an anthology of australian verse-第4部分
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Hang as if clinging to a cloud that still
Comes rising with them from the void beyond;
Like to a heavenly net; drawn from the deep
And carried upward by ethereal hands。
William Forster。
‘The Love in her Eyes lay Sleeping'
The love in her eyes lay sleeping;
As stars that unconscious shine;
Till; under the pink lids peeping;
I wakened it up with mine;
And we pledged our troth to a brimming oath
In a bumper of blood…red wine。
Alas! too well I know
That it happened long ago;
Those memories yet remain;
And sting; like throbs of pain;
And I'm alone below;
But still the red wine warms; and the rosy goblets glow;
If love be the heart's enslaver;
'Tis wine that subdues the head。
But which has the fairest flavour;
And whose is the soonest shed?
Wine waxes in power in that desolate hour
When the glory of love is dead。
Love lives on beauty's ray;
But night comes after day;
And when the exhausted sun
His high career has run;
The stars behind him stay;
And then the light that lasts consoles our darkening way。
When beauty and love are over;
And passion has spent its rage;
And the spectres of memory hover;
And glare on life's lonely stage;
'Tis wine that remains to kindle the veins
And strengthen the steps of age。
Love takes the taint of years;
And beauty disappears;
But wine in worth matures
The longer it endures;
And more divinely cheers;
And ripens with the suns and mellows with the spheres。
James Lionel Michael。
‘Through Pleasant Paths'
Through pleasant paths; through dainty ways;
Love leads my feet;
Where beauty shines with living rays;
Soft; gentle; sweet;
The placid heart at random strays;
And sings; and smiles; and laughs and plays;
And gathers from the summer days
Their light and heat;
That in its chambers burn and blaze
And beam and beat。
I throw myself among the ferns
Under the shade;
And watch the summer sun that burns
On dell and glade;
To thee; my dear; my fancy turns;
In thee its Paradise discerns;
For thee it sighs; for thee it yearns;
My chosen maid;
And that still depth of passion learns
Which cannot fade。
The wind that whispers in the night;
Subtle and free;
The gorgeous noonday's blinding light;
On hill and tree;
All lovely things that meet my sight;
All shifting lovelinesses bright;
Speak to my heart with calm delight;
Seeming to be
Cloth'd with enchantment; robed in white;
To sing of thee。
The ways of life are hard and cold
To one alone;
Bitter the strife for place and gold
We weep and groan:
But when love warms the heart grows bold;
And when our arms the prize enfold;
Dearest! the heart can hardly hold
The bliss unknown;
Unspoken; never to be told
My own; my own!
〃Death is to us change; not consummation。〃
Heart of Midlothian。
A change! no; surely; not a change;
The change must be before we die;
Death may confer a wider range;
From pole to pole; from sea to sky;
It cannot make me new or strange
To mine own Personality!
For what am I? this mortal flesh;
These shrinking nerves; this feeble frame;
For ever racked with ailments fresh
And scarce from day to day the same
A fly within the spider's mesh;
A moth that plays around the flame!
THIS is not I within such coil
The immortal spirit rests awhile:
When this shall lie beneath the soil;
Which its mere mortal parts defile;
THAT shall for ever live and foil
Mortality; and pain; and guile。
Whatever Time may make of me
Eternity must see me still
Clear from the dross of earth; and free
From every stain of every ill;
Yet still; where…e'er what…e'er I be;
Time's work Eternity must fill。
When all the worlds have ceased to roll;
When the long light has ceased to quiver
When we have reached our final goal
And stand beside the Living River;
This vital spark this loving soul;
Must last for ever and for ever。
To choose what I must be is mine;
Mine in these few and fleeting days;
I may be if I will; divine;
Standing before God's throne in praise;
Through all Eternity to shine
In yonder Heaven's sapphire blaze。
Father; the soul that counts it gain
To love Thee and Thy law on earth;
Unchanged but free from mortal stain;
Increased in knowledge and in worth;
And purified from this world's pain;
Shall find through Thee a second birth。
A change! no surely not a change!
The change must be before we die;
Death may confer a wider range
From world to world; from sky to sky;
It cannot make me new or strange
To mine own Personality!
Daniel Henry Deniehy。
Love in a Cottage
A cottage small be mine; with porch
Enwreathed with ivy green;
And brightsome flowers with dew…filled bells;
'Mid brown old wattles seen。
And one to wait at shut of eve;
With eyes as fountain clear;
And braided hair; and simple dress;
My homeward step to hear。
On summer eves to sing old songs;
And talk o'er early vows;
While stars look down like angels' eyes
Amid the leafy boughs。
When Spring flowers peep from flossy cells;
And bright…winged parrots call;
In forest paths be ours to rove
Till purple evenings fall。
The curtains closed; by taper clear
To read some page divine;
On winter nights; the hearth beside;
Her soft; warm hand in mine。
And so to glide through busy life;
Like some small brook alone;
That winds its way 'mid grassy knolls;
Its music all its own。
A Song for the Night
O the Night; the Night; the solemn Night;
When Earth is bound with her silent zone;
And the spangled sky seems a temple wide;
Where the star…tribes kneel at the Godhead's throne;
O the Night; the Night; the wizard Night;
When the garish reign of day is o'er;
And the myriad barques of the dream…elves come
In a brightsome fleet from Slumber's shore!
O the Night for me;
When blithe and free;
Go the zephyr…hounds on their airy chase;
When the moon is high
In the dewy sky;
And the air is sweet as a bride's embrace!
O the Night; the Night; the charming Night!
From the fountain side in the myrtle shade;
All softly creep on the slumbrous air
The waking notes of the serenade;
While bright eyes shine 'mid the lattice…vines;
And white arms droop o'er the sculptured sills;
And accents fall to the knights below;
Like the babblings soft of mountain rills。
Love in their eyes;
Love in their sighs;
Love in the heave of each lily…bright bosom;
In words so clear;
Lest the listening ear
And the waiting heart may lose them。
O the silent Night; when the student dreams
Of kneeling crowds round a sage's tomb;
And the mother's eyes o'er the cradle rain
Tears for her baby's fading bloom;
O the peaceful Night; when stilled and o'er
Is the charger's tramp on the battle plain;
And the bugle's sound and the sabre's flash;
While the moon looks sad over heaps of slain;
And tears bespeak
On the iron cheek
Of the sentinel lonely pacing;
Thoughts which roll
Through his fearless soul;
Day's sterner mood replacing。
O the sacred Night; when memory comes
With an aspect mild and sweet to me;
But her tones are sad as a ballad air
In childhood heard on a nurse's knee;
And round her throng fair forms long fled;
With brows of snow and hair of gold;
And eyes with the light of summer skies;
And lips that speak of the days of old。
Wide is your flight;
O spirits of Night;
By strath; and stream; and grove;
But most in the gloom
Of the Poet's room
Ye choose; fair ones; to rove。
Richard Rowe。
Superstites Rosae
The grass is green upon her grave;
The west wind whispers low;
〃The corn is changed; come forth; come forth;
Ere all the blossoms go!〃
In vain。 Her laughing eyes are sealed;
And cold her sunny brow;
Last year she smiled upon the flowers
They smile above her now!
Soul Ferry
High and dry upon the shingle lies the fisher's boat to…night;
From his roof…beam dankly drooping; raying phosphorescent light;
Spectral in its pale…blue splendour; hangs his heap of scaly nets;
And the fisher; lapt in slumber; surge and seine alike forgets。
Hark! there comes a sudden knocking; and the fisher starts from sleep;
As a hollow voice and ghostly bids him once more seek the deep;
Wearily across his shoulder flingeth he the ashen oar;
And upon the beach descending finds a skiff beside the shore。
'Tis not his; but he must enter rocking on the waters dim;
Awful in their hidden presence; who are they that wait for him?
Who are they that sit so silent; as he pulleth from the land
Nothing heard save rumbling rowlock; wave soft…breaking on the sand?
Chill adown the tossing channel blows the wailing; wand'ring breeze;
Lonely in the murky midnight; mutt'ring mournful memories;
Summer lands where once it brooded; wrecks that widows' hearts have wrung
Swift the dreary boat flies onwards; spray; like rain; around it flung。
On a pebbled strand it grateth; ghastly cliffs around it loom;
Thin and melancholy voices faintly murmur through the gloom;
Voices only; lipless voices; and the fisherman turns pale;
As the mother greets her children; sisters landing brothers hail。
Lightened of its unseen burden; cork…like rides the rocking bark;
Fast the fisherman flies homewards o'er the billows deep and dark;
THAT boat needs no mortal's mooring sad at h