the yellow god-第16部分
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thing and another my head is swimminglike Little Bonsa in the
〃Big Bonsa swim in water;〃 interrupted Jeekie。 〃Little Bonsa swim in
gold tub。〃
〃Well; Big Bonsa; or Little Bonsa; I don't care which。 I'm going to
bed and you had better clear away these things and do the same。 But;
Jeekie; if you say a word of our talk to anyone; I shall be very
angry。 Do you understand?〃
〃Yes; Major; I understand。 I understand that if I tell secrets of
Little Bonsa to anyone except you with whom she live in strange land
far away from home; Little Bonsa come at me like one lion; and cut my
throat。 No fear Jeekie split on Little Bonsa; oh! no fear at all;〃 and
still shaking his head solemnly; for the second time he seized the
cold mutton and vanished from the room。
〃A farrago of superstitious nonsense;〃 thought Alan to himself when he
had gone。 〃But still there may be something to be made out of it。
Evidently there is lots of gold in this Asiki country; if only one can
persuade the people to deal。〃
Then weary of Jeekie and his tribal gods; Alan lit his pipe and sat a
while thinking of Barbara and all the events of that tumultuous day。
Notwithstanding his rebuff at the hands of Mr。 Haswell and the
difficulties and dangers which threatened; he felt even then that it
had been a happy and a fortunate day。 For had he not discovered that
Barbara loved him with all her heart and soul as he loved Barbara? And
as this was so; he did not care aLittle Bonsa about anything else。
The future must look to itself; sufficient to the day was the abiding
joy thereof。
So he went to bed and for a while to sleep; but he did not sleep very
long; for presently he fell to dreaming; something about Big Bonsa and
Little Bonsa which sat; or rather floated on either side of his couch
and held an interminable conversation over him; while Jeekie and Sir
Robert Aylward; perched respectively at its head and its foot; like
the symbols of the good and evil genii on a Mahommedan tomb; acted as
a kind of insane chorus。 He struck his repeater; it was only one
o'clock; so he tried to go to sleep again; but failed utterly。 Never
had he been more painfully awake。
For an hour or more Alan persevered; then at last in despair he jumped
out of bed wondering what he could do to occupy his mind。 Suddenly he
remembered the diary of his uncle; the Rev。 Mr。 Austin; which he had
inherited with the Yellow God and a few other possessions; but never
examined。 They had been put away in a box in the library about fifteen
years before; just at the time he entered the army; and there
doubtless they remained。 Well; as he could not sleep; why should he
not examine them now; and thus get through some of this weary night?
He lit a candle and went down to the library; an ancient and beautiful
apartment with black oak panelling between the bookcases; set there in
the time of Elizabeth。 In this panelling there were cupboards; and in
one of the cupboards was the box he sought; made of teak wood。 On its
lid was painted; 〃The Reverend Henry Austin。 Passenger to Acra;〃
showing that it had once been his uncle's cabin box。 The key hung from
the handle; and having lit more candles; Alan drew it out and unlocked
it; to be greeted by a smell of musty documents done up in great
bundles。 One by one he placed them on the floor。 It was a dreary
occupation alone there in that great; silent room at the dead of
night; one indeed with which he was soon satisfied; for somehow it
reminded him of rifling coffins in a vault。 Before him so carefully
put away lay the records of a good if not a distinguished life; and
until this moment he had never found the energy even to look through
At length he came to the end of the bundles and saw that beneath lay a
number of manuscript books packed closely with their backs upwards;
marked〃Journal〃and with the year and sometimes the place of the
author's residence。 As he glanced at them in dismay; for they were
many; his eye caught the title of one inscribedas were several
others〃West Africa;〃 and written in brackets beneath〃This vol。
contains all that is left of the notes of my escape with Jeekie from
the Asiki Devil…worshippers。〃
Alan drew it out; and having refilled and closed the box; bore it off
to his room; where he proceeded to read it in bed。 As a matter of fact
he found that there was not very much to read; for the reason that
most of the closely…written volume had been so damaged by water; that
the pencilled writing had run and become utterly illegible。 The centre
pages; however; not having been soaked; could still be deciphered; at
any rate in part; also there was a large manuscript map; executed in
ink; apparently at a later date; on the back of which was written: 〃I
purpose; D。V。; to re…write at some convenient time all the history of
my visit to the unknown Asiki people; as my original notes were
practically destroyed when the canoe overset in the rapids and most of
our few possessions were lost; except this book and the gold fetish
mask which is called Little Bonsa or Small Swimming Head。 This I think
I can do with the aid of Jeekie from memory; but as the matter has
only a personal and no religious interest; seeing that I was not able
even to preach the Word among those benighted and blood…thirsty
savages in whose country; as I verily believe; the Devil has one of
his principal habitations; it must stand over till a convenient
season; such as the time of old age or sickness。 H。A。〃
〃P。S。 I ought to add with gratitude that even out of this hell fire I
was enabled to snatch one brand from the burning; namely; the negro
lad; Jeekie; to whose extraordinary resource and faithfulness I owe my
escape。 After a long hesitation I have been able to baptize him;
although I fear that the taint of heathenism still clings to him。 Thus
not six months ago I caught him sacrificing a white cock to the image;
Little Bonsa; in gratitude; as to my horror he explained; for my
having been appointed an Honorary Canon of the Cathedral。 I have told
him to take that ugly mask which has been so often soaked in human
blood; and melt it down over the kitchen stove; after picking out the
gems in the eyes; that the proceeds may be given to the poor。 /Note。/
I had better see to this myself; as where Little Bonsa is concerned;
Jeekie is not to be trusted。 He says (with some excuse) that it has
magic; and that if he melts it down; he will melt down too; and so
shall I。 How dark and ridiculous are the superstitions of the heathen!
Perhaps; however; instead of destroying the thing; which is certainly
unique; I might sell it to a museum; and thus spare the feelings of
that weak vessel; Jeekie; who otherwise would very likely take it into
his head to waste away and die; as these Africans do when their nerves
are affected by terror of their fetish。〃
Reflecting that time evidently had made little change in Jeekie; Alan
studied this route map with care; and found that it started from Old
Calabar; in the Bight of Biafra; on the west coast of Africa; whence
it ran up to the Great Qua River; which it followed for a long way。
Then it struck across country marked 〃dense forest;〃 northwards; and
came to a river called Katsena; along the banks of which the route
went eastwards。 Thence it turned northward again through swamps; and
ended in mountains called Shaku。 In the middle of these mountains was
written 〃Asiki People live here on Raaba River。〃
The map was roughly drawn to scale; and Alan; who was an engineer
accustomed to such things; easily calculated that the distance of this
Raaba River from Old Calabar was about 350 miles as the crow flies;
though probably the actual route to be travelled was nearer five
hundred miles。
Having mastered the map; he opened the water…soaked diary。 Turning
page after page; only here and there could he make out a sentence;
such as 〃so I defied that beautiful but terrific woman。 I; a Christian
minister; the husband of a heathen priestess! Perish the thought。
Sooner would I be sacrificed to Bonsa。〃
Then came more illegible pages and again a paragraph that could be
read〃They gave me 'The Bean' in a gold cup; and knowing its deadly
nature I prepared myself for death。 But happily for me my stomach;
always delicate; rejected it at once; though I felt queer for days
afterwards。 Whereon they clapped their hands and said I was evidently
innocent and a great medicine man。〃
And again; further on〃never did I see so much gold whether in dust;
nuggets; or worked articles。 I imagine it must be worth millions; but
at that time gold was the last thing with which I wished to trouble
After this entry many pages were utterly effaced。
The last legible passage ran as follows〃So guided by the lad Jeekie;
and wearing the gold mask; Little Bonsa; on my head; I ran through
them all; holding him by the hand as though I were dragging him away。
A strange spectacle I must have been with my old black clergyman's
coat buttoned about me; my naked legs and the gold mask; as pretending
to be a devil such as they worship; I rushed through them in the
moonlight; blowing the whistle in the mask and bellowing like a bull。
。 。 。 Such was the beginning of my dreadful six months' journey to the
coast。 Setting aside the mercy of Providence that preserved me for its
own purposes; I could never have lived to reach it had it not been for
Little Bonsa; since curiously enough I found this fetish known and
dreaded for hundreds of miles; and that by people who had never seen
it; yes; even by the wild cannibals。 Whenever it was produced food;
bearers; canoes; or whatever else I might want were forthcoming as
though by magic。 Great is the fame of Big and Little Bonsa in all that
part of West Africa; although; strange as it may seem; the outlying
tribes seldom mention them by name。 If they must speak of either of
these images which are supposed to be man and wife; they call it the
Not another word of all this strange history could Alan decipher; so
with aching eyes he shut up the stained and tattered volume; and at
last; just as the day was breaking; fell asleep。
At eleven o'clock on