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look down; and he so used to recognise my right to do so; that it
displeased me to think that he was now as much a matriculated
student as myself。 In some way he appeared to me to have made a
POINT of attaining that equality。 I greeted the pair coldly; and;
without offering them any refreshment (since it went against the
grain to do so; and I thought they could ask for anything; if
they wanted it; without my first inviting them to state their
requirements); gave orders for the drozhki to be got ready。
Ilinka was a good…natured; extremely moral; and far from stupid
young fellow; yet; for all that; what people call a person of
moods。 That is to say; for no apparent reason he was for ever in
some PRONOUNCED frame of mindnow lachrymose; now frivolous; now
touchy on the very smallest point。 At the present moment he
appeared to be in the last…named mood。 He kept looking from his
father to myself without speaking; except when directly
addressed; at which times he smiled the self…deprecatory; forced
smile under which he was accustomed to conceal his feelings; and
more especially that feeling of shame for his father which he
must have experienced in our house。
〃So; Nicolas Petrovitch;〃 the old man said to me; following me
everywhere about the room as I went through the operation of
dressing; while all the while his fat fingers kept turning over
and over a silver snuff…box with which my grandmother had once
presented me; 〃as soon as ever I heard from my son that you had
passed your examinations so well (though of course your abilities
are well…known to everyone); I at once came to congratulate you;
my dear boy。 Why; I have carried you on my shoulders before now;
and God knows that I love you as though you were my own son。 My
Ilinka too has always been fond of you; and feels quite at home
with you。〃
Meanwhile the said Ilinka remained sitting silently by the
window; apparently absorbed in contemplation of my three…cornered
cap; and every now and then angrily muttering something in an
〃Now; I also wanted to ask you; Nicolas Petrovitch。〃 His father
went on; 〃whether my son did well in the examinations? He tells
me that he is going to be in the same faculty as yourself; and
that therefore you will be able to keep an eye on him; and advise
him; and so on。〃
〃Oh; yes; I suppose he passed well;〃 I replied; with a glance at
Ilinka; who; conscious of my gaze; reddened violently and ceased
to move his lips about。
〃And might he spend the day with you?〃 was the father's next
request; which he made with a deprecatory smile; as though he
stood in actual awe of me; yet always keeping so close to me;
wherever I moved; that the fumes of the drink and tobacco in
which he had been indulging were constantly perceptible to my
nostrils。 I felt greatly vexed at his placing me in such a false
position towards his son; as well as at his distracting my
attention from what was; to me; a highly important operation
namely; the operation of dressing; while; over and above all; I
was annoyed by the smell of liquor with which he followed me
about。 Accordingly; I said very coldly that I could not have the
pleasure of Ilinka's company that day; since I should be out。
〃Ah! I suppose you are going to see your sister?〃 put in Ilinka
with a smile; but without looking at me。 〃Well; I too have
business to attend to。〃 At this I felt even more put out; as well
as pricked with compunction; so; to soften my refusal a little; I
hastened to say that the reason why I should not be at home that
day was that I had to call upon the PRINCE Ivan Ivanovitch; the
PRINCESS Kornakoff; and the Monsieur Iwin who held such an
influential post; as well as; probably; to dine with the PRINCESS
Nechludoff (for I thought that; on learning what important folk I
was in the habit of mixing with; the Graps would no longer think
it worth while to pretend to me)。 However; just as they were
leaving; I invited Ilinka to come and see me another day; but he
only murmured something unintelligible; and it was plain that he
meant never to set foot in the house again。
When they had departed; I set off on my round of calls。 Woloda;
whom I had asked that morning to come with me; in order that I
might not feel quite so shy as when altogether alone; had
declined on the ground that for two brothers to be seen driving
in one drozhki would appear so horribly 〃proper。〃
Accordingly I set off alone。 My first call on the route lay at
the Valakhin mansion。 It was now three years since I had seen
Sonetchka; and my love for her had long become a thing of the
past; yet there still lingered in my heart a sort of clear;
touching recollection of our bygone childish affection。 At
intervals; also; during those three years; I had found myself
recalling her memory with such force and vividness that I had
actually shed tears; and imagined myself to be in love with her
again; but those occasions had not lasted more than a few minutes
at a time; and had been long in recurring。
I knew that Sonetchka and her mother had been abroadthat; in
fact; they had been so for the last two years。 Also; I had heard
that they had been in a carriage accident; and that Sonetchka's
face had been so badly cut with the broken glass that her beauty
was marred。 As I drove to their house; I kept recalling the old
Sonetchka to my mind; and wondering what she would look like when
I met her。 Somehow I imagined that; after her two years' sojourn
abroad; she would look very tall; with a beautiful waist; and;
though sedate and imposing; extremely attractive。 Somehow; also;
my imagination refused to picture her with her face disfigured
with scars; but; on the contrary; since I had read somewhere of a
lover who remained true to his adored one in spite of her
disfigurement with smallpox; strove to imagine that I was in love
with Sonetchka; for the purpose of priding myself on holding to
my troth in spite of her scarsYet; as a matter of fact; I was
not really in love with her during that drive; but having once
stirred up in myself old MEMORIES of love; felt PREPARED to fall
into that condition; and the more so because; of late; my
conscience had often been pricking me for having discarded so
many of my old flames。
The Valakhins lived in a neat little wooden mansion approached by
a courtyard。 I gained admittance by ringing a bell (then a rarity
in Moscow); and was received by a mincing; smartly…attired page。
He either could not or made no attempt to inform me whether there
was any one at home; but; leaving me alone in the dark hall; ran
off down a still darker corridor。 For a long time I waited in
solitude in this gloomy place; out of which; in addition to the
front door and the corridor; there only opened a door which at
the moment was closed。 Rather surprised at the dismal appearance
of the house; I came to the conclusion that the reason was that
its inmates were still abroad。 After five minutes; however; the
door leading into the salon was opened by the page boy; who then
conducted me into a neat; but not richly furnished; drawing…room;
where presently I was joined by Sonetchka。
She was now seventeen years old; and very small and thin; as well
as of an unhealthy pallor of face。 No scars at all were visible;
however; and the beautiful; prominent eyes and bright; cheerful
smile were the same as I had known and loved in my childhood。 I
had not expected her to look at all like this; and therefore
could not at once lavish upon her the sentiment which I had been
preparing on the way。 She gave me her hand in the English fashion
(which was then as much a novelty as a door…bell); and; bestowing
upon mine a frank squeeze; sat down on the sofa by my side。
〃Ah! how glad I am to see you; my dear Nicolas!〃 she said as she
looked me in the face with an expression of pleasure so sincere
that in the words 〃my dear Nicolas〃 I caught the purely friendly
rather than the patronising note。 To my surprise she seemed to me
simpler; kinder; and more sisterly after her foreign tour than
she had been before it。 True; I could now see that she had two
small scars between her nose and temples; but her wonderful eyes
and smile fitted in exactly with my recollections; and shone as
of old。
〃But how greatly you have changed!〃 she went on。 〃You are quite
grown…up now。 And I…I…well; what do you think of me?〃
〃I should never have known you;〃 I replied; despite the fact that
at the moment I was thinking that I should have known her
anywhere and always。
〃Why? Am I grown so ugly?〃 she inquired with a movement of her
〃Oh; no; decidedly not!〃 I hastened to reply。 〃But you have grown
taller and older。 As for being uglier; why; you are even
〃Yes; yes; never mind。 Do you remember our dances and games; and
St。 Jerome; and Madame Dorat?〃 (As a matter of fact; I could not
recollect any Madame Dorat; but saw that Sonetchka was being led
away by the joy of her childish recollections; and mixing them up
a little)。 〃Ah! what a lovely time it was!〃 she went onand once
more there shone before me the same eyes and smile as I had
always carried in my memory。 While she had been speaking; I had
been thinking over my position at the present moment; and had
come to the conclusion that I was in love with her。 The instant;
however; that I arrived at that result my careless; happy mood
vanished; a mist seemed to arise before me which concealed even
her eyes and smile; and; blushing hotly; I became tongue…tied and
〃But times are different now;〃 she went on with a sigh and a
little lifting of her eyebrows。 〃Everything seems worse than it
used to be; and ourselves too。 Is it not so; Nicolas?〃
I could return her no answer; but sat silently looking at her。
〃Where are those Iwins and Kornakoffs now? Do you remember them?〃
she contin