八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the yellow god >


the yellow god-第35部分

小说: the yellow god 字数: 每页4000字

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Meanwhile Jeekie gave her one of the robes which the Asika had
provided for Alan; also various articles which she desired and; having
learned Fahni's message by heart and announced that she considered
herself his affianced bride; the gaunt old creature departed happy
enough after exchanging embraces with her long lost son。

〃She will tell somebody all about it and we shall only get our throats
cut;〃 said Alan wearily; for the whole thing seemed to him a foolish

〃No; no; Major。 I make her swear not split on ghosts of all her
husbands and by Big Bonsa hisself。 She sit tight as wax; because she
think they haunt her if she don't and I too by and by when I dead。
P'raps she get to Ogula country and p'raps not。 If she don't; can't
help it and no harm done。 Break my heart; but only one old woman less。
Anyhow she hold tongue; that main point; and I really very glad find
my ma; who never hoped to see again。 Heaven very kind to Jeekie; give
him back to family bosom;〃 he added; unctuously。

That day there were no excitements; and to Alan's intense relief he
saw nothing of the Asika。 After its orgy of witchcraft and bloodshed
on the previous night; weariness and silence seemed to have fallen
upon the town。 At any rate no sound came from it that could be heard
above the low; constant thunder of the great waterfall rushing down
its precipice; and in the cedar…shadowed garden where Alan walked till
he was weary; attended by Jeekie and the Ogula savages; not a soul was
to be seen。

On the following morning; when he was sitting moodily in his room; two
priests came to conduct him to the Asika。 Having no choice; followed
by Jeekie; he accompanied them to her house; masked as usual; for
without this hateful disguise he was not allowed to stir。 He found her
lying upon a pile of cushions in a small room that he had never seen
before; which was better lighted than most in that melancholy abode;
and seemed to serve as her private chamber。 In front of her lay the
skin of the lion that he had sent as a present; and about her throat
hung a necklace made of its claws; heavily set in gold; with which she
was playing idly。

At the opening of the door she looked up with a swift smile that
turned to a frown when she saw that he was followed by Jeekie。

〃Say; Vernoon;〃 she asked in her languorous voice; 〃can you not stir a
yard without that ugly black dog at your heels? Do you bring him to
protect your back? If so; what is the need? Have I not sworn that you
are safe in my land?〃

Alan made Jeekie interpret this speech; then answered that the reason
was that he knew but little of her tongue。

〃Can I not teach it to you alone; then; without this low fellow
hearing all my words? Well; it will not be for long;〃 and she looked
at Jeekie in a way that made him feel very uncomfortable。 〃Get behind
us; dog; and you; Vernoon; come sit on these cushions at my side。 Nay;
not there; I said upon the cushionsso。 Now I will take off that ugly
mask of yours; for I would look into your eyes。 I find them pleasant;
Vernoon;〃 and without waiting for his permission; she sat up and did
so。 〃Ah!〃 she went on; 〃we shall be happy when we are married; shall
we not? Do not be afraid; Vernoon; I will not eat out your heart as I
have those of the men that went before you。 We will live together
until we are old; and die together at last; and together be born
again; and so on and on till the end which even I cannot foresee。 Why
do you not smile; Vernoon; and say that you are pleased; and that you
will be happy with me who loved you from the moment that my eyes fell
upon you in sleep? Speak; Vernoon; lest I should grow angry with you。〃

〃I don't know what to say;〃 answered Alan despairingly through Jeekie;
〃the honour is too great for me; who am but a wandering trader who
came here to barter Little Bonsa against the gold I need〃to support
my wife and family; he was about to add; then remembering that this
statement might not be well received; substituted; 〃to support my old
parents and eight brothers and sisters who are dependent upon me; and
remain hungry until I return to them。〃

〃Then I think they will remain hungry a long time; Vernoon; for while
I live you shall never return。 Much as I love you I would kill you
first;〃 and her eyes glittered as she said the words。 〃Still;〃 she
added; noting the fall in his face; 〃if it is gold that they need; you
shall send it them。 Yes; my people shall take all that I gave you down
to the coast; and there it can be put in a big canoe and carried
across the water。 See to the packing of the stuff; you black dog;〃 she
said to Jeekie over her shoulder; 〃and when it is ready I will send it

Alan began to thank her; though he thought it more than probable that
even if she kept her word; this bullion would never get to Old
Calabar; and much less to England。 But she waived the matter aside as
one in which she was not interested。

〃Tell me;〃 she asked; 〃would you have me other than I am? First; do
you think me beautiful?〃

〃Yes;〃 answered Alan honestly; 〃very beautiful when you are quiet as
now; not when you are dancing as you did the other night without your

When she understood what he meant the Asika actually blushed a little。

〃I am sorry;〃 she answered in a voice that for her was quite humble。
〃I forget that it might seem strange in your eyes。 It has always been
the custom for the Asika to do as I did at feasts and sacrifices; but
perhaps that is not the fashion among your women; perhaps they always
remain veiled; as I have heard the worshippers of the Prophet do; and
therefore you thought me immodest。 I am very; very sorry; Vernoon。 I
pray you to forgive me who am ignorant and only do what I have been

〃Yes; they always remain veiled;〃 stammered Alan; though he was not
referring to their faces; and as the words passed his lips he wondered
what the Asika would think if she could see a ballet at a London

〃Is there anything else wrong?〃 she went on gently。 〃If so; tell me
that I may set it right。〃

〃I do not like cruelty or sacrifices; O Asika。 I have told you that
bloodshed is /orunda/ to me; and at the feast those men were poisoned
and you mocked them in their pain; also many others were taken away to
be killed for no crime。〃

She opened her beautiful eyes and stared at him; answering:

〃But; Vernoon; all this is not my fault; they were sacrifices to the
gods; and if I did not sacrifice; I should be sacrificed by the
priests and wizards who live to sacrifice。 Yes; myself I should be
made to drink the poison and be mocked at while I died like a snake
with a broken back。 Or even if I escaped the vengeance of the people;
the gods themselves would kill me and raise up another in my place。 Do
they not sacrifice in your country; Vernoon?〃

〃No; Asika; they fight if necessary and kill those who commit murder。
But they have no fetish that asks for blood; and the law they have
from heaven is a law of mercy。〃

She stared at him again。

〃All this is strange to me;〃 she said。 〃I was taught otherwise。 Gods
are devils and must be appeased; lest they bring misfortune on us; men
must be ruled by terror; or they would rebel and pull down the great
House; doctors must learn magic; or how could they avert spells?
wizards must be killed; or the people would perish in their net。 May
not we who live in a hell; strive to beat back its flame with the
wisdom our forefathers have handed on to us? Tell me; Vernoon; for I
would know。〃

〃You make your own hell;〃 answered Alan when with the help of Jeekie
he understood her talk。

She pondered over his words for a while; then said:

〃I must think。 The thing is big。 I wander in blackness; I will speak
with you again。 Say now; what else is wrong with me?〃

Now Alan thought that he saw opportunity for a word in season and made
a great mistake。

〃I think that you treat your husband; that man whom you call Mungana;
very badly。 Why should you drive him to his death?〃

At these words the Asika leapt up in a rage; and seeking something to
vent her temper on; violently boxed Jeekie's ears and kicked him with
her sandalled foot。

〃The Mungana!〃 she exclaimed; 〃that beast! What have I to do with him?
I hate him; as I hated the others。 The priests thrust him on me。 He
has had his day; let him go。 In your country do they make women live
with men whom they loathe? I love /you/; Bonsa himself knows why?
Perhaps because you have a white skin and white thoughts。 But I hate
that man。 What is the use of being Asika if I cannot take what I love
and reject what I hate? Go away; Vernoon; go away; you have angered
me; and if it were not for what you have said about that new law of
mercy; I think that I would cut your throat;〃 and again she boxed
Jeekie's ears and kicked him in the shins。

Alan rose and bowed himself towards the door while she stood with her
back towards him; sobbing。 As he was about to pass it she wheeled
round; wiping the tears from her eyes with her hand; and said:

〃I forgot; I sent for you to thank you for your presents; that;〃 and
she pointed to the lion skin; 〃which they tell me you killed with some
kind of thunder to save the life of that old cannibal; and this;〃 and
she pulled off the necklace of claws; then added; 〃as I am too bad to
wear it; you had better take it back again;〃 and she threw it with all
her strength straight into Jeekie's face。

Fearing worse things; the much maltreated Jeekie uttered a howl and
bolted through the door; while Alan; picking up the necklace; returned
it to her with a bow。 She took it。

〃Stop;〃 she said。 〃You are leaving the room without your mask and my
women are outside。 Come here;〃 and she tied the thing upon his head;
setting it all awry; then pushed him from the place。

〃Very poor joke; Major; very poor indeed;〃 said Jeekie when they had
reached their own apartment。 〃Lady make love to /you/; /you/ play prig
and lecture lady about holy customs of her country and she box /my/
ear till head sing; also kick me all over and throw sharp claws in
face。 Please you do it no more。 The next time; who knows? she stick
knife in /my/ gizzard; then kiss /you/ afterward and say she so sor

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