mary stuart-第19部分
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while waiting for the boat to came and take those who were going to
the castle。
The distance was too great for Mary to recognise any of the visitors;
but it was clear; from the signs of intelligence exchanged between
the little troop and the inhabitants of the fortress; that the
newcomers were her enemies。 This was a reason why the queen; in her
uneasiness; should not lose sight for a moment of the boat which was
going to fetch them。 She saw only two men get into it; and
immediately it put off again for the castle。
As the boat drew nearer; Mary's presentiments changed to real fears;
for in one of the men coming towards her she thought she made out
Lord Lindsay of Byres; the same who; a week before; had brought her
to her prison。 It was indeed he himself; as usual in a steel helmet
without a visor; which allowed one to see his coarse face designed to
express strong passions; and his long black beard with grey hairs
here and there; which covered his chest: his person was protected; as
if it were in time of war; with his faithful suit of armour; formerly
polished and well gilded; but which; exposed without ceasing to rain
and mist; was now eaten up with rust; he had slung on his back; much
as one slings a quiver; a broadsword; so heavy that it took two hands
to manage it; and so long that while the hilt reached the left
shoulder the point reached the right spur: in a word; he was still
the same soldier; brave to rashness but brutal to insolence;
recognising nothing but right and force; and always ready to use
force when he believed himself in the right。
The queen was so much taken up with the sight of Lord Lindsay of
Byres; that it was only just as the boat reached the shore that she
glanced at his companion and recognised Robert Melville;: this was
some consolation; for; whatever might happen; she knew that she
should find in him if not ostensible at least secret sympathy。
Besides; his dress; by which one could have judged him equally with
Lord Lindsay; was a perfect contrast to his companion's。 It
consisted of a black velvet doublet; with a cap and a feather of the
same hue fastened to it with a gold clasp; his only weapon; offensive
or defensive; was a little sword; which he seemed to wear rather as a
sign of his rank than for attack or defence。 As to his features and
his manners; they were in harmony with this peaceful appearance: his
pale countenance expressed both acuteness and intelligence; his quick
eye was mild; and his voice insinuating; his figure slight and a
little bent by habit rather than by years; since he was but forty…
five at this time; indicated an easy and conciliatory character。
However; the presence of this man of peace; who seemed entrusted with
watching over the demon of war; could not reassure the queen; and as
to get to the landing…place; in front of the great door of the
castle; the boat had just disappeared behind the corner of a tower;
she told Mary Seyton to go down that she might try to learn what
cause brought Lord Lindsay to Lochleven; well knowing that with the
force of character with which she was endowed; she need know this
cause but a few minutes beforehand; whatever it might be; to give her
countenance that calm and that majesty which she had always found to
influence her enemies。
Left alone; Mary let her glance stray back to the little house in
Kinross; her sole hope; but the distance was too great to distinguish
anything; besides; its shutters remained closed all day; and seemed
to open only in the evening; like the clouds; which; having covered
the sky for a whole morning; scatter at last to reveal to the lost
sailor a solitary star。 She had remained no less motionless; her
gaze always fixed on the same object; when she was drawn from this
mute contemplation by the step of Mary Seyton。
〃Well; darling?〃 asked the queen; turning round。
〃Your Majesty is not mistaken;〃 replied the messenger: 〃it really was
Sir Robert Melville and Lord Lindsay; but there came yesterday with
Sir William Douglas a third ambassador; whose name; I am afraid; will
be still more odious to your Majesty than either of the two I have
just pronounced。〃
〃You deceive yourself; Mary;〃 the queen answered : 〃neither the name
of Melville nor that of Lindsay is odious to me。 Melville's; on the
contrary; is; in my present circumstances; one of those which I have
most pleasure in hearing; as to Lord Lindsay's; it is doubtless not
agreeable to me; but it is none the less an honourable name; always
borne by men rough and wild; it is true; but incapable of treachery。
Tell me; then; what is this name; Mary; for you see I am calm and
〃Alas! madam;〃 returned Mary; 〃calm and prepared as you may be;
collect all your strength; not merely to hear this name uttered; but
also to receive in a few minutes the man who bears it; for this name
is that of Lord Ruthven。〃
Mary Seyton had spoken truly; and this name had a terrible influence
upon the queen; for scarcely had it escaped the young girl's lips
than Mary Stuart uttered a cry; and turning pale; as if she were
about to faint; caught hold of the window…ledge。
Mary Seyton; frightened at the effect produced by this fatal name;
immediately sprang to support the queen; but she; stretching one hand
towards her; while she laid the other on her heart
〃It is nothing;〃 said she; 〃I shall be better in a moment。 Yes;
Mary; yes; as you said; it is a fatal name and mingled with one of my
most bloody memories。 What such men are coming to ask of me must be
dreadful indeed。 But no matter; I shall soon be ready to receive my
brother's ambassadors; for doubtless they are sent in his name。 You;
darling; prevent their entering; for I must have some minutes to
myself: you know me; it will not take me long。〃
With these words the queen withdrew with a firm step to her
Mary Seyton was left alone; admiring that strength of character which
made of Mary Stuart; in all other respects so completely woman…like;
a man in the hour of danger。 She immediately went to the door to
close it with the wooden bar that one passed between two iron rings;
but the bar had been taken away; so that there was no means of
fastening the door from within。 In a moment she heard someone coming
up the stairs; and guessing from the heavy; echoing step that this
must be Lord Lindsay; she looked round her once again to see if she
could find something to replace the bar; and finding nothing within
reach; she passed her arm through the rings; resolved to let it be
broken rather than allow anyone to approach her mistress before it
suited her。 Indeed; hardly had those who were coming up reached the
landing than someone knocked violently; and a harsh voice cried:
〃Come; come; open the door; open directly。〃
〃And by what right;〃 said Mary Seyton; 〃am I ordered thus insolently
to open the Queen of Scotland's door?〃
〃By the right of the ambassador of the regent to enter everywhere in
his name。 I am Lord Lindsay; and I am come to speak to Lady Mary
〃To be an ambassador;〃 answered Mary Seyton; 〃is not to be exempted
from having oneself announced in visiting a woman; and much more a
queen; and if this ambassador is; as he says; Lord Lindsay; he will
await his sovereign's leisure; as every Scottish noble would do in
his place。〃
〃By St。 Andrew!〃 cried Lord Lindsay; 〃open; or I will break in the
〃Do nothing to it; my lord; I entreat you;〃 said another voice; which
Mary recognised as Meville's。 〃Let us rather wait for Lord Ruthven;
who is not yet ready。〃
〃Upon my soul;〃 cried Lindsay; shaking the door; 〃I shall not wait a
second〃。 Then; seeing that it resisted; 〃Why did you tell me; then;
you scamp;〃 Lindsay went on; speaking to the steward; 〃that the bar
had been removed?
〃It is true;〃 replied he。
〃Then;〃 returned Lindsay; 〃with what is this silly wench securing the
〃With my arm; my lord; which I have passed through the rings; as a
Douglas did for King James I; at a time when Douglases had dark hair
instead of red; and were faithful instead of being traitors。〃
〃Since you know your history so well;〃 replied Lindsay; in a rage;〃
you should remember that that weak barrier did not hinder Graham;
that Catherine Douglas's arm was broken like a willow wand; and that
James I was killed like a dog。〃
〃But you; my lord;〃 responded the courageous young girl; 〃ought also
to know the ballad that is still sung in our time
'Now; on Robert Gra'am;
The king's destroyer; shame!
To Robert Graham cling
Shame; who destroyed our king。'〃
〃Mary;〃 cried the queen; who had overheard this altercation from her
bedroom;〃Mary; I command you to open the door directly: do you
Mary obeyed; and Lord Lindsay entered; followed by Melville; who
walked behind him; with slow steps and bent head。 Arrived in the
middle of the second room; Lord Lindsay stopped; and; looking round
〃Well; where is she; then?〃 he asked; 〃and has she not already kept
us waiting long enough outside; without making us wait again inside?
Or does she imagine that; despite these walls and these bars; she is
always queen
〃Patience; my lord;〃 murmured Sir Robert: 〃you see that Lord Ruthven
has not come yet; and since we can do nothing without him; let us
〃Let wait who will;〃 replied Lindsay; inflamed with anger; 〃but it
will not be I; and wherever she may be; I shall go and seek her。〃
With these words; he made some steps towards Mary Stuart's bedroom;
but at the same moment the queen opened the door; without seeming
moved either at the visit or at the insolence of the visitors; and so
lovely and so full of majesty; that each; even Lindsay himself; was
silent at her appearance; and; as if in obedience to a higher power;
bowed respectfully before her。