nada the lily-第31部分
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fellows were at his side。 He who came at Umslopogaas drove at him with
his spear; but he was not to be caught this; for he bent his middle
sideways; so that the spear only cut his skin; and as he bent tapped
with the point of the axe at the head of the smiter; dealing death on
〃Yonder Woodpecker has a bill of steel; and he can use it well;〃 said
the councillor to him who stood by him。
〃This is a Slaughterer indeed;〃 the man answered; and the people heard
the names。 Thenceforth they knew Umslopogaas as the Woodpecker; and as
Bulalio; or the Slaughterer; and by no other names。 Now; he who came
at Galazi the Wolf rushed on wildly; holding his spear short。 But
Galazi was cunning in war。 He took one step forward to meet him; then;
swinging the Watcher backward; he let him fall at the full length of
arms and club。 The child of Jikiza lifted his shield to catch the
blow; but the shield was to the Watcher what a leaf is to the wind。
Full on its hide the huge club fell; making a loud sound; the war…
shield doubled up like a raw skin; and he who bore it fell crushed to
the earth。
Now for a moment; the four who were left of the sons of Jikiza hovered
round the pair; feinting at them from afar; but never coming within
reach of axe or club。 One threw a spear indeed; and though Umslopogaas
leaped aside; and as it sped towards him smote the haft in two with
the blade of Groan…Maker; yet its head flew on; wounding Galazi in the
flank。 Then he who had thrown the spear turned to fly; for his hands
were empty; and the others followed swiftly; for the heart was out of
them; and they dared to do battle with these two no more。
Thus the fight was ended; and from its beginning till the finish was
not longer than the time in which men might count a hundred slowly。
〃It seems that none are left for us to kill; Galazi;〃 said
Umslopogaas; laughing aloud。 〃Ah; that was a cunning fight! Ho! you
sons of the Unconquered; who run so fast; stay your feet。 I give you
peace; you shall live to sweep my huts and to plough my fields with
the other women of my kraal。 Now; councillors; the fighting is done;
so let us to the chief's hut; where Masilo waits us;〃 and he turned
and went with Galazi; and after him followed all the people; wondering
and in silence。
When he reached the hut Umslopogaas sat himself down in the place
where Jikiza had sat that morning; and the maid Zinita came to him
with a wet cloth and washed the wound that the spear had made。 He
thanked her; then she would have washed Galazi's wound also; and this
was deeper; but Galazi bade her to let him be roughly; as he would
have no woman meddling with his wounds。 For neither then nor at any
other time did Galazi turn to women; but he hated Zinita most of them
Then Umslopogaas spoke to Masilo the Pig; who sat before him with a
frightened face; saying; 〃It seems; O Masilo; that you have sought
this maid Zinita in marriage; and against her will; persecuting her。
Now I had intended to kill you as an offering to her anger; but there
has been enough blood…letting to…day。 Yet you shall have a marriage
gift to this girl; whom I myself will take in marriage: you shall give
a hundred head of cattle。 Then get you gone from among the People of
the Axe; lest a worse thing befall you; Masilo the Pig。〃
So Masilo rose up and went; and his face was green with fear; but he
paid the hundred head of cattle and fled towards the kraal of Chaka。
Zinita watched him go; and she was glad of it; and because the
Slaughterer had named her for his wife。
〃I am well rid of Masilo;〃 she said aloud; in the hearing of Galazi;
〃but I had been better pleased to see him dead before me。〃
〃This woman has a fierce heart;〃 thought Galazi; 〃and she will bring
no good to Umslopogaas; my brother。〃
Now the councillors and the captains of the People of the Axe konzaed
to him whom they named the Slaughterer; doing homage to him as chief
and holder of the axe; and also they did homage to the axe itself。 So
Umslopogaas became chief over this people; and their number was many;
and he grew great and fat in cattle and wives; and none dared to
gainsay him。 From time to time; indeed; a man ventured to stand up
before him in fight; but none could conquer him; and in a little while
no one sought to face Groan…Maker when he lifted himself to peck。
Galazi also was great among the people; but dwelt with them little;
for best he loved the wild woods and the mountain's breast; and often;
as of old; he swept at night across the forest and the plains; and the
howling of the ghost…wolves went with him。
But henceforth Umslopogaas the Slaughterer hunted very rarely with the
wolves at night; he slept at the side of Zinita; and she loved him
much and bore him children。
Now; my father; my story winds back again as the river bends towards
its source; and I tell of those events which happened at the king's
kraal of Gibamaxegu; which you white people name Gibbeclack; the kraal
that is called 〃Pick…out…the…old…men;〃 for it was there that Chaka
murdered all the aged who were unfit for war。
After I; Mopo; had stood before the king; and he had given me new
wives and fat cattle and a kraal to dwell in; the bones of Unandi; the
Great Mother Elephant; Mother of the Heavens; were gathered together
from the ashes of my huts; and because all could not be found; some of
the bones of my wives were collected also to make up the number。 But
Chaka never knew this。 When all were brought together; a great pit was
dug and the bones were set out in order in the pit and buried; but not
alone; for round them were placed twelve maidens of the servants of
Unandi; and these maidens were covered over with the earth; and left
to die in the pit by the bones of Unandi; their mistress。 Moreover;
all those who were present at the burial were made into a regiment and
commanded that they should dwell by the grave for the space of a year。
They were many; my father; but I was not one of them。 Also Chaka gave
orders that no crops should be sown that year; that the milk of the
cows should be spilled upon the ground; and that no woman should give
birth to a child for a full year; and that if any should dare to bear
children; then that they should be slain and their husbands with them。
And for a space of some months these things were done; my father; and
great sorrow came upon the land。
Then for a little while there was quiet; and Chaka went about heavily;
and he wept often; and we who waited on him wept also as we walked;
till at length it came about by use that we could weep without ceasing
for many hours。 No angry woman can weep as we wept in those days; it
was an art; my father; for the teaching of which I received many
cattle; for woe to him who had no tears in those days。 Then it was
also that Chaka sent out the captain and fifty soldiers to search for
Umslopogaas; for; though he said nothing more to me of this matter; he
did not believe all the tale that I had told him of the death of
Umslopogaas in the jaws of a lion and the tale of those who were with
me。 How that company fared at the hands of Umslopogaas and of Galazi
the Wolf; and at the fangs of the people black and grey; I have told
you; my father。 None of them ever came back again。 In after days it
was reported to the king that these soldiers were missing; never
having returned; but he only laughed; saying that the lion which ate
Umslopogaas; son of Mopo; was a fierce one; and had eaten them also。
At last came the night of the new moon; that dreadful night to be
followed by a more dreadful morrow。 I sat in the kraal of Chaka; and
he put his arm about my neck and groaned and wept for his mother; whom
he had murdered; and I groaned also; but I did not weep; because it
was dark; and on the morrow I must weep much in the sight of king and
men。 Therefore; I spared my tears; lest they should fail me in my
All night long the people drew on from every side towards the kraal;
and; as they came in thousands and tens of thousands; they filled the
night with their cries; till it seemed as though the whole world were
mourning; and loudly。 None might cease their crying; and none dared to
drink so much as a cup of water。 The daylight came; and Chaka rose;
saying; 〃Come; let us go forth; Mopo; and look on those who mourn with
us。〃 So we went out; and after us came men armed with clubs to do the
bidding of the king。
Outside the kraal the people were gathered; and their number was
countless as the leaves upon the trees。 On every side the land was
black with them; as at times the veldt is black with game。 When they
saw the king they ceased from their howling and sang the war…song;
then once again they howled; and Chaka walked among them weeping。 Now;
my father; the sight became dreadful; for; as the sun rose higher the
day grew hot; and utter weariness came upon the people; who were
packed together like herds of cattle; and; though oxen slain in
sacrifice lay around; they might neither eat nor drink。 Some fell to
the ground; and were trampled to death; others took too much snuff to
make them weep; others stained their eyes with saliva; others walked
to and fro; their tongues hanging from their jaws; while groans broke
from their parched throats。
〃Now; Mopo; we shall learn who are the wizards that have brought these
ills upon us;〃 said the king; 〃and who are the true…hearted men。〃
As we spoke we cam upon a man; a chief of renown。 He was named
Zwaumbana; chief of the Amabovus; and with him were his wives and
followers。 This man could weep no more; he gasped with thirst and
heat。 The king looked at him。
〃See; Mopo;〃 he said; 〃see that brute who has no tears for my mother
who is dead! Oh; the monster without a heart! Shall such as he live to
look upon the sun; while I and thou must w