八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > mary stuart >


mary stuart-第38部分

小说: mary stuart 字数: 每页4000字

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This speech ended; the queen rose from table; and desired to go into

her wardrobe…room; to see the clothes and jewels she wished to

dispose of; but Bourgoin observed that it would be better to have all

these separate objects brought into her chamber; that there would be

a double advantage in this; she would be less tired for one thing;

and the English would not see them for another。  This last reason

decided her; and while the servants were supping; she had brought

into her ante…room; first of all; all her robes; and took the

inventory from her wardrobe attendant; and began to write in the

margin beside each item the name of the person it was to be given to。

Directly; and as fast as she did it; that person to whom it was given

took it and put it aside。  As for the things which were too personal

to her to be thus bestowed; she ordered that they should be sold; and

that the purchase…money should be used for her servants' travelling

expenses; when they returned to their own countries; well knowing how

great the cost would be and that no one would have sufficient means。

This memorandum finished; she signed it; and gave it as a discharge

to her wardrobe attendant。

Then; that done; she went into her room; where had been brought her

rings; her jewels; and her most valuable belongings; inspected them

all; one after the other; down to the very least; and distributed

them as she had done her robes; so that; present or absent; everyone

had something。  Then she furthermore gave; to her most faithful

people; the jewels she intended for the king and queen of France; for

the king her son; for the queen…mother; for Messieurs de Guise and de

Lorraine; without forgetting in this distribution any prince or

princess among her relatives。  She desired; besides; that each should

keep the things then in his care; giving her linen to the young lady

who looked after it; her silk embroideries to her who took charge of

them; her silver plate to her butler; and so on with the rest。

Then; as they were asking her for a discharge; 〃It is useless;〃 said

she; 〃you owe an account to me only; and to…morrow; therefore; you

will no longer owe it to anyone〃; but; as they pointed out that the

king her son could claim from them; 〃You are right;〃 said she; and

she gave them what they asked。

That done; and having no hope left of being visited by her confessor;

she wrote him this letter :

〃I have been tormented all this day on account of my religion; and

urged to receive the consolations of a heretic: you will learn;

through Bourgoin and the others; that everything they could say on

this matter has been useless; that I have faithfully made

protestation of the faith in which I wish to die。  I requested that

you should be allowed to receive my confession and to give me the

sacrament; which has been cruelly refused; as well as the removal of

my body; and the power to make my will freely; so that I cannot write

anything except through their hands; and with the good pleasure of

their mistress。  For want of seeing you; then; I confess to you my

sins in general; as I should have done in particular; begging you; in

God's name; to watch and pray this night with me; for the remission

of my sins; and to send me your absolution and forgiveness for all

the wrongs I have done you。  I shall try to see you in their

presence; as they permitted it to my steward; and if it is allowed;

before all; and on my knees; I shall ask your blessing。  Send me the

best prayers you know for this night and for to…morrow morning; for

the time is short; and I have not the leisure to write; but be calm;

I shall recommend you like the rest of my servants; and your

benefices above all will be secured to you。  Farewell; for I have not

much more time。  Send to me in writing everything you can find; best

for my salvation; in prayers and exhortations; I send you my last

little ring。〃

Directly she had written this letter the queen began to make her

will; and at a stroke; with her pen running on and almost without

lifting it from the paper; she wrote two large sheets; containing

several paragraphs; in which no one was forgotten; present as absent;

distributing the little she had with scrupulous fairness; and still

more according to need than according to service。  The executors she

chose were: the Duke of Guise; her first cousin; the Archbishop of

Glasgow; her ambassador; the Bishop of Ross; her chaplain in chief;

and M。 du Ruysseau; her chancellor; all four certainly very worthy of

the charge; the first from his authority; the two bishops by piety

and conscience; and the last by his knowledge of affairs。  Her will

finished; she wrote this letter to the King of France:

SIR MY BROTHER…IN…LAW;Having; by God's permission and for my sins;

I believe; thrown myself into the arms of this queen; my cousin;

where I have had much to endure for more than twenty years; I am by

her and by her Parliament finally condemned to death; and having

asked for my papers; taken from me; to make my will; I have not been

able to obtain anything to serve me; not even permission to write my

last wishes freely; nor leave that after my death my body should be

transported; as was my dearest desire; into your kingdom; where I had

had the honour of being queen; your sister and your ally。  To…day;

after dinner; without more respect; my sentence has been declared to

me; to be executed to…morrow; like a criminal; at eight o'clock in

the morning。  I have not the leisure to give you a full account of

what has occurred; but if it please you to believe my doctor and

these others my distressed servants; you will hear the truth; and

that; thanks to God; I despise death; which I protest I receive

innocent of every crime; even if I were their subject; which I never

was。  But my faith in the Catholic religion and my claims to the

crown of England are the real causes for my condemnation; and yet

they will not allow me to say that it is for religion I die; for my

religion kills theirs; and that is so true; that they have taken my

chaplain from me; who; although a prisoner in the same castle; may

not come either to console me; or to give me the holy sacrament of

the eucharist; but; on the contrary; they have made me urgent

entreaties to receive the consolations of their minister whom they

have brought for this purpose。  He who will bring you this letter;

and the rest of my servants; who are your subjects for the most part;

will bear you witness of the way in which I shall have performed my

last act。  Now it remains to me to implore you; as a most Christian

king; as my brother…in…law; as my ancient ally; and one who has so

often done me the honour to protest your friendship for me; to give

proof of this friendship; in your virtue and your charity; by helping

me in that of which I cannot without you discharge my conscience

that is to say; in rewarding my good distressed servants; by giving

them their dues; then; in having prayers made to God for a queen who

has been called most Christian; and who dies a Catholic and deprived

of all her goods。  As to my son; I commend him to you as much as he

shall deserve; for I cannot answer for him; but as to my servants; I

commend them with clasped hands。  I have taken the liberty of sending

you two rare stones good for the health; hoping that yours may be

perfect during a long life; you will receive them as coming from your

very affectionate sister…in…law; at the point of death and giving

proof of her; good disposition towards you。

〃I shall commend my servants to you in a memorandum; and will order

you; for the good of my soul; for whose salvation it will be

employed; to pay me a portion of what you owe me; if it please you;

and I conjure you for the honour of Jesus; to whom I shall pray to…

morrow at my death; that you leave me the wherewithal to found a mass

and to perform the necessary charities。

〃This Wednesday; two hours after midnight

Your affectionate and good sister;

〃MARY; R。。。。〃

Of all these recommendations; the will and the letters; the queen at

once had copies made which she signed; so that; if some should be

seized by the English; the others might reach their destination。

Bourgoin pointed out to her that she was wrong to be in such a hurry

to close them; and that perhaps in two or three hours she would

remember that she had left something out。  But the queen paid no

attention; saying she was sure she had not forgotten anything; and

that if she had; she had only time now to pray and to look to her

conscience。  So she shut up all the several articles in the drawers

of a piece of furniture and gave the key to Bourgoin; then sending

for a foot…bath; in which she stayed for about ten minutes; she lay

down in bed; where she was not seen to sleep; but constantly to

repeat prayers or to remain in meditation。

Towards four o'clock in the morning; the queen; who was accustomed;

after evening prayers; to have the story of some male or female saint

read aloud to her; did not wish to depart from this habit; and; after

having hesitated among several for this solemn occasion; she chose

the greatest sinner of all; the penitent thief; saying humbly

〃If; great sinner as he was; he has yet sinned less than I; I desire

to beg of him; in remembrance of the passion of Jesus Christ; to;

have pity on me in the hour of my death; as Our Lord had pity on


Then; when the reading was over; she had all her handkerchiefs

brought; and chose the finest; which was of delicate cambric all

embroidered in gold; to bandage her eyes with。

At daybreak; reflecting that she had only two hours to live; she rose

and began dressing; but before she had finished; Bourgoin came into

her room; and; afraid lest the absent servants might murmur against

the queen; if by chance they were discontented at the will; and might

accuse those who had been present of hav

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