nada the lily-第34部分
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and slunk away。
Presently he spoke again; laughing loudly as he spoke: 〃Thou shouldst
sleep well this night; my mother; for I have sent many to hush thee to
rest。 Ah; people of the Langeni tribe; you forgot; but I remembered!
You forgot how a woman and a boy came to you seeking food and shelter;
and you would give them noneno; not a gourd of milk。 What did I
promise you on that day; people of the Langeni tribe? Did I not
promise you that for every drop the gourd I craved would hold I would
take the life of a man? And have I not kept my promise? Do not men lie
here more in number than the drops of water in a gourd; and with them
woman and children countless as the leaves? O people of the Langeni
tribe; who refused me milk when I was little; having grown great; I am
avenged upon you! Having grown great! Ah! who is there so great as I?
The earth shakes beneath my feet; when I speak the people tremble;
when I frown they diethey die in thousands。 I have grown great; and
great I shall remain! The land is mine; far as the feet of man can
travel the land is mine; and mine are those who dwell in it。 And I
shall grow greater yetgreater; ever greater。 Is it thy face; Baleka;
that stares upon me from among the faces of the thousands whom I have
slain? Thou didst promise me that I should sleep ill henceforth。
Baleka; I fear thee notat the least; thou sleepest sound。 Tell me;
Balekarise from thy sleep and tell me whom there is that I should
fear!〃and suddenly he ceased the ravings of his pride。
Now; my father; while Chaka the king spoke thus; it came into my mind
to make an end of things and kill him; for my heart was made with rage
and the thirst of vengeance。 Already I stood behind him; already the
stick in my hand was lifted to strike out his brains; when I stopped
also; for I saw something。 There; in the midst of the dead; I saw an
arm stir。 It stirred; it lifted itself; it beckoned towards the shadow
which hid the head of the cleft and the piled…up corpses that lay
there; and it seemed to me that the arm was the arm of Baleka。
Perchance it was not her arm; perchance it was but the arm of one who
yet lived among the thousands of the dead; say you; my father! At the
least; the arm rose at her side; and was ringed with such bracelets as
Baleka wore; and it beckoned from her side; though her cold face
changed not at all。 Thrice the arm rose; thrice it stood awhile in
air; thrice it beckoned with crooked finger; as though it summoned
something from the depths of the shadow; and from the multitudes of
the dead。 Then it fell down; and in the utter silence I heard its fall
and a clank of brazen bracelets。 And as it fell there rose from the
shadow a sound of singing; of singing wild and sweet; such as I had
never heard。 The words of that song came to me then; my father; but
afterwards they passed from me; and I remember them no more。 Only I
know this; that the song was of the making of Things; and of the
beginning and the end of Peoples。 It told of how the black folk grew;
and of how the white folk should eat them up; and wherefore they were
and wherefore they should cease to be。 It told of Evil and of Good; of
Woman and of Man; and of how these war against each other; and why it
is that they war; and what are the ends of the struggle。 It told also
of the people of the Zulu; and it spoke of a place of a Little Hand
where they should conquer; and of a place where a White Hand should
prevail against them; and how they shall melt away beneath the shadow
of the White Hand and be forgotten; passing to a land where things do
not die; but live on forever; the Good with the Good; the Evil with
the Evil。 It told of Life and of Death; of Joy and of Sorrow; of Time
and of that sea in which Time is but a floating leaf; and of why all
these things are。 Many names also came into the song; and I knew but a
few of them; yet my own was there; and the name of Baleka and the name
of Umslopogaas; and the name of Chaka the Lion。 But a little while did
the voice sing; yet all this was in the songay; and much more; but
the meaning of the song is gone from me; though I knew it once; and
shall know it again when all is done。 The voice in the shadow sang on
till the whole place was full of the sound of its singing; and even
the dead seemed to listen。 Chaka heard it and shook with fear; but his
ears were deaf to its burden; though mine were open。
The voice came nearer; and now in the shadow there was a faint glow of
light; like the glow that gathers on the six…days' dead。 Slowly it
drew nearer; through the shadow; and as it came I saw that the shape
of the light was the shape of a woman。 Now I could see it well; and I
knew the face of glory。 My father; it was the face of the Inkosazana…
y…Zulu; the Queen of Heaven! She came towards us very slowly; gliding
down the gulf that was full of dead; and the path she trod was paved
with the dead; and as she came it seemed to me that shadows rose from
the dead; following her; the Queen of the Deadthousands upon
thousands of them。 And; ah! her glory; my fatherthe glory of her
hair of molten goldof her eyes; that were as the noonday skythe
flash of her arms and breast; that were like the driven snow; when it
glows in the sunset。 Her beauty was awful to look on; but I am glad to
have lived to see it as it shone and changed in the shifting robe of
light which was her garment。
Now she drew near to us; and Chaka sank upon the earth; huddled up in
fear; hiding his face in his hands; but I was not afraid; my father
only the wicked need fear to look on the Queen of Heaven。 Nay; I was
not afraid: I stood upright and gazed upon her glory face to face。 In
her hand she held a little spear hafted with the royal wood: it was
the shadow of the spear that Chaka held in his hand; the same with
which he had slain his mother and wherewith he should himself be
slain。 Now she ceased her singing; and stood before the crouching king
and before me; who was behind the king; so that the light of her glory
shone upon us。 She lifted the little spear; and with it touched Chaka;
son of Senzangacona; on the brow; giving him to doom。 Then she spoke;
but; though Chaka felt the touch; he did not hear the words; that were
for my ears alone。
〃Mopo; son of Makedama;〃 said the low voice; 〃stay thy hand; the cup
of Chaka is not full。 When; for the third time; thou seest me riding
down the storm; then SMITE; Mopo; my child。〃
Thus she spoke; and a cloud swept over the face of the moon。 When it
passed she was gone; and once more I was alone with Chaka; with the
night and the dead。
Chaka looked up; and his face was grey with the sweat of fear。
〃Who was this; Mopo?〃 he said in a hollow voice。
〃This was the Inkosazana of the Heavens; she who watches ever over the
people of our race; O King; and who from time to time is seen of men
ere great things shall befall。〃
〃I have heard speak of this queen;〃 said Chaka。 〃Wherefore came she
now; what was the song she sang; and why did she touch me with a
〃She came; O King; because the dead hand of Baleka summoned her; as
thou sawest。 The song she sang was of things too high for me; and why
she touched thee on the forehead with the spear I do not know; O King!
Perchance it was to crown thee chief of a yet greater realm。〃
〃Yea; perchance to crown me chief of a realm of death。〃
〃That thou art already; Black One;〃 I answered; glancing at the silent
multitude before us and the cold shape of Baleka。
Again Chaka shuddered。 〃Come; let us be going; Mopo;〃 he said; 〃now I
have learnt what it is to be afraid。〃
〃Early or late; Fear is a guest that all must feast; even kings; O
Earth…Shaker!〃 I answered; and we turned and went homewards in
Now after this night Chaka gave it out that the kraal of Gibamaxegu
was bewitched; and bewitched was the land of the Zulus; because he
might sleep no more in peace; but woke ever crying out with fear; and
muttering the name of Baleka。 Therefore; in the end he moved his kraal
far away; and built the great town of Duguza here in Natal。
Look now; my father! There on the plain far away is a place of the
white menit is called Stanger。 There; where is the white man's town;
stood the great kraal Duguza。 I cannot see; for my eyes are dark; but
you can see。 Where the gate of the kraal was built there is a house;
it is the place where the white man gives out justice; that is the
place of the gate of the kraal; through which Justice never walked。
Behind is another house; where the white men who have sinned against
Him pray to the King of Heaven for forgiveness; there on that spot
have I seen many a one who had done no wrong pray to a king of men for
mercy; but I have never seen but one who found it。 Ou! the words of
Chaka have come true: I will tell them to you presently; my father。
The white man holds the land; he goes to and fro about his business of
peace where impis ran forth to kill; his children laugh and gather
flowers where men died in blood by hundreds; they bathe in the waters
of the Imbozamo; where once the crocodiles were fed daily with human
flesh; his young men woo the maidens where other maids have kissed the
assegai。 It is changed; nothing is the same; and of Chaka are left
only a grave yonder and a name of fear。
Now; after Chaka had come to the Duguza kraal; for a while he sat
quiet; then the old thirst of blood came on him; and he sent his impis
against the people of the Pondos; and they destroyed that people; and
brought back their cattle。 But the warriors might not rest; again they
were doctored for war; and sent out by tens of thousands to conquer
Sotyangana; chief of the people who live north of the Limpopo。 They
went singing; after the king had looked upon them and bidden them
return victorious or not at all。 Their number was so great that from
the hour of dawn till the sun was high in th