八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the yellow god >


the yellow god-第36部分

小说: the yellow god 字数: 每页4000字

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knife in /my/ gizzard; then kiss /you/ afterward and say she so sorry
and hope she no hurt /you/。 But how that help poor departed Jeekie who
get all kicks; while you have ha'pence?〃

〃Oh! be quiet;〃 said Alan; 〃you are welcome to the halfpence if you
would only leave me the kicks。 The question is; how am I to get out of
this mess? While she was a beautiful savage devil; one could deal with
the thing; but if she is going to become human it is another matter。〃

Jeekie looked at him with pity in his eyes。

〃Always thought white man mad at bottom;〃 he said; shaking his big
head。 〃To benighted black nigger thing so very simple。 All you got to
do; make love and cut when you get chance。 Then she pleased as Punch;
everything go smooth and Jeekie get no more kicks。 Christian religion
business very good; but won't wash in Asiki…land。 Your reverend uncle
find out that。〃

Not wishing to pursue the argument; Alan changed the subject by asking
his indignant retainer if he thought that the Asika had meant what she
said when she offered to send the gold down to the coast。

〃Why not; Major? That good lady always mean what she say; and what she
do too;〃 and he dabbed wrathfully at the scratches made by the lion's
claws on his face; then added; 〃She know her own mind; not like
shilly…shally; see…saw white woman; who get up one thing and go to bed
another。 If she love she love; if she hate she hate。 If she say she
send gold; she send it; though pity to part with all that cash;
because 'spect someone bag it。〃

Alan reflected a while。

〃Don't you see; Jeekie; that here is a chance; if a very small one; of
getting a message to the coast。 Also it is quite clear that if we are
ever able to escape; it will be impossible for us to carry this heavy
stuff; whereas if we send it on ahead; perhaps some of it might get
through。 We will pack it up; Jeekie; at any rate it will be something
to do。 Go now and send a message to the Asika; and ask her to let us
have some carpenters; and a lot of well…seasoned wood。〃

The message was sent and an hour later a dozen of the native craftsmen
arrived with their rude tools and a supply of planks cut from a kind
of iron…wood or ebony tree。 They prostrated themselves to Alan; then
the master of them rising; instantly began to measure Jeekie with a
marked reed。 That worthy sprang back and asked what in the name of
Bonsa; Big and Little; they were doing; whereon the man explained with
humility that the Asika had said that she thought the white lord
wanted the wood to make a box to bury his servant in; as he; the said
servant; had offended her that morning; and doubtless the white lord
wished to kill him on that account; or perhaps to put him away under
ground alive。

〃Oh; my golly!〃 said Jeekie; shaking till his great knees knocked
together; 〃oh! my golly! here pretty go。 She think you want bury me
all alive。 That mean she want to be rid of Jeekie; because he got sit
there and play gooseberry when she wish talk alone with you。 Oh; yes!
I see her little game。〃

〃Well; Jeekie;〃 said Alan; bursting into such a roar of laughter that
he nearly shook off his mask; 〃you had better be careful; for you just
told me that the Asika is not like a see…saw white woman and never
changes her mind。 Say to this man that he must tell the Asika there is
a mistake; and that however much I should like to oblige her; I can't
bury you because it has been prophesied to me that on the day you are
buried; I shall be buried also; and that therefore you must be kept

〃Capital notion that; Major;〃 said Jeekie; much relieved。 〃She not
want bury you just at present; next year perhaps; but not now。 I tell
him。〃 And he did with much vigour。

This slight misconception having been disposed of; they explained to
the carpenters what was wanted。 First; all the gold was emptied out of
the sacks in which it remained as the priests had brought it; and
divided into heaps; each of which weighed about forty pounds; a weight
that with its box Alan considered would be a good load for a porter。
Of these heaps there proved to be fifty…three; their total value; Alan
reckoned; amounting to about £100;000 sterling。 Then the carpenters
were set to work to make a model box; which they did quickly enough
and with great ingenuity; cutting the wood with their native saws;
dovetailing it as a civilized craftsman would do; and finally securing
it everywhere with ebony pegs; driven into holes which they bored with
a hot iron。 The result was a box that would stand any amount of rough
usage and when finally pegged down; one that could only be opened with
a hammer and a cold chisel。

This box…making went on for two whole days。 As each of them was filled
and pegged down; the gold within being packed in sawdust to keep it
from rattling; Alan amused himself in adding an address with a feather
brush and a supply of red paint such as the Asiki priests used to
decorate their bodies。 At first he was puzzled to know what address to
put; but finally decided upon the following:

/Major A。 Vernon; care of Miss Champers; The Court; near Kingswell;
England。/ Adding in the corner; /From A。 V。; Asiki Land; Africa。/

It was all childish enough; he knew; yet when it was done he regarded
his handiwork with a sort of satisfaction。 For; reflected Alan; if but
one of those boxes should chance to get through to England; it would
tell Barbara a great deal; and if it were addressed to himself; her
uncle could scarcely dare to take possession of it。

Then he bethought him of sending a letter; but was obliged to abandon
the idea; as he had neither pen; pencil; ink; nor paper left to him。
Whatever arts remained to them; that of any form of writing was now
totally unknown to the Asiki; although marks that might be writing; it
will be remembered; did appear on the inner side of the Little Bonsa
mask; an evidence of its great antiquity。 Even in the days when they
had wrapped up the Egyptian; the Roman; and other early Munganas in
sheets of gold and set them in their treasure…house; apparently they
had no knowledge of it; for not even an hieroglyph or a rune appeared
upon the imperishable metal shrouds。 Since that time they had
evidently decreased; not advanced; in learning till at the present
day; except for these relics and some dim and meaningless survival of
rites that once had been religious and were still offered to the same
ancient idols; there was little to distinguish them from other tribes
of Central African savages。 Still Alan did something; for obtaining a
piece of white wood; which he smoothed as well as he was able with a
knife; he painted on it this message:

〃Messrs。 Aston; Old Calabar。 Please forward accompanying fifty…three
packages; or as many as arrive; and cable as follows (all costs will
be remitted): Miss Champers; Kingswell; England。 Prisoner among Asiki。
No present prospect of escape; but hope for best。 Jeekie and I well。
Allowed send this; but perhaps no future message possible。 Good…bye。

As it happened just as Alan was finishing this scrawl with a sad
heart; he heard a movement and glancing up; perceived standing at his
side the Asika; of whom he had seen nothing since the interview when
she had beaten Jeekie:

〃What are those marks that you make upon the board; Vernoon?〃 she
asked suspiciously。

With the assistance of Jeekie; who kept at a respectful distance; he
informed her that they were a message in writing to tell the white men
at the coast to forward the gold to his starving family。

〃Oh!〃 she said; 〃I never heard of writing。 You shall teach it me。 It
will serve to pass the time till we are married; though it will not be
of much use afterwards; as we shall never be separated any more and
words are better than marks upon a board。 But;〃 she added cheerfully;
〃I can send away this black dog of yours;〃 and she looked at Jeekie;
〃and he can write to us。 No; I cannot; for an accident might happen to
him; and they tell me you say that if he dies; you die also; so he
must stop here always。 What have you in those little boxes?〃

〃The gold you gave me; Asika; packed in loads。〃

〃A small gift enough;〃 she answered contemptuously; 〃would you not
like more; since you value that stuff? Well; another time you shall
send all you want。 Meanwhile the porters are waiting; fifty men and
three; as you sent me word; and ten spare ones to take the place of
any who die。 But how they will find their way; I know not; since none
of them have ever been to the coast。〃

An idea occurred to Alan; who had small faith in Jeekie's 〃ma〃 as a

〃The Ogula prisoners could show them;〃 he said; 〃at any rate as far as
the forest; and after that they could find out。 May they not go;

〃If you will;〃 she answered carelessly。 〃Let them be ready to start
to…morrow at the dawn; all except their chief; Fahni; who must stop
here as a hostage。 I do not trust those Ogula; who more than once have
threatened to make war upon us;〃 she added; then turned and bade the
priests bring in the bearers to receive their instructions。

Presently they came; picked men all of them; under the command of an
Asiki captain; and with them the Ogula; whom she summoned also。

〃Go where the white lord sends you;〃 she said in an indifferent voice;
〃carrying with you these packages。 I do not know where it is; but
these man…eaters will show you some of the way; and if you fail in the
business but live to come back again; you shall be sacrificed to Bonsa
at the next feast; if you run away then your wives and children will
be sacrificed。 Food shall be given you for your journey; and gold to
buy more when it is gone。 Now; Vernoon; tell them what they have to

So Alan; or rather Jeekie; told them; and these directions were so
long and minute; that before they were finished the Asika grew tired
of listening and went away; saying as she passed the captain of the

〃Remember my words; man; succeed or die; but of your land and its
secrets say nothing。〃

〃I hear;〃 answered the captain; prostrating himself。

That night Alan summoned the Ogula and spoke to them through Jeekie in
their own language。 At first they declared that they would not leave

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