payable

this month。 I felt sure I should have found the Absolute。 Good God! If

I could only have a July sun the experiment would be successful。〃

He grasped his head and sat down on an old cane chair; a few tears

rolled from his eyes。

〃Monsieur is quite right;〃 said Lemulquinier; 〃it is all the fault of

that rascally sun which is too feeble;the coward; the lazy thing!〃

Master and valet paid no further attention to Marguerite。

〃Leave us; Mulquinier;〃 she said。

〃Ah! I see a new experiment!〃 cried Claes。

〃Father; lay aside your experiments;〃 said his daughter; when they

were alone。 〃You have one hundred thousand francs to pay; and we have

not a penny。 Leave your laboratory; your honor is in question。 What

will become of you if you are put in prison? Will you soil your white

hairs and the name of Claes with the disgrace of bankruptcy? I will

not allow it。 I shall have strength to oppose your madness; it would

be dreadful to see you without bread in your old age。 Open your eyes

to our position; see reason at last!〃

〃Madness!〃 cried Balthazar; struggling to his feet。 

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