mary stuart-第16部分
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pallid from her fatigues; humbled by captivity; and she saw hers
calm; lovely; and haughty as usual。 Mary perceived the effect that
she was producing; and addressing herself with an ironical smile
partly to Mary Seyton; who was leaning on the back of her chair; and
partly to her who was paying her this unforeseen visit
〃We are fortunate to…day;〃 said she; 〃for we are going as it seems to
enjoy the society of our good hostess; whom we thank besides for
having kindly maintained with us the empty ceremony of announcing
herselfa ceremony with which; having the keys of our apartment; she
could have dispensed。〃
〃If my presence is inconvenient to your grace;〃 replied Lady
Lochleven; 〃I am all the more sorry for it; as circumstances will
oblige me to impose it twice daily; at least during the absence of my
son; who is summoned to Edinburgh by the regent; this is of what I
came to inform your grace; not with the empty ceremonial of the
court; but with the consideration which Lady Lochleven owes to
everyone who has received hospitality in her castle。〃
〃Our good hostess mistakes our intention;〃 Mary answered; with
affected good…nature; 〃and the regent himself can bear witness to the
pleasure we have always had in bringing nearer to us the persons who
can recall to us; even indirectly; our well…beloved father; James V。
It will be therefore unjustly that Lady Douglas will interpret in a
manner disagreeable to herself our surprise at seeing her; and the
hospitality that she offers us so obligingly does not promise us; in
spite of her goodwill; sufficient distractions that we should deprive
ourselves of those that her visits cannot fail to procure us。〃
〃Unfortunately; madam;〃 replied Lady Lochleven; whom Mary was keeping
standing before her; 〃whatever pleasure I myself derive from these
visits; I shall be obliged to deprive myself of; except at the times
I have mentioned。 I am now too old to bear fatigue; and I have;
always been too proud to endure sarcasms。〃
〃Really; Seyton;〃 cried Mary; seeming to recollect herself; 〃we had
not dreamed that Lady Lochleven; having won her right to a stool at
the court of the king my father; would have need to preserve it in
the prison of the queen his daughter。 Bring forward a seat; Seyton;
that we be not deprived so soon; and by a failure of memory on our
part; of our gracious hostess's company; or even;〃 went on Mary;
rising and pointing out her own seat to Lady Lochleven; who was
making a motion to withdraw; 〃if a stool does not suit you; my lady;
take this easy…chair: you will not be the first member of your family
to sit in my place。〃
At this last allusion; which recalled to her Murray's usurpation;
Lady Lochleven was no doubt about to make some exceedingly bitter
reply; when the young man with the dark hair appeared on the
threshold; without being announced; and; advancing towards Lady
Lochleven; without saluting Mary
〃Madam;〃 said he; bowing to the former; 〃the boat which took my
brother has just returned; and one of the men in it is charged with a
pressing charge that Lord William forgot to make to you himself。〃
Then; saluting the old lady with the same respect; he immediately
went out of the room; without even glancing at the queen; who; hurt
by this impertinence; turned round to Mary Seyton; and; with her
usual calm
〃What have they told us; Seyton; of injurious rumours which were
spread about our worthy hostess apropos of a child with a pale face
and dark hair? If this child; as I have every reason to believe; has
become the young man who just went out of the room; I am ready to
affirm to all the incredulous that he is a true Douglas; if not for
courage; of which we cannot judge; then for insolence; of which he
has just given us proofs。 Let us return; darling;〃 continued the
queen; leaning on Mary Seyton's arm;〃 for our good hostess; out of
courtesy; might think herself obliged to keep us company longer;
while we know that she is impatiently awaited elsewhere。〃
With these words; Mary went into her bedroom; while the old lady;
still quite stunned with the shower of sarcasms that the queen had
rained on her; withdrew; murmuring; 〃Yes; yes; he is a Douglas; and
with God's help he will prove it; I hope。〃
The queen had had strength as long as she was sustained by her
enemy's presence; but scarcely was she alone than she sank into a
chair; and no longer having any witness of her weakness than Mary
Seyton; burst into tears。 Indeed; she had just been cruelly wounded:
till then no man had come near her who had not paid homage either to
the majesty of her rank or to the beauty of her countenance。 But
precisely he; on whom she had reckoned; without knowing why; with
instinctive hopes; insulted her at one and the same time in her
double pride of queen and woman: thus she remained shut up till
At dinner…time; just as Lady Lochleven had informed Mary; she
ascended to the queen's apartment; in her dress of honour; and
preceding four servants who were carrying the several dishes
composing the prisoner's repast; and who; in their turn; were
followed by the old castle steward; having; as on days of great
ceremony; his gold chain round his neck and his ivory stick in his
hand。 The servants' placed the dishes on the table; and waited in
silence for the moment when it should please the queen to come out of
her room; but at this moment the door opened; and in place of the
queen Mary Seyton appeared。
〃Madam;〃 said she on entering; 〃her grace was indisposed during the
day; and will take nothing this evening; it will be useless; then;
for you to wait longer。〃
〃Permit me to hope;〃 replied Lady Lochleven; 〃that she will change
her decision; in any case; see me perform my office。〃
At these words; a servant handed Lady Lochleven bread and salt on a
silver salver; while the old steward; who; in the absence of William
Douglas; fulfilled the duties of carver; served to her on a plate of
the same metal a morsel from each of the dishes that had been
brought; then; this transaction ended
〃So the queen will not appear to…day?〃 Lady Lochleven inquired。
〃It is her Majesty's resolve;〃 replied Mary Seyton。
〃Our presence is then needless;〃 said the old lady; 〃but in any case
the table is served; and if her grace should have need of anything
else; she would have but to name it。〃
With these words; Lady Lochleven; with the same stiffness and the
same dignity with which she had come; withdrew; followed by her four
servants and her steward。
As Lady Lochleven had foreseen; the queen; yielding to the entreaties
of Mary Seyton; came out of her room at last; towards eight o'clock
in the evening; sat down to table; and; served by the only maid of
honour left her; ate a little; then; getting up; she went to the
It was one of those magnificent summer evenings on which the whole of
nature seems making holiday: the sky was studded with stars; which
were reflected in the lake; and in their midst; like a more fiery
star; the flame of the chafing…dish shone; burning at the stern of a
little boat: the queen; by the gleam of the light it shed; perceived
George Douglas and Little Douglas; who were fishing。 However great
her wish to profit by this fine evening to breathe the pure night
air; the sight of this young man who had so grossly insulted her this
very day made such a keen impression on her that she shut her window
directly; and; retiring into her room; went to bed; and made her
companion in captivity read several prayers aloud; then; not being
able to sleep; so greatly was she agitated; she rose; and throwing on
a mantle went again to the window the boat had disappeared。
Mary spent part of the night gazing into the immensity of the
heavens; or into the depths of the lake; but in spite of the nature
of the thoughts agitating her; she none the less found very great
physical alleviation in contact with this pure air and in
contemplation of this peaceful and silent night: thus she awoke next
day calmer and more resigned。 Unfortunately; the sight of Lady
Lochleven; who presented herself at breakfast…time; to fulfil her
duties as taster; brought back her irritability。 Perhaps; however;
things would have gone on smoothly if Lady Lochleven; instead of
remaining standing by the sideboard; had withdrawn after having
tasted the various dishes of the courses; but this insisting on
remaining throughout the meal; which was at bottom a mark of respect;
seemed to the queen unbearable tyranny。
〃Darling;〃 said she; speaking to Mary Seyton; 〃have you already
forgotten that our good hostess complained yesterday of the fatigue
she felt inn standing? Bring her; then; one of the two stools
which compose our royal furniture; and take care that it is not the
one with the leg broken〃。 〃If the furniture of Lochleven Castle is
in such bad condition; madam;〃 the old lady replied; 〃it is the fault
of the kings of Scotland: the poor Douglases for nearly a century
have had such a small part of their sovereigns' favour; that they
have not been able to keep up the splendour of their ancestors to the
level of that of private individuals; and because there was in
Scotland a certain musician; as I am informed; who spent their income
for a whole year in one month。〃
〃Those who know how to take so well; my lady;〃 the queen answered;
〃have no need of being given to: it seems to me the Douglases have
lost nothing by waiting; and there is not a younger son of this noble
family who might not aspire to the highest alliances; it is truly
vexatious that our sister the queen of England has taken a vow of
virginity; as is stated。〃
〃Or rather;〃 interrupted Lady Lochleven; 〃that the Queen of Scotland
is not a widow by her third husband。 But;〃 continued the old lady;
pretending to recollect herself; 〃I do not say that to reproac