八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > nada the lily >


nada the lily-第42部分

小说: nada the lily 字数: 每页4000字

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Now I made as though I would depart; then; turning suddenly; I spoke

once more; saying:

〃There were words in your message to the Black One who is dead of a

certain mannay; how was he named?of a certain Mopo。〃

Now Umslopogaas started as one starts who is wounded by a spear; and

stared at me。

〃Mopo! What of Mopo; O Mouth; whose eyes are veiled? Mopo is dead;

whose son I was!〃

〃Ah!〃 I said; 〃yes; Mopo is deadthat is; the Black One who is gone

killed a certain Mopo。 How came it; O Bulalio; that you were his son?〃

〃Mopo is dead;〃 quoth Umslopogaas again; 〃he is dead with all his

house; his kraal is stamped flat; and that is why I hated the Black

One; and therefore I hate Dingaan; his brother; and will be as are

Mopo and the house of Mopo before I pay him tribute of a single ox。〃

All this while I had spoken to Umslopogaas in a feigned voice; my

father; but now I spoke again and in my own voice; saying:

〃So! Now you speak from your heart; young man; and by digging I have

reached the root of the matter。 It is because of this dead dog of a

Mopo that you defy the king。〃

Umslopogaas heard the voice; and trembled no more with anger; but

rather with fear and wonder。 He looked at me hard; answering nothing。

〃Have you a hut near by; O Chief Bulalio; foe of Dingaan the king;

where I; the mouth of the king; may speak with you a while apart; for

I would learn your message word by word that I may deliver it without

fault。 Fear not; Slaughterer; to sit alone with me in an empty hut! I

am unarmed and old; and there is that in your hand which I should

fear;〃 and I pointed to the axe。

Now Umslopogaas; still shaking in his limbs; answered 〃Follow me; O

Mouth; and you; Galazi; stay with these men。〃

So I followed Umslopogaas; and presently we came to a large hut。 He

pointed to the doorway; and I crept through it and he followed after

me。 Now for a while it seemed dark in the hut; for the sun was sinking

without and the place was full of shadow; so I waited while a man

might count fifty; till our eyes could search the darkness。 Then of a

sudden I threw the blanket from my face and looked into the yes of


〃Look on me now; O Chief Bulalio; O Slaughterer; who once was named

Umslopogaaslook on me and say who am I?〃 Then he looked at me and

his jaw fell。

〃Either you are Mopo my father grown oldMopo; who is dead; or the

Ghost of Mopo;〃 he answered in a low voice。

〃I am Mopo; your father; Umslopogaas;〃 I said。 〃You have been long in

knowing me; who knew you from the first。〃

Then Umslopogaas cried aloud; but yet softly; and letting fall the axe

Groan…Maker; he flung himself upon my breast and wept there。 And I

wept also。

〃Oh! my father;〃 he said; 〃I thought that you were dead with the

others; and now you have come back to me; and I; I would have lifted

the axe against you in my folly。 Oh; it is well that I have lived; and

not died; since once more I look upon your facethe face that I

thought dead; but which yet lives; though it be sorely changed; as

though by grief and years。〃

〃Peace; Umslopogaas; my son;〃 I said。 〃I also deemed you dead in the

lion's mouth; though in truth it seemed strange to me that any other

man than Umslopogaas could have wrought the deeds which I have heard

of as done by Bulalio; Chief of the People of the Axeay; and thrown

defiance in the teeth of Chaka。 But you are not dead; and I; I am not

dead。 It was another Mopo whom Chaka killed; I slew Chaka; Chaka did

not slay me。〃

〃And of Nada; what of Nada; my sister?〃 he said。

〃Macropha; your mother; and Nada; your sister; are dead; Umslopogaas。

They are dead at the hands of the people of the Halakazi; who dwell in


〃I have heard of that people;〃 he answered presently; 〃and so has

Galazi the Wolf; yonder。 He has a hate to satisfy against themthey

murdered his father; now I have two; for they have murdered my mother

and my sister。 Ah; Nada; my sister! Nada; my sister!〃 and the great

man covered his face with his hands; and rocked himself to and fro in

his grief。

Now; my father; it came into my thoughts to make the truth plain to

Umslopogaas; and tell him that Nada was no sister of his; and that he

was no son of mine; but rather of that Chaka whom my hand had

finished。 And yet I did not; though now I would that I had done so。

For I saw well how great was the pride and how high was the heart of

Umslopogaas; and I saw also that if once he should learn that the

throne of Zululand was his by right; nothing could hold him back; for

he would swiftly break into open rebellion against Dingaan the king;

and in my judgment the time was not ripe for that。 Had I known;

indeed; but one short year before that Umslopogaas still lived; he had

sat where Dingaan sat this day; but I did not know it; and the chance

had gone by for a while。 Now Dingaan was king and mustered many

regiments about him; for I had held him back from war; as in the case

of the raid that he wished to make upon the Swazis。 The chance had

gone by; but it would come again; and till it came I must say nothing。

I would do this rather; I would bring Dingaan and Umslopogaas

together; that Umslopogaas might become known in the land as a great

chief and the first of warriors。 Then I would cause him to be advanced

to be an induna; and a general ready to lead the impis of the king;

for he who leads the impis is already half a king。

So I held my peace upon this matter; but till the dawn was grey

Umslopogaas and I sat together and talked; each telling the tale of

those years that had gone since he was borne from me in the lion's

mouth。 I told him how all my wives and children had been killed; how I

had been put to the torment; and showed him my white and withered

hand。 I told him also of the death of Baleka; my sister; and of all my

people of the Langeni; and of how I had revenged my wrongs upon Chaka;

and made Dingaan to be king in his place; and was now the first man in

the land under the king; though the king feared me much and loved me

little。 But I did not tell him that Baleka; my sister; was his own


When I had done my tale; Umslopogaas told me his: how Galazi had

rescued him from the lioness; how he became one of the Wolf…Brethren;

how he had conquered Jikiza and the sons of Jikiza; and become chief

of the People of the Axe; and taken Zinita to wife; and grown great in

the land。

I asked him how it came about that he still hunted with the wolves as

he had done last night。 He answered that now he was great and there

was nothing more to win; and at times a weariness of life came upon

him; and then he must up; and together with Galazi hunt and harry with

the wolves; for thus only could he find rest。

I said that I would show him better game to hunt before all was done;

and asked him further if he loved his wife; Zinita。 Umslopogaas

answered that he would love her better if she loved him not so much;

for she was jealous and quick to anger; and that was a sorrow to him。

Then; when he had slept awhile; he led me from the hut; and I and

my people were feasted with the best; and I spoke with Zinita and with

Galazi the Wolf。 For the last; I liked him well。 This was a good man

to have at one's back in battle; but my heart spoke to me against

Zinita。 She was handsome and tall; but with fierce eyes which always

watched Umslopogaas; my fosterling; and I noted that he who was

fearless of all other things yet seemed to fear Zinita。 Neither did

she love me; for when she saw how the Slaughterer clung to me; as it

wee; instantly she grew jealousas already she was jealous of Galazi

and would have been rid of me if she might。 Thus it came about that

my heart spoke against Zinita; nor did it tell me worse things of her

than those which she was to do。



On the morrow I led Umslopogaas apart; and spoke to him thus:

〃My son; yesterday; when you did not know me except as the Mouth of

Dingaan; you charged me with a certain message for Dingaan the king;

that; had it been delivered into the ears of the king; had surely

brought death upon you and all your people。 The tree that stands by

itself on a plain; Umslopogaas; thinks itself tall and that there is

no shade to equal its shade。 Yet are there other and bigger trees。 You

are such a solitary tree; Umslopogaas; but the topmost branches of him

whom I serve are thicker than your trunk; and beneath his shadow live

many woodcutters; who go out to lop those that would grow too high。

You are no match for Dingaan; though; dwelling here alone in an empty

land; you have grown great in your own eyes and in the eyes of those

about you。 Moreover; Umslopogaas; know this: Dingaan already hates you

because of the words which in bygone years you sent by Masilo the fool

to the Black One who is dead; for he heard those words; and it is his

will to eat you up。 He has sent me hither for one reason only; to be

rid of me awhile; and; whatever the words I bring back to him; the end

will be the samethat night shall come when you will find an impi at

your gates。〃

〃Then what need to talk more of the matter; my father?〃 asked

Umslopogaas。 〃That will come which must come。 Let me wait here for the

impi of Dingaan; and fight till I do。〃

〃Not so; Umslopogaas; my son; there are more ways of killing a man

than by the assegai; and a crooked stick can still be bent straight in

the stream。 It is my desire; Umslopogaas; that instead of hate Dingaan

should give you love; instead of death; advancement; and that you

shall grow great in his shadow。 Listen! Dingaan is not what Chaka was;

though; like Chaka; he is cruel。 This Dingaan is a fool; and it may

well come about that a man can be found who; growing up in his shadow;

in the end shall overshadow him。 I might do itI myself; but I am

old; and; being worn with s

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