八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the home book of verse-4 >


the home book of verse-4-第25部分

小说: the home book of verse-4 字数: 每页4000字

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But he had tarnal luck … everythin' went ag'in him;

The arrers er fortune they allus 'ud pin him;

So he didn't get no chance to show off what was in him。

Jim Bowker; he said;

Ef he'd had a fair show; you couldn't tell where he'd come;

An' the feats he'd a…done; an' the heights he'd a…clumb …

It may have been so;

I dunno;

Jest so it might been;

Then ag'in …

But we're all like Jim Bowker; thinks I; more or less …

Charge fate for our bad luck; ourselves for success;

An' give fortune the blame for all our distress;

As Jim Bowker; he said。

Ef it hadn' been for luck an' misfortune an' sich;

We might a…been famous; an' might a…been rich。

It might be jest so;

I dunno;

Jest so it might been;

Then ag'in …

Sam Walter Foss '1858…1911'


The garden beds I wandered by

One bright and cheerful morn;

When I found a new…fledged butterfly;

A…sitting on a thorn;

A black and crimson butterfly;

All doleful and forlorn。

I thought that life could have no sting

To infant butterflies;

So I gazed on this unhappy thing

With wonder and surprise;

While sadly with his waving wing

He wiped his weeping eyes。

Said I; 〃What can the matter be?

Why weepest thou so sore?

With garden fair and sunlight free

And flowers in goodly store:〃 …

But he only turned away from me

And burst into a roar。

Cried he; 〃My legs are thin and few

Where once I had a swarm!

Soft fuzzy fur … a joy to view …

Once kept my body warm;

Before these flapping wing…things grew;

To hamper and deform!〃

At that outrageous bug I shot

The fury of mine eye;

Said I; in scorn all burning hot;

In rage and anger high;

〃You ignominious idiot!

Those wings are made to fly!

'I do not want to fly;〃 said he;

〃I only want to squirm!〃

And he drooped his wings dejectedly;

But still his voice was firm:

〃I do not want to be a fly!

I want to be a worm!〃

O yesterday of unknown lack!

To…day of unknown bliss!

I left my fool in red and black;

The last I saw was this; …

The creature madly climbing back

Into his chrysalis。

Charlotte Perkins Stetson Gilman '1860…1935'


There was once a little animal;

No bigger than a fox;

And on five toes he scampered

Over Tertiary rocks。

They called him Eohippus;

And they called him very small;

And they thought him of no value …

When they thought of him at all;

For the lumpish old Dinoceras

And Coryphodon so slow

Were the heavy aristocracy

In days of long ago。

Said the little Eohippus;

〃I am going to be a horse!

And on my middle finger…nails

To run my earthly course! 

I'm going to have a flowing tail!

I'm going to have a mane!

I'm going to stand fourteen hands high

On the psychozoic plain!〃

The Coryphodon was horrified;

The Dinoceras was shocked;

And they chased young Eohippus;

But he skipped away and mocked。

And they laughed enormous laughter;

And they groaned enormous groans;

And they bade young Eohippus

Go view his father's bones。

Said they; 〃You always were as small

And mean as now we see;

And that's conclusive evidence

That you're always going to be。

What!  Be a great; tall; handsome beast;

With hoofs to gallop on?

Why!  You'd have to change your nature!〃

Said the Loxolophodon。

They considered him disposed of;

And retired with gait serene;

That was the way they argued

In 〃the early Eocene。〃

There was once an Anthropoidal Ape;

Far smarter than the rest;

And everything that they could do

He always did the best;

So they naturally disliked him;

And they gave him shoulders cool;

And when they had to mention him

They said he was a fool。

Cried this pretentious Ape one day;

〃I'm going to be a Man!

And stand upright; and hunt; and fight;

And conquer all I can!

I'm going to cut down forest trees;

To make my houses higher!

I'm going to kill the Mastodon!

I'm going to make a fire!〃

Loud screamed the Anthropoidal Apes

With laughter wild and gay;

They tried to catch that boastful one;

But he always got away。

So they yelled at him in chorus;

Which he minded not a whit;

And they pelted him with cocoanuts;

Which didn't seem to hit。

And then they gave him reasons

Which they thought of much avail;

To prove how his preposterous

Attempt was sure to fail。

Said the sages; 〃In the first place;

The thing cannot be done!

And; second; if it could be;

It would not be any fun!

And; third; and most conclusive;

And admitting no reply;

You would have to change your nature!

We should like to see you try!〃

They chuckled then triumphantly;

These lean and hairy shapes;

For these things passed as arguments

With the Anthropoidal Apes。

There was once a Neolithic Man;

An enterprising wight;

Who made his chopping implements

Unusually bright。

Unusually clever he;

Unusually brave;

And he drew delightful Mammoths

On the borders of his cave。

To his Neolithic neighbors;

Who were startled and surprised;

Said he; 〃My friends; in course of time;

We shall be civilized!

We are going to live in cities!

We are going to fight in wars!

We are going to eat three times a day

Without the natural cause!

We are going to turn life upside down

About a thing called gold!

We are going to want the earth; and take

As much as we can hold!

We are going to wear great piles of stuff

Outside our proper skins!

We are going to have diseases!

And Accomplishments!!  And Sins!!!〃

Then they all rose up in fury

Against their boastful friend;

For prehistoric patience

Cometh quickly to an end。

Said one; 〃This is chimerical!

Utopian!  Absurd!〃

Said another; 〃What a stupid life!

Too dull; upon my word!〃

Cried all; 〃Before such things can come;

You idiotic child;

You must alter Human Nature!〃

And they all sat back and smiled。

Thought they; 〃An answer to that last

It will be hard to find!〃

It was a clinching argument

To the Neolithic Mind!

Charlotte Perkins Stetson Gilman '1860…1935'


A Morality

〃The Ancestor remote of Man;〃

Says Darwin; 〃is the Ascidian;〃

A scanty sort of water…beast

That; ninety million years at least

Before Gorillas came to be;

Went swimming up and down the sea。

Their ancestors the pious praise;

And like to imitate their ways;

How; then; does our first parent live;

What lesson has his life to give?

The Ascidian tadpole; young and gay;

Doth Life with one bright eye survey;

His consciousness has easy play。

He's sensitive to grief and pain;

Has tail; a spine; and bears a brain;

And everything that fits the state

Of creatures we call vertebrate。

But age comes on; with sudden shock

He sticks his head against a rock!

His tail drops off; his eye drops in;

His brain's absorbed into his skin;

He does not move; nor feel; nor know

The tidal water's ebb and flow;

But still abides; unstirred; alone;

A sucker sticking to a stone。

And we; his children; truly we

In youth are; like the Tadpole; free。

And where we would we blithely go;

Have brains and hearts; and feel and know。

Then Age comes on!  To Habit we

Affix ourselves and are not free;

The Ascidian's rooted to a rock;

And we are bond…slaves of the clock;

Our rocks are Medicine … Letters … Law;

From these our heads we cannot draw:

Our loves drop off; our hearts drop in;

And daily thicker grows our skin。

Ah; scarce we live; we scarcely know

The wide world's moving ebb and flow;

The clanging currents ring and shock;

But we are rooted to the rock。

And thus at ending of his span;

Blind; deaf; and indolent; does Man

Revert to the Ascidian。

Andrew Lang '1844…1912'


One day; through the primeval wood;

A calf walked home; as good calves should;

But made a trail all bent askew;

A crooked trail as all calves do。

Since then two hundred years have fled;

And; I infer; the calf is dead。

But still he left behind his trail;

And thereby hangs my moral tale。

The trail was taken up next day

By a lone dog that passed that way;

And then a wise bell…wether sheep

Pursued the trail o'er vale and steep;

And drew the flock behind him; too;

As good bell…wethers always do。

And from that day; o'er hill and glade;

Through those old woods a path was made;

And many men wound in and out;

And dodged; and turned; and bent about

And uttered words of righteous wrath

Because 'twas such a crooked path。

But still they followed … do not laugh …

The first migrations of that calf;

And through this winding wood…way stalked;

Because he wobbled when he walked。

This forest path became a lane;

That bent; and turned; and turned again;

This crooked lane became a road;

Where many a poor horse with his load

Toiled on beneath the burning sun;

And traveled some three miles in one。

And thus a century and a half

They trod the footsteps of that calf。

The years passed on in swiftness fleet;

The road became a village street;

And this; before men were aware;

A city's crowded thoroughfare;

And soon the central street was this

Of a renowned metropolis;

And men two centuries and a half

Trod in the footsteps of that calf。

Each day a hundred thousand rout

Followed the zigzag calf about;

And o'er his crooked journey went

The traffic of a continent。

A hundred thousand men were led

By one calf near three centuries dead。

They followed still his crooked way;

And lost one hundred years a day;

For thus such reverence is lent

To well…established precedent。

A moral lesson this might teach;

Were I ordained and called to preach;

For men are prone to go it blind

Along the calf…paths of the mind;

And work away from sun to sun

To do what other men have done。

They follow in the beaten track;

And out and in; and fort

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