八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > aemilius paulus >


aemilius paulus-第3部分

小说: aemilius paulus 字数: 每页4000字

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horsemen of the Basternae; and as many foot; who were to keep pace
with them; and supply their places in case of failure; all of them
professed soldiers; men skilled neither in tilling of land; nor in
navigation of ships; nor able to get their living by grazing; but
whose only business and single art and trade it was to fight and
conquer all that resisted them。 When these came into the district of
Maedica; and encamped and mixed with the king's soldiers; being men of
great stature; admirable at their exercises; great boasters; and
loud in their threats against their enemies; they gave new courage
to the Macedonians; who were ready to think the Romans would not be
able to confront them; but would be struck with terror at their
looks and motions; they were so strange and so formidable to behold。
When Perseus had thus encouraged his men; and elevated them with these
great hopes; as soon as a thousand gold pieces were demanded for
each captain; he was so amazed and beside himself at the vastness of
the amount; that out of mere stinginess he drew back and let himself
lose their assistance; as if he had been some steward; not the enemy
of the Romans; and would have to give an exact account of the expenses
of the war to those with whom he waged it。 Nay; when he had his foes
as tutors; to instruct him what he had to do; who; besides their other
preparations; had a hundred thousand men drawn together and in
readiness for their service; yet he that was to engage against so
considerable a force; and in a war that was maintaining such numbers
as this; nevertheless doled out his money; and put seals on his
bags; and was as fearful of touching it; as if it had belonged to some
one else。 And all this was done by one; not descended from Lydians
or Phoenicians; but who could pretend to some share of the virtues
of Alexander and Philip; whom he was allied to by birth; men who
conquered the world by judging that empire was to be purchased by
money; not money by empire。 Certainly it became a proverb; that not
Philip; but his gold; took the cities of Greece。 And Alexander; when
he undertook his expedition against the Indians; and found his
Macedonians encumbered and appear to march heavily with their
Persian spoils; first set fire to his own carriages; and thence
persuaded the rest to imitate his example; that thus freed they
might proceed to the war without hindrance。 Whereas Perseus; abounding
in wealth; would not preserve himself; his children; and his
kingdom; at the expense of a small part of his treasure; but chose
rather to be carried away with numbers of his subjects with the name
of the wealthy captive; and show the Romans what great riches he had
husbanded and preserved for them。 For he not only played false with
the Gauls; and sent them away; but also; after alluring Genthius; King
of the Illyrians; by the hopes of three hundred talents; to assist him
in the war; he caused the money to be counted out in the presence of
his messengers; and to be sealed up。 Upon which Genthius; thinking
himself possessed of what he desired; committed a wicked and
shameful act: he seized and imprisoned the ambassadors sent to him
from the Romans。 Whence Perseus; concluding that there was no need
of money to make Genthius an enemy to the Romans; but that he had
given a lasting earnest of his enmity; and by his flagrant injustice
sufficiently involved himself in the war; defrauded the unfortunate
king of his three hundred talents; and without any concern beheld him;
his wife; and children; in a short time after; carried out of their
kingdom; as from their nest; by Lucius Anicius; who was sent against
him with an army。
  Aemilius; coming against such an adversary; made light indeed of
him; but admired his preparation and power。 For he had four thousand
horse; and not much fewer than forty thousand full…armed foot of the
phalanx; and planting himself along the seaside; at the foot of
Mount Olympus; in ground with no access on any side; and on all
sides fortified with fences and bulwarks of wood; remained in great
security; thinking by delay and expense to weary out Aemilius。 But he;
in the meantime; busy in thought; weighed all counsels and all means
of attack; and perceiving his soldiers; from their former want of
discipline; to be impatient of delay; and ready on all occasions to
teach their general his duty; rebuked them; and bade them not meddle
with what was not their concern; but only take care that they and
their arms were in readiness; and to use their swords like Romans when
their commander should think fit to employ them。 Further; he ordered
that the sentinels by night should watch without javelins; that thus
they might be more careful and surer to resist sleep; having no arms
to defend themselves against any attacks of an enemy。
  What most annoyed the army was the want of water; for only a little;
and that foul; flowed out; or rather came by drops from a spring
adjoining the sea; but Aemilius; considering that he was at the foot
of the high and woody mountain Olympus; and conjecturing by the
flourishing growth of the trees that there were springs that had their
course underground; dug a great many holes and wells along the foot of
the mountain; which were presently filled with pure water escaping
from its confinement into the vacuum they afforded。 Although there are
some; indeed; who deny that there are reservoirs of water lying
ready provided out of sight; in the places from whence springs flow;
and that when they appear; they merely issue and run out; on the
contrary; they say; they are then formed and come into existence for
the first time; by the liquefaction of the surrounding matter; and
that this change is caused by density and cold; when the moist vapour;
by being closely pressed together; becomes fluid。 As women's breasts
are not like vessels full of milk always prepared and ready to flow
from them; but their nourishment being changed in their breasts; is
there made milk; and from thence is pressed out。 In like manner;
places of the earth that are cold and full of springs; do not
contain any hidden waters or receptacles which are capable; as from
a source always ready and furnished; of supplying all the brooks and
deep rivers; but by compressing and condensing the vapours and air
they turn them into that substance。 And thus places that are dug open;
flow by that pressure; and afford the more water (as the breasts of
women do milk by their being sucked); the vapour thus moistening and
becoming fluid; whereas ground that remains idle and undug is not
capable of producing any water; whilst it wants the motion which is
the cause of liquefaction。 But those that assert this opinion give
occasion to the doubtful to argue; that on the same ground there
should be no blood in living creatures; but that it must be formed
by the wound; some sort of spirit or flesh being changed into a liquid
and flowing matter。 Moreover; they are refuted by the fact that men
who dig mines; either in sieges or for metals; meet with rivers; which
are not collected by little and little (as must necessarily be; if
they had their being at the very instant the earth was opened); but
break out at once with violence; and upon the cutting through a
rock; there often gush out great quantities of water; which then as
suddenly cease。 But of this enough。
  Aemilius lay still for some days; and it is said that there were
never two great armies so nigh that enjoyed so much quiet。 When he had
tried and considered all things; he was informed that there was yet
one passage left unguarded; through Perrhaebia by the temple of Apollo
and the Rock。 Gathering; therefore; more hope from the place being
left defenceless than fear from the roughness and difficulty of the
passage; he proposed it for consultation。 Amongst those that were
present at the council; Scipio; surnamed Nasica; son…in…law to
Scipio Africanus; who afterwards was so powerful in the
senate…house; was the first that offered himself to command those that
should be sent to encompass the enemy。 Next to him; Fabius Maximus;
eldest son of Aemilius; although yet very young; offered himself
with great zeal。 Aemilius; rejoicing; gave them; not so many as
Polybius states; but; as Nasica himself tells us in a brief letter
which he wrote to one of the kings with an account of the
expedition; three thousand Italians that were not Romans; and his left
wing consisting of five thousand。 Taking with him; besides these;
one hundred and twenty horsemen; and two hundred Thracians and Cretans
intermixed that Harpalus had sent; he began his journey towards the
sea; and encamped near the temple of Hercules; as if he designed to
embark; and so to sail round and environ the enemy。 But when the
soldiers had supped and it was dark; he made the captains acquainted
with his real intentions; and marching all night in the opposite
directions away from the sea; till he came under the temple of Apollo;
there rested his army。 At this place Mount Olympus rises in height
more than ten furlongs; as appears by the epigram made by the man that
measured it:…

        〃The summit of Olympus; at the site
         Where stands Apollo's temple; has a height
         Of full ten furlongs by the line; and more;
         Ten furlongs; and one hundred feet; less four。
         Eumelus's son; Xenagoras; reached the place。
         Adieu; O king; and do thy pilgrim grace。〃

  It is allowed; say the geometricians; that no mountain in height
or sea in depth exceeds ten furlongs; and yet it seems probable that
Xenagoras did not take his admeasurement carelessly; but according
to the rules of art; and with instruments for the purpose。 Here it was
that Nasica passed the night。
  A Cretan deserted; who fled to the enemy during the march;
discovered to Perseus the design which the Romans had to encompass
him: for he; seeing that Aemilius lay still; had not suspected any
such attempt。 He was startled at the news; yet did not put his army in
motion; but sent ten thousand mercenary soldiers; and two thousand
Macedonians; under command of Milo; with order to hasten and possess
themselves of the passes。 Polybius relates that the Romans found these

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