八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the alkahest >


the alkahest-第35部分

小说: the alkahest 字数: 每页4000字

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Marguerite walked towards the door; saying:

〃Father; you must choose。〃

〃Ah! my daughter; you are very hard;〃 he replied; sitting down in an

armchair and allowing her to leave him。

The next morning; on coming downstairs; Marguerite learned from

Lemulquinier that Monsieur Claes had gone out。 This simple

announcement turned her pale; her face was so painfully significant

that the old valet remarked hastily:

〃Don't be troubled; mademoiselle; monsieur said he would be back at

eleven o'clock to breakfast。 He didn't go to bed all night。 At two in

the morning he was still standing in the parlor; looking through the

window at the laboratory。 I was waiting up in the kitchen; I saw him;

he wept; he is in trouble。 Here's the famous month of July when the

sun is able to enrich us all; and if you only would〃

〃Enough;〃 said Marguerite; divining the thoughts that must have

assailed her father's mind。

A phenomenon which often takes possession of persons leading sedentary

lives had seized upon Balthazar; his life depended; so to speak; on

the places with which it was identified; his thought was so wedded to

his laboratory and to the house he lived in that both were

indispensable to him;just as the Bourse becomes a necessity to a

stock…gambler; to whom the public holidays are so much lost time。 Here

were his hopes; here the heavens contained the only atmosphere in

which his lungs could breathe the breath of life。 This alliance of

places and things with men; which is so powerful in feeble natures;

becomes almost tyrannical in men of science and students。 To leave his

house was; for Balthazar; to renounce Science; to abandon the Problem;

it was death。

Marguerite was a prey to anxiety until the breakfast hour。 The former

scene in which Balthazar had meant to kill himself came back to her

memory; and she feared some tragic end to the desperate situation in

which her father was placed。 She came and went restlessly about the

parlor; and quivered every time the bell or the street…door sounded。

At last Balthazar returned。 As he crossed the courtyard Marguerite

studied his face anxiously and could see nothing but an expression of

stormy grief。 When he entered the parlor she went towards him to bid

him good…morning; he caught her affectionately round the waist;

pressed her to his heart; kissed her brow; and whispered;

〃I have been to get my passport。〃

The tones of his voice; his resigned look; his feeble movements;

crushed the poor girl's heart; she turned away her head to conceal her

tears; and then; unable to repress them; she went into the garden to

weep at her ease。 During breakfast; Balthazar showed the cheerfulness

of a man who had come to a decision。

〃So we are to start for Bretagne; uncle;〃 he said to Monsieur

Conyncks。 〃I have always wished to go there。〃

〃It is a place where one can live cheaply;〃 replied the old man。

〃Is our father going away?〃 cried Felicie。

Monsieur de Solis entered; bringing Jean。

〃You must leave him with me to…day;〃 said Balthazar; putting his son

beside him。 〃I am going away to…morrow; and I want to bid him good…


Emmanuel glanced at Marguerite; who held down her head。 It was a

gloomy day for the family; every one was sad; and tried to repress

both thoughts and tears。 This was not an absence; it was an exile。 All

instinctively felt the humiliation of the father in thus publicly

declaring his ruin by accepting an office and leaving his family; at

Balthazar's age。 At this crisis he was great; while Marguerite was

firm; he seemed to accept nobly the punishment of faults which the

tyrannous power of genius had forced him to commit。 When the evening

was over; and father and daughter were again alone; Balthazar; who

throughout the day had shown himself tender and affectionate as in the

first years of his fatherhood; held out his hand and said to

Marguerite with a tenderness that was mingled with despair;

〃Are you satisfied with your father?〃

〃You are worthy of HIM;〃 said Marguerite; pointing to the portrait of

Van Claes。

The next morning Balthazar; followed by Lemulquinier; went up to the

laboratory; as if to bid farewell to the hopes he had so fondly

cherished; and which in that scene of his toil were living things to

him。 Master and man looked at each other sadly as they entered the

garret they were about to leave; perhaps forever。 Balthazar gazed at

the various instruments over which his thoughts so long had brooded;

each was connected with some experiment or some research。 He sadly

ordered Lemulquinier to evaporate the gases and the dangerous acids;

and to separate all substances which might produce explosions。 While

taking these precautions; he gave way to bitter regrets; like those

uttered by a condemned man before going to the scaffold。

〃Here;〃 he said; stopping before a china capsule in which two wires of

a voltaic pile were dipped; 〃is an experiment whose results ought to

be watched。 If it succeedsdreadful thought!my children will have

driven from their home a father who could fling diamonds at their

feet。 In a combination of carbon and sulphur;〃 he went on; speaking to

himself; 〃carbon plays the part of an electro…positive substance; the

crystallization ought to begin at the negative pole; and in case of

decomposition; the carbon would crop into crystals〃

〃Ah! is that how it would be?〃 said Lemulquinier; contemplating his

master with admiration。

〃Now here;〃 continued Balthazar; after a pause; 〃the combination is

subject to the influence of the galvanic battery; which may act〃

〃If monsieur wishes; I can increase its force。〃

〃No; no; leave it as it is。 Perfect stillness and time are the

conditions of crystallization〃

〃Confound it; it takes time enough; that crystallization;〃 cried the

old valet impatiently。

〃If the temperature goes down; the sulphide of carbon will

crystallize;〃 said Balthazar; continuing to give forth shreds of

indistinct thoughts which were parts of a complete conception in his

own mind; 〃but if the battery works under certain conditions of which

I am ignorantit must be watched carefullyit is quite possible

that Ah! what am I thinking of? It is no longer a question of

chemistry; my friend; we are to keep accounts in Bretagne。〃

Claes rushed precipitately from the laboratory; and went downstairs to

take a last breakfast with his family; at which Pierquin and Monsieur

de Solis were present。 Balthazar; hastening to end the agony Science

had imposed upon him; bade his children farewell and got into the

carriage with his uncle; all the family accompanying him to the

threshold。 There; as Marguerite strained her father to her breast with

a despairing pressure; he whispered in her ear; 〃You are a good girl;

I bear you no ill…will〃; then she darted through the court…yard into

the parlor; and flung herself on her knees upon the spot where her

mother had died; and prayed to God to give her strength to accomplish

the hard task that lay before her。 She was already strengthened by an

inward voice; sounding in her heart the encouragement of angels and

the gratitude of her mother; when her sister; her brother; Emmanuel;

and Pierquin came in; after watching the carriage until it



〃And now; mademoiselle; what do you intend to do!〃 said Pierquin。

〃Save the family;〃 she answered simply。 〃We own nearly thirteen

hundred acres at Waignies。 I intend to clear them; divide them into

three farms; put up the necessary buildings; and then let them。 I

believe that in a few years; with patience and great economy; each of

us;〃 motioning to her sister and brother; 〃will have a farm of over

four…hundred acres; which may bring in; some day; a rental of nearly

fifteen thousand francs。 My brother Gabriel will have this house; and

all that now stands in his name on the Grand…Livre; for his portion。

We shall then be able to redeem our father's property and return it to

him free from all encumbrance; by devoting our incomes; each of us; to

paying off his debts。〃

〃But; my dear cousin;〃 said the lawyer; amazed at Marguerite's

understanding of business and her cool judgment; 〃you will need at

least two hundred thousand francs to clear the land; build your

houses; and purchase cattle。 Where will you get such a sum?〃

〃That is where my difficulties begin;〃 she said; looking alternately

at Pierquin and de Solis; 〃I cannot ask it from my uncle; who has

already spent much money for us and has given bonds as my father's


〃You have friends!〃 cried Pierquin; suddenly perceiving that the

demoiselles Claes were 〃four…hundred…thousand…franc girls;〃 after all。

Emmanuel de Solis looked tenderly at Marguerite。 Pierquin;

unfortunately for himself; was a notary still; even in the midst of

his enthusiasm; and he promptly added;

〃I will lend you these two hundred thousand francs。〃

Marguerite and Emmanuel consulted each other with a glance which was a

flash of light to Pierquin; Felicie colored highly; much gratified to

find her cousin as generous as she desired him to be。 She looked at

her sister; who suddenly guessed the fact that during her absence the

poor girl had allowed herself to be caught by Pierquin's meaningless


〃You shall only pay me five per cent interest;〃 went on the lawyer;

〃and refund the money whenever it is convenient to do so; I will take

a mortgage on your property。 And don't be uneasy; you shall only have

the outlay on your improvements to pay; I will find you trustworthy

farmers; and do all your business gratuitously; so as to help you like

a good relation。〃

Emmanuel made Marguerite a sign to refuse the offer; but she was too

much occupied in studying the changes of her sister's face to perceive

it。 After a slight pause; she looked at the notary with an amused

smile; and answered o

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