八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > mary stuart >


mary stuart-第3部分

小说: mary stuart 字数: 每页4000字

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as that of the Earl of Murray had lapsed since the death of the

famous Thomas Randolph; Mary; in her sisterly friendship for James

Stuart; hastened to add; this title to those which she had already

bestowed upon him。

But here difficulties and complications arose; for the new Earl of

Murray; with his character; was not a man to content himself with a

barren title; while the estates which were crown property since the

extinction of the male branch of the old earls; had been gradually

encroached upon by powerful neighbours; among whom was the famous

Earl of Huntly; whom we have already mentioned: the result was that;

as the queen judged that in this quarter her orders would probably

encounter opposition; under pretext of visiting her possessions in

the north; she placed herself at the head of a small army; commanded

by her brother; the Earl of Mar and Murray。

The Earl of Huntly was the less duped by the apparent pretext of this

expedition; in that his son; John Cordon; for some abuse of his

powers; had just been condemned to a temporary imprisonment。  He;

notwithstanding; made every possible submission to the queen; sending

messengers in advance to invite…her to rest in his castle; and

following up the messengers in person; to renew his invitation viva

voce。  Unfortunately; at the very moment when he was about to join

the queen; the governor of Inverness; who was entirely devoted to

him; was refusing to allow Mary to enter this castle; which was a

royal one。  It is true that Murray; aware that it does not do to

hesitate in the face of such rebellions; had already had him executed

for high treason。

This new act of firmness showed Huntly that the young queen was not

disposed to allow the Scottish lords a resumption of the almost

sovereign power humbled by her father; so that; in spite of the

extremely kind reception she accorded him; as he learned while in

camp that his son; having escaped from prison; had just put himself

at the head of his vassals; he was afraid that he should be thought;

as doubtless he was; a party to the rising; and he set out the same

night to assume command of his troops; his mind made up; as Mary only

had with her seven to eight thousand men; to risk a battle; giving

out; however; as Buccleuch had done in his attempt to snatch James V

from the hands of the Douglases; that it was not at the queen he was

aiming; but solely at the regent; who kept her under his tutelage and

perverted her good intentions。

Murray; who knew that often the entire peace of a reign depends on

the firmness one displays at its beginning; immediately summoned all

the northern barons whose estates bordered on his; to march against

Huntly。  All obeyed; for the house of Cordon was already so powerful

that each feared it might become still more so; but; however; it was

clear that if there was hatred for the subject there was no great

affection for the queen; and that the greater number came without

fixed intentions and with the idea of being led by circumstances。

The two armies encountered near Aberdeen。  Murray at once posted the

troops he had brought from Edinburgh; and of which he was sure; on

the top of rising ground; and drew up in tiers on the hill slope all

his northern allies。  Huntly advanced resolutely upon them; and

attacked his neighbours the Highlanders; who after a short resistance

retired in disorder。  His men immediately threw away their lances;

and; drawing their swords; crying; 〃Cordon; Cordon!〃 pursued the

fugitives; and believed they had already gained the battle; when they

suddenly ran right against the main body of Murray's army; which

remained motionless as a rampart of iron; and which; with its long

lances; had the advantage of its adversaries; who were armed only

with their claymores。  It was then the turn of the Cordons to draw

back; seeing which; the northern clans rallied and returned to the

fight; each soldier having a sprig of heather in his cap that his

comrades might recognise him。  This unexpected movement determined

the day: the Highlanders ran down the hillside like a torrent;

dragging along with them everyone who could have wished to oppose

their passage。  Then Murray seeing that the moment had come for

changing the defeat into a rout; charged with his entire cavalry:

Huntly; who was very stout and very heavily armed; fell and was

crushed beneath the horses' feet; John Cordon; taken prisoner in his

flight; was executed at Aberdeen three days afterwards; finally; his

brother; too young to undergo the same fate at this time; was shut up

in a dungeon and executed later; the day he reached the age of


Mary had been present at the battle; and the calm and courage she

displayed had made a lively impression on her wild defenders; who all

along the road had heard her say that she would have liked to be a

man; to pass her days on horseback; her nights under a tent; to wear

a coat of mail; a helmet; a buckler; and at her side a broadsword。

Mary made her entry into Edinburgh amid general enthusiasm; for this

expedition against the Earl of Huntly; who was a Catholic; had been

very popular among the inhabitants; who had no very clear idea of the

real motives which had caused her to undertake it: They were of the

Reformed faith; the earl was a papist; there was an enemy the less;

that is all they thought about。  Now; therefore; the Scotch; amid

their acclamations; whether viva voce or by written demands;

expressed the wish that their queen; who was without issue by Francis

II; should re…marry: Mary agreed to this; and; yielding to the

prudent advice of those about her; she decided to consult upon this

marriage Elizabeth; whose heir she was; in her title of granddaughter

of Henry VII; in the event of the Queen of England's dying without

posterity。  Unfortunately; she had not always acted with like

circumspection; for at the death of Mary Tudor; known as Bloody。

Mary; she had laid claim to the throne of Henry VIII; and; relying on

the illegitimacy of Elizabeth's birth; had with the dauphin assumed

sovereignty over Scotland; England; and Ireland; and had had coins

struck with this new title; and plate engraved with these new

armorial bearings。

Elizabeth was nine years older than Marythat is to say; that at

this time she had not yet attained her thirtieth year; she was not

merely her rival as queen; then; but as woman。  As regards education;

she could sustain comparison with advantage; for if she had less

charm of mind; she had more solidity of judgment: versed in politics;

philosophy; history; rhetoric; poetry and music; besides English; her

maternal tongue; she spoke and wrote to perfection Greek; Latin;

French; Italian and Spanish; but while Elizabeth excelled Mary on

this point; in her turn Mary was more beautiful; and above all more

attractive; than her rival。  Elizabeth had; it is true; a majestic

and agreeable appearance; bright quick eyes; a dazzlingly white

complexion; but she had red hair; a large foot;'Elizabeth bestowed

a pair of her shoes on the University of Oxford; their size would

point to their being those of a man of average stature。'and a

powerful hand; while Mary; on the contrary; with her beautiful ashy…

fair hair;'Several historians assert that Mary Stuart had black

hair; but Brantome; who had seen it; since; as we have said; he

accompanied her to Scotland; affirms tat it was fair。  And; so

saying; he (the executioner) took off her headdress; in a

contemptuous manner; to display her hair already white; that while

alive; however; she feared not to show; nor yet to twist and frizz as

in the days when it was so beautiful and so fair。〃'her noble open

forehead; eyebrows which could be only blamed for being so regularly

arched that they looked as if drawn by a pencil; eyes continually

beaming with the witchery of fire; a nose of perfect Grecian outline;

a mouth so ruby red and gracious that it seemed that; as a flower

opens but to let its perfume escape; so it could not open but to give

passage to gentle words; with a neck white and graceful as a swan's;

hands of alabaster; with a form like a goddess's and a foot like a

child's; Mary was a harmony in which the most ardent enthusiast for

sculptured form could have found nothing to reproach。

This was indeed Mary's great and real crime: one single imperfection

in face or figure; and she would not have died upon the scaffold。

Besides; to Elizabeth; who had never seen her; and who consequently

could only judge by hearsay; this beauty was a great cause of

uneasiness and of jealousy; which she could not even disguise; and

which showed itself unceasingly in eager questions。  One day when she

was chatting with James Melville about his mission to her court;

Mary's offer to be guided by Elizabeth in her choice of a husband;a

choice which the queen of England had seemed at first to wish to see

fixed on the Earl of Leicester;she led the Scotch ambassador into a

cabinet; where she showed him several portraits with labels in her

own handwriting: the first was one of the Earl of Leicester。  As this

nobleman was precisely the suitor chosen by Elizabeth; Melville asked

the queen to give it him to show to his mistress; but Elizabeth

refused; saying that it was the only one she had。  Melville then

replied; smiling; that being in possession of the original she might

well part with the copy; but Elizabeth would on no account consent。

This little discussion ended; she showed him the portrait of Mary

Stuart; which she kissed very tenderly; expressing to Melville a

great wish to see his mistress。  〃That is very easy; madam;〃 he

replied: 〃keep your room; on the pretext that you are indisposed; and

set out incognito for Scotland; as King James V set out for France

when he wanted to see Madeleine de Valois; whom he afterwards


〃Alas!〃 replied Elizabeth; 〃I would like to do so; but it is not so

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