八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the yellow god >


the yellow god-第4部分

小说: the yellow god 字数: 每页4000字

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the company is going to be a practical success as well; or not。〃

Again Mr。 Haswell made the sound of wind among wires; only this time
there was a shriller note in it; its mellowness was gone; it was as
though the air had suddenly been filled with frost。

〃A practical success!〃 he repeated after him。 〃That is scarcely our
affair; is it? Promoters should not bother themselves with long views;
Alan。 These may be left to the investing public; the speculative
parson and the maiden lady who likes a flutterthose props of modern
enterprise。 But what do you mean? You originated this idea and always
said that the profits should be great。〃

〃Yes; Mr。 Haswell; on a moderate capitalization and provided that we
are sure of the co…operation of the Porte。〃

Mr。 Haswell looked at him very searchingly and Sir Robert; who had
been listening; said in his cold voice:

〃I think that we thrashed out these points long ago; and to tell you
the truth I am rather tired of them; especially as it is too late to
change anything。 How did you get on with Jackson; Vernon?〃

〃I did not get on at all; Sir Robert。 He will not touch the thing on
any terms; and indeed means to oppose it tooth and nail。〃

〃Then he will find himself in a minority when the articles come out
to…morrow。 Of course it is a bore; but we are strong enough to snap
our fingers at him。 You see they don't read /The Judge/ in France; and
no one has ever heard of it in Constantinople。 Therefore we have
nothing to fearso long as we stick together;〃 he added meaningly。

Alan felt that the crisis had come。 He must speak now or for ever hold
his peace; indeed Aylward was already looking round for his hat。

〃Sir Robert and Mr。 Haswell;〃 he broke in rather nervously; 〃I have
something to say to you; something unpleasant;〃 and he paused。

〃Then please say it at once; Vernon。 I want to dress for dinner; I am
going to the theatre to…night and must dine early;〃 replied Aylward in
a voice of the utmost unconcern。

〃It is; Sir Robert;〃 went on Alan with a rush; 〃that I do not like the
lines upon which this business is being worked; and I wish to give up
my interest in it and retire from the firm; as I have a right to do
under our deed of partnership。〃

〃Have you?〃 said Aylward。 〃Really; I forget。 But; my dear fellow; do
not think that we should wish to keep you for one moment against your
will。 Only; might I ask; has that old puritan; Jackson; hypnotized
you; or is it a case of sudden madness after influenza?〃

〃Neither;〃 answered Alan sternly; for although he might be diffident
on matters that he did not thoroughly understand; he was not a man to
brook trifling or impertinence。 〃It is what I have said; no more nor
less。 I am not satisfied either as to the capitalization or as to the
guarantee that the enterprise can be really carried out。 Further〃and
he paused;〃Further; I should like what I have never yet been able to
obtain; more information as to that Firman under which the concession
is granted。〃

For one moment a sort of tremor passed over Sir Robert's impassive
countenance; while Mr。 Haswell uttered his windy whistle; this time in
a tone of plaintive remonstrance。

〃As you have formally resigned your membership of the firm; I do not
see that any useful purpose can be served by discussing such matters。
The fullest explanations; of course; we should have been willing to

〃My dear Alan;〃 broke in Mr。 Champers…Haswell; who was quite upset; 〃I
do implore you to reflect for one moment; for your own sake。 In a
single week you would have been a wealthy man; do you really mean to
throw away everything for a whim?〃

〃Perhaps Vernon remembers that he holds over 1700 of the Syndicate
shares which we have worked up to £18; and thinks it wiser to capture
the profit in sight; generally speaking a very sound principle;〃
interrupted Aylward sarcastically。

〃You are mistaken; Sir Robert;〃 replied Alan; flushing。 〃The way that
those shares have been artificially put up is one of the things to
which I most object。 I shall only ask for mine the face value which I
paid for them。〃

Now notwithstanding their experience; both of the senior partners did
for a moment look rather scared。 Such folly; or such honesty; was
absolutely incredible to them。 They felt that there must be much
behind。 Sir Robert; however; recovered instantly。

〃Very well;〃 he said; 〃it is not for us to dictate to you; you must
make your own bed and lie on it。 To argue or remonstrate would only be
rude。〃 He put out his hand and pushed the button of an electric bell;
adding as he did so; 〃Of course we understand one thing; Vernon;
namely; that as a gentleman and a man of honour you will make no
public use of the information which you have acquired during your stay
in this office; either to our detriment; personal or financial; or to
your own advantage。〃

〃Certainly you may understand that;〃 replied Vernon。 〃Unless my
character is attacked and it becomes necessary for me to defend
myself; my lips are sealed。〃

〃That will never happenwhy should it?〃 said Sir Robert with a polite

The door opened and the head clerk; Jeffreys; appeared。

〃Mr。 Jeffreys;〃 said Sir Robert; 〃please find us the deed of
partnership between Major Vernon and ourselves; and bring it here。 One
moment。 Please make out also a transfer of Major Vernon's parcel of
Sahara Syndicate shares to Mr。 Champers…Haswell and myself at par
value; and fill in a cheque for the amount。 Please remove also Major
Vernon's name wherever it appears in the proof prospectus; andyes
one thing more。 Telephone to Spectonthe Right Honourable the Earl of
Specton; I mean; and say that after all I have been able to arrange
that he shall have a seat on the Board and a block of shares at a very
moderate figure; and that if he will wire his assent; his name shall
be put into the prospectus。 You approve; don't you; Haswell?yes
then that is all; I think; Jeffreys; only please be as quick as you
can; for I want to get away。〃

Jeffreys; the immaculate and the impassive; bowed; and casting one
swift glance at Vernon out of the corner of his eye; departed。

What is called an awkward pause ensued; in fact it was a very awkward
pause。 The die was cast; the matter ended; and what were the
principals to do until the ratifications had been exchanged or; a
better simile perhaps; the /decree nisi/ pronounced absolute。 Mr。
Champers…Haswell remarked that the weather was very cold for April;
and Alan agreed with him; while Sir Robert found his hat and brushed
it with his sleeve。 Then Mr。 Haswell; in desperation; for in minor
matters he was a kindly sort of man who disliked scenes and
unpleasantness; muttered something as to seeing himAlanat his
house; The Court; in Hertfordshire; from Saturday to Monday。

〃That was the arrangement;〃 answered Alan bluntly; 〃but possibly after
what has happened you will not wish that it should be kept。〃

〃Oh! why not; why not?〃 said Mr。 Haswell。 〃Sunday is a day of rest
when we make it a rule not to talk business; and if we did; perhaps we
might all change our minds about these matters。 Sir Robert is coming;
and I am sure that your cousin Barbara will be very disappointed if
you do not turn up; for she understands nothing about these city
things which are Greek to her。〃

At the mention of the name of Barbara Sir Robert Aylward looked up
from the papers which he affected to be tidying; and Alan thought that
there was a kind of challenge in his eyes。 A moment before he had made
up his mind that no power on earth would induce him to spend a Sunday
with his late partners at The Court。 Now; acting upon some instinct or
impulse; he reversed his opinion。

〃Thanks;〃 he said; 〃if that is understood; I shall be happy to come。 I
will drive over from Yarleys in time for dinner to…morrow。 Perhaps you
will say so to Barbara。〃

〃She will be glad; I am sure;〃 answered Mr。 Haswell; 〃for she told me
the other day that she wants to consult you about some outdoor
theatricals that she means to get up in July。〃

〃In July!〃 answered Alan with a little laugh。 〃I wonder where I shall
be in July。〃

Then came another pause; which seemed to affect even Sir Robert's
nerves; for abandoning the papers; he walked down the room till he
came to the golden object that has been described; and for the second
time that day stood there contemplating it。

〃This thing is yours; Vernon;〃 he said; 〃and now that our relations
are at an end; I suppose that you will want to take it away。 What is
its history? You never told me。〃

〃Oh! that's a long story;〃 answered Alan in an absent voice。 〃My
uncle; who was a missionary; brought it from West Africa。 I rather
forget the facts; but Jeekie; my negro servant; knows them all; for as
a lad my uncle saved him from sacrifice; or something; in a place
where they worship these things; and he has been with us ever since。
It is a fetish with magical powers and all the rest of it。 I believe
they call it the Swimming Head and other names。 If you look at it; you
will see that it seems to swim between the shoulders; doesn't it?〃

〃Yes;〃 said Sir Robert; 〃and I admire the beautiful beast。 She is
cruel and artistic; likelike finance。 Look here; Vernon; we have
quarrelled; and of course henceforth are enemies; for it is no use
mincing matters; only fools do that。 But in a way you are being hardly
treated。 You could get £10 apiece to…day for those shares of yours in
a block on the market; and I am paying you £1。 I understand your
scruples; but there is no reason why we should not square things。 This
fetish of yours has brought me luck; so let's do a deal。 Leave it
here; and instead of a check for £1700; I will make you one out for

〃That's a very liberal offer;〃 said Vernon。 〃Give me a moment to think
it over。〃

Then he also walked into the corner of the room and contemplated the
golden mask that seemed to float between the frog…like shoulders。 The
shimmering eyes drew his eyes; though what he saw in them does not
matter。 Indeed he could never remember。 Only when he straightened
himself again there was left on his mind a determination that not for
seventeen or for seventy thousand pounds would he part with his

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