an anthology of australian verse-第31部分
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‘The Glen of the White Man's Grave' (Sydney; n。d。)。
‘Poems and Songs' (Sydney; 1862)。
‘The Bronze Trumpet: a Satirical Poem' (Sydney; 1866)。
‘Leaves from Australian Forests' (Melbourne; 1869; 1870)。
‘Songs from the Mountains' (Sydney; 1880)。
‘Orara; a Tale' (Melbourne; 1881)。
‘Poems' (Melbourne; 1886; 1890; 1903)。
Lawson; Henry Hertzberg。
Born near Grenfell; N。S。W。; 17th June; 1867; son of Peter Hertzberg Larsen;
a Norwegian; and Louisa Albury; native of N。S。W。 Worked with his father;
who was a farmer and contractor; came to Sydney at seventeen
and learned the trade of a coach…painter; commenced writing verse; 1887;
was on the staff of the Queensland ‘Boomerang'; 1890; travelled in N。S。W。;
West Australia and New Zealand; engaged in various occupations;
went to London; 1900。 Returned to Sydney; 1903。
‘Short Stories in Prose and Verse' (Sydney; 1894)。
‘In the Days when the World was Wide; and other Verses' (Sydney; 1896)。
‘Verses Popular and Humorous' (Sydney; 1900)。
‘Children of the Bush' (London; 1902; prose and verse)。
‘When I was King; and other Verses' (Sydney; 1905)。
Loughran; Edward Booth。
Born at Glasgow; 13th December; 1850; of Irish parents。
Educated in North of Ireland。 Arrived in Australia; January; 1866。
Public school teacher in Queensland for several years。 Became a Journalist;
and was employed on ‘Rockhampton Bulletin'; ‘Brisbane Courier';
and ‘Melbourne Argus'。 Joined Victorian Government ‘Hansard' in 1879;
and in 1893 was appointed Chief of Staff。
‘'Neath Austral Skies' (Melbourne; 1894)。
Mackay; Jessie (Miss)。
Born at foot of the Southern Alps; Canterbury; New Zealand;
15th December; 1864; father and mother Scottish Highlanders。
Brought up on her father's station; South Canterbury。
Educated; Christchurch Normal School。 Public school teacher for four years;
afterwards private teacher and regular contributor to ‘Otago Witness'
and other journals。
‘The Spirit of the Rangatira; and other Ballads' (Melbourne; 1889)。
‘The Sitter on the Rail; and other Poems' (Christchurch; 1891)。
Martin; Arthur Patchett。
Born at Woolwich; England; 18th February; 1851; eldest son of an Australian
pioneer colonist。 Educated at Melbourne。 Entered Victorian Civil Service;
1862 'sic'; helped to found and was Editor of ‘Melbourne Review'; 1876…1882。
Went to England; 1882。 Died there; 15th February; 1902。
‘Random Rhymes' (Melbourne; 1876)。
‘Lays of To…day' (Melbourne; 1878)。
‘Fernshawe'; sketches in prose and verse (Melbourne; 1882; London; 1885)。
‘The Withered Jester; and other Verses' (London; 1895)。
Michael; James Lionel。
Born in London; 1824; eldest son of James Walter Michael; Solicitor;
and Rose Lemon…Hart。 Articled to his father and became a Solicitor;
was a friend of Millais and others of the Pre…Raphaelite Brotherhood。
Came to Australia; 1853; practised in Sydney; and subsequently at Grafton;
Clarence River; where Kendall entered his office in 1857。
Found drowned in Clarence River with a wound in his skull; 1865。
‘Songs without Music' (Sydney; 1857)。
‘John Cumberland' 'Sydney; n。d。 (1860)'。
Moloney; Patrick。
Born at Hawthorn; Victoria; 1843。 Educated; St。 Patrick's College;
Melbourne; graduated M。B。; Melbourne University; 1867。
Married Miss Quirk of Carlton (Vic。)。 Died at Ulverstone; Eng。;
September; 1904。
O'Dowd; Bernard Patrick。
Born at Beaufort; Victoria; 11th April; 1866; of Irish parents。
Educated in Victorian State schools。 Graduated B。A。; LL。B。;
Melbourne University。 Admitted to the Bar。 Now Assistant Librarian;
Supreme Court; Melbourne。
‘Dawnward?' (Sydney; 1903); reprinted in ‘A Southern Garland'
(Sydney; 1904)。
‘The Silent Land; and other Verses' (Melbourne; 1906)。
Ogilvie; William Henry。
Born near Kelso; Scotland; 21st August; 1869。 Educated;
Kelso High School and Fettes College; Edinburgh。 Came to Australia; 1889;
engaged in droving; horse…breaking and other occupations in N。S。W。 bush。
Returned to Scotland; 1901。 Now in Iowa; U。S。A。
‘Fair Girls and Gray Horses' (Sydney; 1898; second edition; 1899)。
‘Hearts of Gold' (Sydney; 1903)。
O'Hara; John Bernard。
Born at Bendigo (Victoria); 29th October; 1864; of Irish parents。
Educated; Carlton College and Ormond College; graduated M。A。
Melbourne University。 Became Principal; South Melbourne College; 1890;
which position he still occupies。
‘Songs of the South' (London and Melbourne; 1891)。
‘Songs of the South'; Second series (London; 1895)。
‘Lyrics of Nature' (Melbourne; 1899)。
‘A Book of Sonnets' (Melbourne; 1902)。
O'Reilly; Dowell Phillip。
Born at Sydney; 1865; son of Rev。 Canon O'Reilly。
Educated; Sydney Grammar School; went to Sydney University
but left before completing the course。 Represented Parramatta
in N。S。W。 Parliament; 1894…1898。 Now a Master at Sydney Grammar School。
‘A Fragment' (Sydney; 1884)。
‘Australian Poems' (Sydney; 1884)。
‘A Pedlar's Pack' (Sydney; 1888)。
Parkes; Sir Henry。
Born at Stoneleigh; Warwickshire; England; 27th May; 1815。
Son of an English farmer。 Self…educated。 Learned trade of ivory…turner。
Emigrated to Australia; 1839。 Elected to old Legislative Council; 1854;
and to first Parliament under responsible government; 1856。
Was several times Premier and almost continuously in N。S。W。 Parliament
until his death at Annandale; near Sydney; on 27th April; 1896。
‘Stolen Moments' (Sydney; 1842)。
‘Murmurs of the Stream' (Sydney; 1857)。
‘Studies in Rhyme' (Sydney; 1870)。
‘The Beauteous Terrorist; and other Poems' (Sydney; 1885)。
‘Fragmentary Thoughts' (Sydney; 1889)。
‘Sonnets; and other Verse' (London; 1895)。
Paterson; Andrew Barton (〃Banjo〃)。
Born at Narrambla; near Molong (N。S。W。); 17th February; 1864;
father Scottish; mother Australian。 Admitted as a solicitor
and practised in Sydney for some years。 Went to South Africa
as War Correspondent; and to China as special correspondent。
Now Editor Sydney ‘Evening News'。
‘The Man from Snowy River; and other Verses' (Sydney; 1895; 1902)。
‘Rio Grande's Last Race and other Verses' (Sydney; 1902)。
Quinn; Patrick Edward。
Born at Sydney; N。S。W。; 17th March; 1862; of Irish parents。
Educated at various Sydney schools。 Journalist。
Member of N。S。W。 Legislative Assembly for six years。
Quinn; Roderic Joseph。
Born at Sydney; 26th November; 1869 (brother of P。 E。 Quinn)。
Educated in Sydney; studied law; State school teacher at Milbrulong; N。S。W。
Returned to Sydney; 1890; where he now resides。
‘The Hidden Tide' (Sydney; 1899)。
‘The Circling Hearths' (Sydney; 1901)。
Both reprinted in ‘A Southern Garland' (Sydney; 1904)。
Richardson; Robert。
Born at Armidale; N。S。W。; 7th January; 1850; son of John Richardson。
Educated; Sydney Grammar School; graduated B。A。 Sydney University。
Journalist。 Went to England and died there 4th October; 1901。
‘Willow and Wattle' (Edinburgh; 1893)。
Ross; David MacDonald。
Born at Moeraki; on Otago coast; New Zealand; 1865。
Parents Scottish Highlanders; who; shortly after his birth;
removed to Palmerston in the Waihemo Valley; where he attended school。
Engaged in farming work; shearing; etc。 in various parts of New Zealand。
Entered Agricultural Department; and in 1893 was appointed Stock Inspector;
Waikato district; which position he still holds。
‘The After Glow' 'Auckland; n。d。 (1904)'。
Rowe; Richard P。 L。
Born at Doncaster; England; 9th March; 1828。 Emigrated to Australia
when young。 Journalist。 Returned to England; 1858; and subsequently
published a number of works there。 Died; 9th November; 1879。
‘Peter 'Possums' Portfolio' (Sydney; 1858; prose and verse)。
Sandes; John。
Born at Cork; Ireland; 26th February; 1863; son of Rev。 S。 Dickson Sandes。
Family left Ireland; 1872。 Educated at King's College; London;
Trinity College; Stratford…on…Avon; and Magdalen College; Oxford;
graduated B。A。; 1885。 Travelled on Continent as tutor for a year。
Came to Australia; 1887。 Joined staff of Melbourne ‘Argus'; 1888;
Sydney ‘Daily Telegraph'; 1903。
‘Rhymes of the Times' (Melbourne; 1898)。
‘Ballads of Battle' (Melbourne; 1900)。
Simpson; Martha Mildred (Miss)。
Born in Co。 Tyrone; Ireland; 3rd May; 1869。 Came to New South Wales
with her father at the age of fourteen。 Entered service
of Department of Public Instruction; 1886; and is now
in charge of Kindergarten section; Public School; Tamworth;
and Lecturer on educational matters in the same district。
Sinclair; Margaret A。 (Miss)。
Born at Auckland; N。Z。; of Scottish parents。 Educated at home
on Thames Goldfield。 Now resides in Auckland。
‘The Huia's Homeland; and other Verses' (London; 1897)。
‘Echoing Oars; or 〃Waitemata〃; and other Verses' (Auckland; 1903)。
Sladen; Douglas Brooke Wheelton。
Born in London; 5th February; 1856。 Educated;
Cheltenham and Trinity College; Oxford; graduated B。A。
Emigrated to Melbourne; 1879; graduated LL。B。 at University there。
Returned to England; 1884。 Edited 〃Australian Ballads and Rhymes〃;
〃A Century of Australian Song〃; and 〃Australian Poets〃; 1888。
‘Frithjof and Ingebjorg' (London; 1882)。
‘Australian Lyrics' (Melbourne; 1883; London; 1885)。
‘A Poetry of Exiles' (Sydney; 1883; London; 1886)。
Second Series (London; 1888)。
‘A Summer Christmas' (London; 1884)。
‘In Cornwall and Across the Sea' (London; 1885)。
‘Edward the Black Prince' (Florence; 1886; London; 1887)。
‘The Spanish Armada' (London; 1888)。
Stephens; James Brunton。
Born at Borrowstowness; near Edinburgh; 17th June; 1835。