八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > mary stuart >


mary stuart-第28部分

小说: mary stuart 字数: 每页4000字

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troops who were to conduct the queen to that town was entrusted to

the Earl of Argyll; and the 11th of May she took the road with an

army of nearly ten thousand men。

Murray was at Glasgow when he heard of the queen's escape: the place

was strong; he decided to hold it; and summoned to him his bravest

and most devoted partisans。  Kirkcaldy of Grange; Morton; Lindsay of

Byres; Lord Lochleven; and William Douglas hastened to him; and six

thousand of the best troops in the kingdom gathered round them; while

Lord Ruthven in the counties of Berwick and Angus raised levies with

which to join them。

The 13th May; Morton occupied from daybreak the village of Langside;

through which the queen must pass to get to Dumbarton。  The news of

the occupation reached the queen as the two armies were yet seven

miles apart。  Mary's first instinct was to escape an engagement: she

remembered her last battle at Carberry Hill; at the end of which she

had been separated from Bothwell and brought to Edinburgh; so she

expressed aloud this opinion; which was supported by George Douglas;

who; in black armour; without other arms; had continued at the

queen's side。

〃Avoid an engagement!〃 cried Lord Seyton; not daring to answer his

sovereign; and replying to George as if this opinion had originated

with him。  〃We could do it; perhaps; if we were one to ten; but we

shall certainly not do so when we are three to two。  You speak a

strange tongue; my young master;〃 continued he; with some contempt;

〃and you forget; it seems to me; that you are a Douglas and that you

speak to a Seyton。〃

〃My lord;〃 returned George calmly; 〃when we only hazard the lives of

Douglases and Seytons; you will find me; I hope; as ready to fight as

you; be it one to ten; be it three to two; but we are now answerable

for an existence dearer to Scotland than that of all the Seytons and

all the Douglases。  My advice is then to avoid battle。〃

〃Battle! battle!〃 cried all the chieftains。

〃You hear; madam?〃 said Lord Seyton to Mary Stuart: 〃I believe that

to wish to act against such unanimity would be dangerous。  In

Scotland; madam; there is an ancient proverb which has it that 'there

is most prudence in courage。'〃

〃But have you not heard that the regent has taken up an advantageous

position?〃 the queen said。

〃The greyhound hunts the hare on the hillside as well as in the

plain;〃 replied Seyton: 〃we will drive him out; wherever he is。〃

〃Let it be as you desire; then; my lords。  It shall not be said that

Mary Stuart returned to the scabbard the sword her defenders had

drawn for her。〃

Then; turning round to Douglas

〃George;〃 she said to him; 〃choose a guard of twenty men for me; and

take command of them: you will not quit me。〃

George bent low in obedience; chose twenty from among the bravest

men; placed the queen in their midst; and put himself at their head;

then the troops; which had halted; received the order to continue

their road。  In two hours' time the advance guard was in sight of the

enemy; it halted; and the rest of the army rejoined it。

The queen's troops then found themselves parallel with the city of

Glasgow; and the heights which rose in front of them were already

occupied by a force above which floated; as above that of Mary; the

royal banners of Scotland; On the other side; and on the opposite

slope; stretched the village of Langside; encircled with enclosures

and gardens。  The road which led to it; and which followed all the

variations of the ground; narrowed at one place in such a way that

two men could hardly pass abreast; then; farther on; lost itself in a

ravine; beyond which it reappeared; then branched into two; of which

one climbed to the village of Langside; while the other led to


On seeing the lie of the ground; the Earl of Argyll immediately

comprehended the importance of occupying this village; and; turning

to Lord Seyton; he ordered him to gallop off and try to arrive there

before the enemy; who doubtless; having made the same observation as

the commander of the royal forces; was setting in motion at that very

moment a considerable body of cavalry。

Lord Seyton called up his men directly; but while he was ranging them

round his banner; Lord Arbroath drew his sword; and approaching the

Earl of Argyll

〃My lord;〃 said he; 〃you do me a wrong in charging Lord Seyton to

seize that post: as commander of the vanguard; it is to me this

honour belongs。  Allow me; then; to use my privilege in claiming it。〃

〃It is I who received the order to seize it; I will seize it!〃 cried


〃Perhaps;〃 returned Lord Arbroath; 〃but not before me!〃

〃Before you and before every Hamilton in the world!〃 exclaimed

Seyton; putting his horse to the gallop and rushing down into the

hollow road

〃Saint Bennet! and forward!〃

〃Come; my faithful kinsmen!〃cried Lord Arbroath; dashing forward on

his side with the same object; 〃come; my men…at…arms! For God and the


The two troops precipitated themselves immediately in disorder and

ran against one another in the narrow way; where; as we have said;

two men could hardly pass abreast。  There was a terrible collision

there; and the conflict began among friends who should have been

united against the enemy。  Finally; the two troops; leaving behind

them some corpses stifled in the press; or even killed by their

companions; passed through the defile pell…mell and were lost sight

of in the ravine。  But during this struggle Seyton and Arbroath had

lost precious time; and the detachment sent by Murray; which had

taken the road by Glasgow; had reached the village beforehand; it was

now necessary not to take it; but to retake it。

Argyll saw that the whole day's struggle would be concentrated there;

and; understanding more and more the importance of the village;

immediately put himself at the head of the body of his army;

commanding a rearguard of two thousand men to remain there and await

further orders to take part in the fighting。  But whether the captain

who commanded them had ill understood; or whether he was eager to

distinguish himself in the eyes of the queen; scarcely had Argyll

vanished into the ravine; at the end of which the struggle had

already commenced between Kirkcaldy of Grange and Morton on the one

side; and on the other between Arbroath and Seyton; than; without

regarding the cries of Mary Stuart; he set off in his turn at a

gallop; leaving the queen without other guard than the little escort

of twenty men which Douglas had chosen for her。  Douglas sighed。

〃Alas!〃 said the queen; hearing him; 〃I am not a soldier; but there

it seems to me is a battle very badly begun。〃

〃What is to be done?〃 replied Douglas。  〃We are every one of us

infatuated; from first to last; and all these men are behaving to…day

like madmen or children。〃

〃Victory! victory!〃 said the queen; 〃the enemy is retreating;

fighting。  I see the banners of Seyton and Arbroath floating near the

first houses in the village。  Oh! my brave lords;〃 cried she;

clapping her hands。  〃Victory! victory!〃

But she stopped suddenly on perceiving a body of the enemy's army

advancing to charge the victors in flank。

〃It is nothing; it is nothing;〃 said Douglas; 〃so long as there is

only cavalry we have nothing much to fear; and besides the Earl of

Argyll will fall in in time to aid them。〃

〃George;〃 said Little William。

〃Well?〃 asked Douglas。

〃Don't you see?  〃the child went on; stretching out his arms towards

the enemy's force; which was coming on at a gallop。


〃Each horseman carries a footman armed with an arquebuse behind him;

so that the troop is twice as numerous as it appears。〃

〃That's true; upon my soul; the child has good sight。  Let someone go

at once full gallop and take news of this to the Earl or Argyll。〃

〃I! I!〃 cried Little William。  〃I saw them first; it is my right to

bear the tidings。〃

〃Go; then; my child;〃 said Douglas; 〃and may God preserve thee!〃

The child flew; quick as lightning; not hearing or feigning not to

hear the queen; who was recalling him。  He was seen to cross the

gorge and plunge into the hollow road at the moment when Argyll was

debouching at the end and coming to the aid of Seyton and Arbroath。

Meanwhile; the enemy's detachment had dismounted its infantry; which;

immediately formed up; was scattering on the sides of the ravine by

paths impracticable for horses。

〃William will come too late!〃 cried Douglas; 〃or even; should he

arrive in time; the news is now useless to them。  Oh madmen; madmen

that we are!  This is how we have always lost all our battles!〃

〃Is the battle lost; then?〃 demanded Mary; growing pale。

〃No; madam; no;〃 cried Douglas; 〃Heaven be thanked; not yet; but

through too great haste we have begun badly。〃

〃And William?〃 said Mary Stuart。

〃He is now serving his apprenticeship in arms; for; if I am not

mistaken; he must be at this moment at the very spot where those

marksmen are making such quick firing。〃

〃Poor child!〃 cried the queen; 〃if ill should befall him; I shall

never console myself。〃

〃Alas! madam;〃 replied Douglas; 〃I greatly fear that his first battle

is his last; and that everything is already over for him; for; unless

I mistake; there is his horse returning riderless。〃

〃Oh; my God! my God!〃 said the queen; weeping; and raising her hands

to heaven; 〃it is then decreed that I should be fatal to all around


George was not deceived: it was William's horse coming back without

his young master and covered with blood。

〃Madam;〃 said Douglas; 〃we are ill placed here; let us gain that

hillock on which is the Castle of Crookstone: from thence we shall

survey the whole battlefield。〃

〃No; not there! not there!〃 said the queen in terror: 〃within that

castle I came to spend the

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