八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the home book of verse-4 >


the home book of verse-4-第5部分

小说: the home book of verse-4 字数: 每页4000字

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That lives in the babbling air so long!

There were tones in the voice that whispered then

You may hear to…day in a hundred men。

O lady and lover; how faint and far

Your images hover; … and here we are

Solid and stirring in flesh and bone; …

Edward's and Dorothy's … all their own; …

A goodly record for Time to show

Of a syllable spoken so long ago! …

Shall I bless you; Dorothy; or forgive

For the tender whisper that bade me live?

It shall be a blessing; my little maid!

I will heal the stab of the Red…Coat's blade;

And freshen the gold of the tarnished frame;

And gild with a rhyme your household name;

So you shall smile on us brave and bright

As first you greeted the morning's light;

And live untroubled by woes and fears

Through a second youth of a hundred years。

Oliver Wendell Holmes '1809…1894'


My aunt! my dear unmarried aunt!

Long years have o'er her flown;

Yet still she strains the aching clasp

That binds her virgin zone;

I know it hurts her; … though she looks

As cheerful as she can;

Her waist is ampler than her life;

For life is but a span。

My aunt! my poor deluded aunt!

Her hair is almost gray;

Why will she train that winter curl

In such a spring…like way?

How can she lay her glasses down;

And say she reads as well;

When; through a double convex lens;

She just makes out to spell?

Her father; … grandpapa! forgive

This erring lip its smiles; …

Vowed she should make the finest girl

Within a hundred miles;

He sent her to a stylish school;

'Twas in her thirteenth June;

And with her; as the rules required;

〃Two towels and a spoon。〃

They braced my aunt against a board;

To make her straight and tall;

They laced her up; they starved her down;

To make her light and small;

They pinched her feet; they singed her hair;

They screwed it up with pins; …

Oh; never mortal suffered more

In penance for her sins。

So; when my precious aunt was done;

My grandsire brought her back;

(By daylight; lest some rabid youth

Might follow on the track;)

〃Ah!〃 said my grandsire; as be shook

Some powder in his pan;

〃What could this lovely creature do

Against a desperate man!〃

Alas! nor chariot; nor barouche;

Nor bandit cavalcade;

Tore from the trembling father's arms

His all…accomplished maid。

For her how happy had it been!

And Heaven had spared to me

To see one sad; ungathered rose

On my ancestral tree。

Oliver Wendell Holmes '1809…1894'


I saw him once before;

As he passed by the door;

And again

The pavement stones resound;

As he totters o'er the ground

With his cane。

They say that in his prime;

Ere the pruning…knife of Time

Cut him down;

Not a better man was found

By the Crier on his round

Through the town。

But now he walks the streets;

And he looks at all he meets

Sad and wan;

And he shakes his feeble head;

That it seems as if he said;

〃They are gone。〃

The mossy marbles rest

On the lips that he has pressed

In their bloom;

And the names he loved to hear

Have been carved for many a year

On the tomb。

My grandmamma has said; …

Poor old lady; she is dead

Long ago; …

That he had a Roman nose;

And his cheek was like a rose

In the snow:

But now his nose is thin;

And it rests upon his chin

Like a staff;

And a crook is in his back;

And a melancholy crack

In his laugh。

I know it is a sin

For me to sit and grin

At him here;

But the old three…cornered hat;

And the breeches; and all that;

Are so queer!

And if I should live to be

The last leaf upon the tree

In the spring;

Let them smile; as I do now;

At the old forsaken bough

Where I cling。

Oliver Wendell Holmes '1809…1894'


〃Man wants but little here below〃

Little I ask; my wants are few;

I only wish a hut of stone;

(A very plain brown stone will do;)

That I may call my own; …

And close at hand is such a one;

In yonder street that fronts the sun。

Plain food is quite enough for me;

Three courses are as good as ten; …

If Nature can subsist on three;

Thank Heaven for three。  Amen!

I always thought cold victual nice; …

My choice would be vanilla…ice。

I care not much for gold or land; …

Give me a mortgage here and there; …

Some good bank…stock; some note of hand;

Or trifling railroad share; …

I only ask that Fortune send

A little more than I shall spend。

Honors are silly toys; I know;

And titles are but empty names;

I would; perhaps; be Plenipo; …

But only near St。 James;

I'm very sure I should not care

To fill our Gubernator's chair。

Jewels are baubles; 'tis a sin

To care for such unfruitful things; …

One good…sized diamond in a pin; …

Some; not so large; in rings; …

A ruby; and a pearl; or so;

Will do for me; … I laugh at show。

My dame should dress in cheap attire; 

(Good heavy silks are never dear;) … 

I own perhaps I might desire

Some shawls of true Cashmere; …

Some marrowy crapes of China silk;

Like wrinkled skins on scalded milk。

I would not have the horse I drive

So fast that folks must stop and stare;

An easy gait … two forty…five …

Suits me; I do not care; …

Perhaps; far just a single spurt;

Some seconds less would do no hurt。

Of pictures; I should like to own

Titians and Raphaels three or four; …

I love so much their style and tone; …

One Turner; and no more;

(A landscape; … foreground golden dirt; …

The sunshine painted with a squirt。)

Of books but few; … some fifty score

For daily use; and bound for wear;

The rest upon an upper floor; …

Some little luxury there

Of red morocco's gilded gleam;

And vellum rich as country cream。

Busts; cameos; gems; … such things as these; 

Which others often show for pride;

I value for their power to please;

And selfish churls deride; …

One Stradivarius; I confess;

Two meerschaums; I would fain possess。

Wealth's wasteful tricks I will not learn;

Nor ape the glittering upstart fool; …

Shall not carved tables serve my turn; 

But all must be of buhl?

Give grasping pomp its double share; …

I ask but one recumbent chair。

Thus humble let me live and die;

Nor long for Midas' golden touch;

If Heaven more generous gifts deny;

I shall not miss them much; …

Too grateful for the blessing lent

Of simple tastes and mind content!

Oliver Wendell Holmes '1809…1894'


Has there any old fellow got mixed with the boys?

If there has; take him out; without making a noise。

Hang the Almanac's cheat and the Catalogue's spite!

Old Time is a liar!  We're twenty to…night!

We're twenty!  We're twenty!  Who; says we are more?

He's tipsy; … young jackanapes! … show him the door!

〃Gray temples at twenty?〃 … Yes! white if we please!

Where the snow…flakes fall thickest there's nothing can freeze!

Was it snowing I spoke of?  Excuse the mistake!

Look close; … you will not see a sign of a flake!

We want some new garlands for those we have shed; …

And these are white roses in place of the red。

We've a trick; we young fellows; you may have been told;

Of talking (in public) as if we were old: …

That boy we call 〃Doctor;〃 and this we call 〃Judge;〃

It's a neat little fiction; … of course it's all fudge。

That fellow's the 〃Speaker;〃 … the one on the right;

〃Mr。 Mayor;〃 my young one; how are you to…night?

That's our 〃Member of Congress;〃 we say when we chaff;

There's the 〃Reverend〃 What's his name? … don't make me laugh。

That boy with the grave mathematical look

Made believe he had written a wonderful book;

And the ROYAL SOCIETY thought it was true!

So they chose him right in; a good joke it was; too!

There's a boy; we pretend; with a three…decker brain;

That could harness a team with a logical chain;

When he spoke for our manhood in syllabled fire;

We called him 〃The Justice;〃 but now he's 〃The Squire。〃

And there's a nice youngster of excellent pith; …

Fate tried to conceal him by naming him Smith;

But he shouted a song for the brave and the free; …

Just read on his medal; 〃My country;〃 〃of thee!〃

You hear that boy laughing? … You think he's all fun;

But the angels laugh; too; at the good he has done;

The children laugh loud as they troop to his call;

And the poor man that knows him laughs loudest of all!

Yes; we're boys; … always playing with tongue or with pen; …

And I sometimes have asked; … Shall we ever be men?

Shall we always be youthful; and laughing; and gay;

Till the last dear companion drops smiling away?

Then here's to our boyhood; its gold and its gray!

The stars of its winter; the dews of its May!

And when we have done with our life…lasting toys;

Dear Father; take care of thy children; The Boys!

Oliver Wendell Holmes '1809…1894'


'Twas a jolly old pedagogue; long ago;

Tall and slender; and sallow and dry;

His form was bent; and his gait was slow;

His long; thin hair was as white as snow;

But a wonderful twinkle shone in his eye;

And he sang every night as he went to bed;

〃Let us be happy down here below:

The living should live; though the dead be dead;〃

Said the jolly old pedagogue; long ago。

He taught his scholars the rule of three;

Writing; and reading; and history; too;

He took the little ones up on his knee;

For a kind old heart in his breast had he;

And the wants of the littlest child he knew:

〃Learn while you're young;〃 he often said;

〃There is much to enjoy; down here below;

Life for the living; and rest for the dead!〃

Said the jolly old pedagogue; long ago。

With the stupidest boys he was kind and cool;

Speaking only in gentlest tones;

The rod was hardly known in his school 。 。 。

Whipping; to him; was a barbarous rule;

And too hard work for his poor old bon

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