london in 1731-第17部分
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who built this edifice in the room of it。
But the house most admired for its situation is that of the Duke of Buckingham at the west end of the Park; in the front of which; towards the Mall and the grand canal; is a spacious court; the offices on each side having a communication with the house by two little bending piazzas and galleries that form the wings。 This front is adorned with two ranges of pilasters of the Corinthian and Tuscan orders; and over them is an acroteria of figures; representing Mercury; Secrecy; Equity; and Liberty; and under them this inscription in large golden characters; viz。; SIC SITI LAETANTVR LARES (Thus situated; may the household gods rejoice)。
Behind the house is a fine garden and terrace; from whence there is prospect adjacent on the house on that side; viz。; RVS IN VRBE; intimating that it has the advantages both of city and country; above which are figures representing the four seasons: The hall is paved with marble; and adorned with pilasters; the intercolumns exquisite paintings in great variety; and on a pedestal; near the foot of the grand staircase; is a marble figure of Cain killing his brother Abel; the whole structure exceeding magnificent; rich; and beautiful; but especially in the finishing and furniture。
Grosvenor or Gravenor Square is bounded on the north by Oxford Road; on the east by Hanover Square; by Mayfair on the south; and by Hyde Park on the west; the area whereof contains about five acres of ground; in which is a large garden laid out into walks; and adorned with an equestrian statue of King George I。 gilded with gold; and standing on a pedestal; in the centre of the garden; the whole surrounded with palisades placed upon a dwarf wall。 The buildings generally are the most magnificent we meet with in this great town; though the fronts of the houses are not all alike; for some of them are entirely of stone; others of brick and stone; and others of rubbed brick; with only their quoins; fascias; windows; and door… cases of stone; some of them are adorned with stone columns of the several orders; while others have only plain fronts; but they are so far uniform as to be all sashed; and of pretty near an equal height。 To the kitchens and offices; which have little paved yards with vaults before them; they descend by twelve or fifteen steps; and these yards are defended by a high palisade of iron。 Every house has a garden behind it; and many of them coach…houses and stables adjoining; and others have stables near the square; in a place that has obtained the name of Grosvenor Mews。 The finishing of the houses within is equal to the figure they make without; the staircases of some of them I saw were inlaid; and perfect cabinet… work; and the paintings on the roof and sides by the best hands。 The apartments usually consist of a long range of fine rooms; equally commodious and beautiful; none of the houses are without two or three staircases for the convenience of the family。 The grand staircase is generally in the hall or saloon at the entrance。 In short; this square may well be looked upon as the beauty of the town; and those who have not seen it cannot have an adequate idea of the place。
The city of Westminster at this day consists of the parishes of St。 Margaret and St。 John the Evangelist; and the liberties of Westminster; viz。; St。 Martin's…in…the…Fields; St。 Mary le Savoy; St。 Mary le Strand; St。 Clement's Danes; St。 Paul's; Covent Garden; St。 James's; Westminster; St。 George's; Hanover Square; and St。 Anne's; Westminster; all under the government of the dean and chapter of Westminster; and their subordinate officers; or rather; of a high steward; and such other officers as are appointed by them; for since the Reformation; the dean and chapter seem to have delegated their civil power to such officers as they elect for life; who are not accountable to; or liable to be displaced by them; nor are they liable to forfeit their offices; but for such offences as a private man may lose his estate; namely; for high treason; felony; &c。; as happened in the case of their high steward; the Duke of Ormond; upon whose attainder the dean and chapter proceeded to a new election。
The next officer to the high steward is the deputy steward; appointed by the high steward; and confirmed by the dean and chapter; who is usually a gentleman learned in the law; being judge of their court for trial of civil actions between party and party; which is held usually on Wednesday every week。 They have also a court…leet; held annually on St。 Thomas's Day; for the choice of officers; and removal of nuisances。 The deputy…steward supplies the place of sheriff of Westminster; except in the return of members of Parliament; which is done by the high bailiff; an officer nominated by the dean and chapter; and confirmed by the high steward。 The high…bailiff also is entitled to all fines; forfeitures; waifs and strays in Westminster; which makes it a very profitable post。
The high constable; chosen by the burgesses at their court…leet; and approved by the steward or his deputy; is an officer of some consideration in this city also; to whom all the rest of the constables are subject。
The burgesses are sixteen in number; seven for the city and nine for the liberties of Westminster; appointed by the high steward or his deputy; every one of whom has his assistant; and has particular wards or districts: out of these burgesses are chosen two chief burgesses; one for the city; the other for the liberties。 The dean; high steward; or his deputy; the bailiffs and burgesses; or a quorum of them; are empowered to make bye…laws; and take cognisance of small offences; within the city and liberties of Westminster。 But I look upon it that the justices of peace for Westminster have in a great measure superseded the authority of the burgesses (except as to weights; measures; and nuisances); by virtue of whose warrants all petty offenders almost are apprehended and sent to Tothill Fields Bridewell; and for higher offences; the same justices commit criminals to Newgate; or the Gatehouse; who receive their trials before commissioners of oyer and terminer at the Old Bailey; as notorious criminals in the City of London do; and so far the two united cities may be said to be under the same government。
The precinct of St。 Martin's…le…Grand; in London; is deemed a part of the city of Westminster; and the inhabitants vote in the elections of members of Parliament for Westminster。
The ecclesiastical government of the city of Westminster is in the dean; and chapter; whose commissary has the jurisdiction in all ecclesiastical causes; and the probate of wills; from whom there lies no appeal to the Archbishop of Canterbury or other spiritual judge; but to the King in Chancery alone; who upon such appeal issues a commission under the Great Seal of England; constituting a court of delegates to determine the cause finally。
I next proceed to survey the out…parishes in the Counties of Middlesex and Surrey which are comprehended within the bills of mortality; and esteemed part of this great town。 And first; St。 Giles's in the Fields contains these chief streets and places: Great Lincoln's Inn Fields; part of Lincoln's Inn Garden; Turnstile; Whetstone Park; part of High Holborn; part of Duke Street; Old and New Wild Street; Princes Street; Queen Street; part of Drury Lane; Brownlow Street; Bolton Street; Castle Street; King Street; the Seven Dials; or seven streets comprehending Earl Street; Queen Street; White Lion Street; and St。 Andrew's Street; Monmouth Street; the east side of Hog Lane; Stedwell Street; and Staig Street。
Great Lincoln's Inn Fields or Square contains about ten acres of ground; and is something longer than it is broad; the longest sides extending from east to west。 The buildings on the west and south generally make a grand figure。
In the parish of St。 Sepulchre; which is without the liberties of the City of London; we meet with Hicks's Hall and the Charter House。
Hicks's Hall is situated in the middle of St。 John's Street; towards the south end; and is the sessions house for the justices of peace of the County of Middlesex; having been erected for this end; anno 1612; by Sir Baptist Hicks; a mercer in Cheapside; then a justice of the peace。 The justices before holding their sessions at the Castle Inn; near Smithfield Bars。
To the eastward of Hicks's Hall stood the late dissolved monastery of the Charter House; founded by Sir Walter Manny; a native of the Low Countries; knighted by King Edward III。 for services done to this crown; probably in the wars against France。
Sir Walter Manny at first erected only a chapel; and assigned it to be the burial…place of all strangers; but in the year 1371 Sir Walter founded a monastery of Carthusian monks here; transferring to these fathers thirteen acres and a rood of land with the said chapel: the revenues of which convent; on the dissolution of monasteries; 30 Henry VIII。; amounted to 642 pounds 4d。 1ob。 per annum。
Sir Thomas Audley soon after obtained a grant of this Carthusian monastery; together with Duke's Place; and gave the former in marriage with his daughter Margaret to Thomas; Duke of Norfolk; from whom it descended to the Earl of Suffolk; and was called Howard House; the surname of that noble family。 By which name Thomas Sutton; Esq。; purchased it of the Earl of Suffolk for 13;000 pounds; anno 1611; and converted it into a hospital by virtue of letters patent obtained from King James I。; which were afterwards confirmed by Act of Parliament; 3 Charles I。
Pounds s。 d。 The manors; lands; tenements; and hereditaments which the founder settled upon this hospital amounted to; per annum 4493 19 10 The revenues purchased by his executors; &c。; after his death; to per annum 897 13 9 Total of the charity per annum 5391 13 7
But the revenues now amount to upwards of 6;000 pounds per annum by the improvement of the rents。 This charity was given for the maintenance of fourscore old men; who were to be either gentlemen by descent reduced to poverty; soldiers by sea or land; merchants who had suffered by piracy or shipwreck; or servants of the King's hous