an anthology of australian verse-第24部分
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Find gardens where no fruits forbidden be;
And mottoes weave; unsullied by a shame。
For; love; unmothered Childhood wanly waits
For such as you to cherish it to Youth:
Raw social soils untilled need Love's own verve
That Peace a…flower may oust their weedy hates:
And where Distress would faint from wolfish sleuth
The perfect lovers' symbol is 〃We serve!〃
Our Duty
Yet what were Love if man remains unfree;
And woman's sunshine sordid merchandise:
If children's Hope is blasted ere they see
Its shoots of youth from out the branchlets rise:
If thought is chained; and gagged is Speech; and Lies
Enthroned as Law befoul posterity;
And haggard Sin's ubiquitous disguise
Insults the face of God where'er men be?
Ay; what were Love; my love; did we not love
Our stricken brothers so; as to resign
For Its own sake; the foison of Its dower:
That; so; we two may help them mount above
These layers of charnel air in which they pine;
To seek with us the Presence and the Power?
Edwin James Brady。
The Wardens of the Seas
Like star points in the ether to guide a homing soul
Towards God's Eternal Haven; above the wash and roll;
Across and o'er the oceans; on all the coasts they stand
Tall seneschals of commerce; High Wardens of the Strand
The white lights slowly turning
Their kind eyes far and wide;
The red and green lights burning
Along the waterside。
When Night with breath of aloes; magnolia; spice; and balm
Creeps down the darkened jungles and mantles reef and palm;
By velvet waters making soft music as they surge
The shore lights of dark Asia will one by one emerge
Oh; Ras Marshig by Aden
Shows dull on hazy nights;
And Bombay Channel's laid in
Its 〃In〃 and 〃Outer〃 lights。
When Night; in rain…wet garments comes sobbing cold and grey
Across the German Ocean and South from Stornoway;
Thro' snarling darkness slowly; some fixed and some a…turn;
The bright shore…lights of Europe like welcome tapers burn;
From fierce Fruholmen streaming
O'er Northern ice and snow;
To Cape St。 Vincent gleaming;
These lamps of danger glow。
The dark Etruscan tending his watchfires by the shore;
On sacred altars burning; the world shall know no more;
His temple's column standing against the ancient stars
Is gone; Now bright catoptrics flash out electric bars;
Slow swung his stately Argos
Unto the Tiber's mouth;
But now the Tuscan cargoes
Screw…driven; stagger South。
The lantern of Genoa guides home no Eastern fleets
As when the boy Columbus played in its narrow streets:
No more the Keltic ‘dolmens' their fitful warnings throw
Across the lone Atlantic; so long; so long ago
No more the beaked prows dashing
Shall dare a shoreward foam;
No more will great oars threshing
Sweep Dorian galleys home。
No more the Vikings roaring their sagas wild and weird
Proclaim that Rome has fallen; no more a consul feared
Shall quench the Roman pharos lest Northern pirates free
Be pointed to their plunder on coasts of Italy
Nor shall unwilling lovers;
From Lethean pleasures torn;
Fare nor'ward with those rovers;
To frozen lands forlorn。
The bale…fires and the watch…fires; the wrecker's foul false lure
No more shall vex the shipmen; and on their course secure
Past Pharos in the starlight the tow'ring hulls of Trade
Race in and out from Suez in iron cavalcade;
So rode one sunset olden
Across the dark'ning sea;
With banners silk and golden;
The Barge of Antony!
They loom along the foreshores; they gleam across the Straits;
They guide the feet of Commerce unto the harbor gates。
In nights of storm and thunder; thro' fog and sleet and rain;
Like stars on angels' foreheads; they give man heart again;
Oh; hear the high waves smashing
On Patagonia's shore!
Oh; hear the black waves threshing
Their weight on Skerryvore!
He searches night's grim chances upon his bridge alone
And seeks the distant glimmer of hopeful Eddystone:
And thro' a thick fog creeping; with chart and book and lead;
The homeward skipper follows their green and white and red
By day his lighthouse wardens
In sunlit quiet stand;
But in the night the burdens
Are theirs of Sea and Land。
They fill that night with Knowledge。 A thousand ships go by;
A thousand captains bless them; so bright and proud and high:
The world's dark capes they glamour; or low on sand banks dread;
They; crouching; mark a pathway between the Quick and Dead
Like star points in the ether
They bring the seamen ease;
These Lords of Wind and Weather
These Wardens of the Seas!
Will。 H。 Ogilvie。
Queensland Opal
Opal; little opal; with the red fire glancing;
Set my blood a…spinning; set my pulse a…stir;
Strike the harp of memory; set my dull heart dancing
Southward to the Sunny Land and the love of Her!
Opal; shining opal; let them call you luckless jewel;
Let them curse or let them covet; you are still my heart's desire;
You that robbed the sun and moon and green earth for fuel
To gather to your milky breast and fill your veins with fire!
Green of fluttering gum…leaves above dim water…courses;
Red of rolling dust…clouds; blue of summer skies;
Flash of flints afire beneath the hoofs of racing horses;
Sunlight and moonlight and light of lovers' eyes
Pink clasping hands amid a Southern summer gloaming;
Green of August grasses; white of dew…sprung pearls;
Grey of winging wild geese into the Sunset homing;
Twined with all the kisses of a Queen of Queensland girls!
Wind o' the Autumn
I love you; wind o' the Autumn; that came from I know not where;
To lead me out of the toiling world to a ballroom fresh and fair;
Where the poplars tall and golden and the beeches rosy and red
Are setting to woodland partners and dancing the stars to bed!
Oh! say; wild wind o' the Autumn; may I dance this dance with you
Decked out in your gown of moonmist and jewelled with drops of dew?
For I know no waiting lover with arms that so softly twine;
And I know no dancing partner whose step is so made for mine!
Ho! You there; selling daffodils along the windy street;
Poor drooping; dusty daffodils but oh! so Summer sweet!
Green stems that stab with loveliness; rich petal…cups to hold
The wine of Spring to lips that cling like bees about their gold!
What price to you for daffodils? I'll give what price you please;
For light and love and memory lie leaf by leaf with these!
And if I bought all Sydney Town I could not hope to buy
The wealth you bring of everything that goes with open sky!
My money for your daffodils: why do you thank me so?
If I have paid a reckless price; take up my gift and go;
And from the golden garden beds where gold the sunbeams shine
Bring in more flowers to light the hours for lover…hearts like mine!
A Queen of Yore
Slowly she hobbles past the town; grown old at heart and gray;
With misty eyes she stumbles down along the well…known way;
She sees her maiden march unrolled by billabong and bend;
And every gum's a comrade old and every oak's a friend;
But gone the smiling faces that welcomed her of yore
They crowd her tented places and hold her hand no more。
And she; the friend they once could trust to serve their eager wish;
Shall show no more the golden dust that hides in many a dish;
And through the dismal mullock…heaps she threads her mournful way
Where here and there some gray…beard keeps his windlass…watch to…day;
Half…flood no more she looses her reins as once of old
To wash the busy sluices and whisper through the gold。
She sees no wild…eyed steers above stand spear…horned on the brink;
The brumby mobs she used to love come down no more to drink;
Where green the grasses used to twine above them; shoulder…deep;
Through the red dust a long; slow line crawl in the starving sheep;
She sees no crossing cattle that Western drovers bring;
No swimming steeds that battle to block them when they ring。
She sees no barricaded roofs; no loop…holed station wall;
No foaming steed with flying hoofs to bring the word 〃Ben Hall!〃
She sees no reckless robbers stoop behind their ambush stone;
No coach…and…four; no escort troop; but; very lorn and lone;
Watches the sunsets redden along the mountain side
Where round the spurs of Weddin the wraiths of Weddin ride。
Tho' fettered with her earthen bars and chained with bridge and weir
She goes her own way with the stars; she knows the course to steer!
And when her thousand rocky rills foam; angry; to her feet;
Rain…heavy from the Cowra hills she takes her vengeance sweet;
And leaps with roar of thunder; and buries bridge and ford;
That all the world may wonder when the Lachlan bares her sword!
Gray River! let me take your hand for all your memories old
Your cattle…kings; your outlaw…band; your wealth of virgin gold;
For once you held; and hold it now; the sceptre of a queen;
And still upon your furrowed brow the royal wreaths are green;
Hold wide your arms; the waters! Lay bare your silver breast
To nurse the sons and daughters that spread your empire west!
My road is fenced with the bleached; white bones
And strewn with the blind; white sand;
Beside me a suffering; dumb world moans
On the breast of a lonely land。
On the rim of the world the lightnings play;
The heat…waves quiver and dance;
And the breath of the wind is a sword to slay
And the sunbeams each a lance。
I have withered the grass where my hot hoofs tread;
I have whitened the sapless trees;
I have driven the faint…heart rains ahead
To hide in