八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > youth >



小说: youth 字数: 每页4000字

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delights of being both grown…up and 〃comme il faut〃 that;

whenever the question of the examinations had occurred to me; I

had mentally compared myself with my comrades; and thought to

myself; 〃They are certain to pass; and as most of them are not

'comme il faut;' and I am therefore their personal superior; I

too am bound to come out all right。〃 In fact; the only reason why

I attended lectures at all was that I might become an habitue of

the University; and obtain Papa's leave to go in and out of the

house。 Moreover; I had many acquaintances now; and often enjoyed

myself vastly at the University。 I loved the racket; talking; and

laughter in the auditorium; the opportunities for sitting on a

back bench; and letting the measured voice of the professor lure

one into dreams as one contemplated one's comrades; the

occasional runnings across the way for a snack and a glass of

vodka (sweetened by the fearful joy of knowing that one might be

hauled before the professor for so doing); the stealthy closing

of the door as one returned to the auditorium; and the

participation in 〃course versus course〃 scuffles in the

corridors。 All this was very enjoyable。

By the time; however; that every one had begun to put in a better

attendance at lectures; and the professor of physics had

completed his course and taken his leave of us until the

examinations came on; and the students were busy collecting their

notebooks and arranging to do their preparation in parties; it

struck me that I also had better prepare for the ordeal。 Operoff;

with whom I still continued on bowing; but otherwise most frigid;

terms; suddenly offered not only to lend me his notebooks; but to

let me do my preparation with himself and some other students。 I

thanked him; and accepted the invitationhoping by that

conferment of honour completely to dissipate our old

misunderstanding; but at the same time I requested that the

gatherings should always be held at my home; since my quarters

were so splendid! To this the students replied that they meant to

take turn and turn aboutsometimes to meet at one fellow's

place; sometimes at another's; as might be most convenient。

The first of our reunions was held at Zuchin's; who had a small

partition…room in a large building on the Trubni Boulevard。 The

opening night I arrived late; and entered when the reading aloud

had already begun。 The little apartment was thick with tobacco…

smoke; while on the table stood a bottle of vodka; a decanter;

some bread; some salt; and a shin…bone of mutton。 Without rising;

Zuchin asked me to have some vodka and to doff my tunic。

〃I expect you are not accustomed to such entertainment;〃 he


Every one was wearing a dirty cotton shirt and a dickey。

Endeavouring not to show my contempt for the company; I took off

my tunic; and lay down in a sociable manner on the sofa。 Zuchin

went on reading aloud and correcting himself with the help of

notebooks; while the others occasionally stopped him to ask a

question; which he always answered with ability; correctness; and

precision。 I listened for a time with the rest; but; not

understanding much of it; since I had not been present at what

had been read before; soon interpolated a question。

〃Hullo; old fellow! It will be no good for you to listen if you

do not know the subject;〃 said Zuchin。 〃I will lend you my

notebooks; and then you can read it up by to…morrow; and I will

explain it to you。〃

I felt rather ashamed of my ignorance。 Also; I felt the truth of

what he said; so I gave up listening; and amused myself by

observing my new comrades。 According to my classification of

humanity; into persons 〃comme il faut〃 and persons not 〃comme il

faut;〃 they evidently belonged to the latter category; and so

aroused in me not only a feeling of contempt; but also a certain

sensation of personal hostility; for the reason that; though not

〃comme il faut;〃 they accounted me their equal; and actually

patronised me in a sort of good…humoured fashion。 What in

particular excited in me this feeling was their feet; their dirty

nails and fingers; a particularly long talon on Operoff's

obtrusive little finger; their red shirts; their dickeys; the

chaff which they good…naturedly threw at one another; the dirty

room; a habit which Zuchin had of continually snuffling and

pressing a finger to his nose; and; above all; their manner of

speakingthat is to say; their use and intonation of words。 For

instance; they said 〃flat〃 for fool; 〃just the ticket〃 for

exactly; 〃grandly〃 for splendidly; and so onall of which seemed

to me either bookish or disagreeably vulgar。 Still more was my

〃comme il faut 〃 refinement disturbed by the accents which they

put upon certain Russianand; still more; upon foreignwords。

Thus they said dieYATelnost for DIEyatelnost; NARochno for

naROChno; v'KAMinie for v'kaMINie; SHAKespeare for ShakesPEARe;

and so forth。

Yet; for all their insuperably repellent exterior; I could detect

something good in these fellows; and envied them the cheerful

good…fellowship which united them in one。 Consequently; I began to

feel attracted towards them; and made up my mind that; come what

might; I would become of their number。 The kind and honourable

Operoff I knew already; and now the brusque; but exceptionally

clever; Zuchin (who evidently took the lead in this circle) began

to please me greatly。 He was a dark; thick…set little fellow;

with a perennially glistening; polished face; but one that was

extremely lively; intellectual; and independent in its

expression。 That expression it derived from a low; but

prominent; forehead; deep black eyes; short; bristly hair; and a

thick; dark beard which looked as though it stood in constant

need of trimming。 Although; too; he seemed to think nothing of

himself (a trail which always pleased me in people); it was clear

that he never let his brain rest。 He had one of those expressive

faces which; a few hours after you have seen them for the first

time; change suddenly and entirely to your view。 Such a change

took place; in my eyes; with regard to Zuchin's face towards the

end of that evening。 Suddenly; I seemed to see new wrinkles appear

upon its surface; its eyes grow deeper; its smile become a

different one; and the whole face assume such an altered aspect

that I scarcely recognised it。

When the reading was ended; Zuchin; the other students; and

myself manifested our desire to be 〃comrades all〃 by drinking

vodka until little remained in the bottle。 Thereupon Zuchin asked

if any one had a quarter…rouble to spare; so that he could send

the old woman who looked after him to buy some more; yet; on my

offering to provide the money; he made as though he had not heard

me; and turned to Operoff; who pulled out a purse sewn with

bugles; and handed him the sum required。

〃And mind you don't get drunk;〃 added the giver; who himself had

not partaken of the vodka。

〃By heavens!〃 answered Zuchin as he sucked the marrow out of a

mutton bone (I remember thinking that it must be because he ate

marrow that he was so clever)。 〃By heavens!〃 he went on with a

slight smile (and his smile was of the kind that one

involuntarily noticed; and somehow felt grateful for); 〃even if I

did get drunk; there would be no great harm done。 I wonder which

of us two could look after himself the betteryou or I? Anyway I

am willing to make the experiment;〃 and he slapped his forehead

with mock boastfulness。 〃But what a pity it is that Semenoff has

disappeared! He has gone and completely hidden himself


Sure enough; the grey…haired Semenoff who had comforted me so

much at my first examination by being worse dressed than myself;

and who; after passing the second examination; had attended his

lectures regularly during the first month; had disappeared

thereafter from view; and never been seen at the University

throughout the latter part of the course。

〃Where is he?〃 asked some one。

〃I do not know〃 replied Zuchin。 〃He has escaped my eye

altogether。 Yet what fun I used to have with him! What fire there

was in the man! and what an intellect! I should be indeed sorry

if he has come to griefand come to grief he probably has; for

he was no mere boy to take his University course in instalments。〃

After a little further conversation; and agreeing to meet again

the next night at Zuchin's; since his abode was the most central

point for us all; we began to disperse。 As; one by one; we left

the room; my conscience started pricking me because every one

seemed to be going home on foot; whereas I had my drozhki。

Accordingly; with some hesitation I offered Operoff a lift。

Zuchin came to the door with us; and; after borrowing a rouble of

Operoff; went off to make a night of it with some friends。 As we

drove along; Operoff told me a good deal about Zuchin's character

and mode of life; and on reaching home it was long before I could

get to sleep for thinking of the new acquaintances I had made。

For many an hour; as I lay awake; I kept wavering between the

respect which their knowledge; simplicity; and sense of honour;

as well as the poetry of their youth and courage; excited in my

regard; and the distaste which I felt for their outward man。 In

spite of my desire to do so; it was at that time literally

impossible for me to associate with them; since our ideas were

too wholly at variance。 For me; life's meaning and charm contained

an infinitude of shades of which they had not an inkling; and

vice versa。 The greatest obstacles of all; however; to our better

acquaintance I felt to be the twenty roubles' worth of cloth in

my tunic; my drozhki; and my white linen shirt; and they appeared

to me most important obstacles; since they made me feel as though

I had unwittingly insulted these comrades by displaying such

tokens of my wealth。 I felt guilty in their eyes; and as though;

whether I accepted 

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