mary stuart-第42部分
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and the poor body was in that great hall waiting for a royal
interment。 Things remained thus; Elizabeth said; to give her time to
order a splendid funeral for her good sister Mary; but in reality
because the queen dared not place in juxtaposition the secret and
infamous death and the public and royal burial; then; was not time
needed for the first reports which it pleased Elizabeth to spread to
be credited before the truth should be known by the mouths of the
servants? For the queen hoped that once this careless world had made
up its mind about the death of the Queen of Scots; it would not take
any further trouble to change it。 Finally; it was only when the
warders were as tired as the prisoners; that Elizabeth; having
received a report stating that the ill…embalmed body could no longer
be kept; at last ordered the funeral to take place。
Accordingly; after the 1st of August; tailors and dressmakers arrived
at Fotheringay Castle; sent by Elizabeth; with cloth and black silk
stuffs; to clothe in mourning all Mary's servants。 But they refused;
not having waited for the Queen of England's bounty; but having made
their funeral garments at their own expense; immediately after their
mistress's death。 The tailors and dressmakers; however; none the
less set so actively to work that on the 7th everything was finished。
Next day; at eight o'clock in the evening; a large chariot; drawn by
four horses in mourning trappings; and covered with black velvet like
the chariot; which was; besides; adorned with little streamers on
which were embroidered the arms of Scotland; those of the queen; and
the arms of Aragon; those of Darnley; stopped at the gate of
Fotheringay Castle。 It was followed by the herald king; accompanied
by twenty gentlemen on horseback; with their servants and lackeys;
all dressed in mourning; who; having alighted; mounted with his whole
train into the room where the body lay; and had it brought down and
put into the chariot with all possible respect; each of the
spectators standing with bared head and in profound silence。
This visit caused a great stir among the prisoners; who debated a
while whether they ought not to implore the favour of being allowed
to follow their mistress's body; which they could not and should not
let go alone thus; but just as they were about to ask permission to
speak to the herald king; he entered the room where they were
assembled; and told them that he was charged by his mistress; the
august Queen of England; to give the Queen of Scotland the most
honourable funeral he could; that; not wishing to fail in such a high
undertaking; he had already made most of the preparations for the
ceremony; which was to take place on the 10th of August; that is to
say; two days later;but that the leaden shell in which the body was
enclosed being very heavy; it was better to move it beforehand; and
that night; to where the grave was dug; than to await the day of the
interment itself; that thus they might be easy; this burial of the
shell being only a preparatory ceremony; but that if some of them
would like to accompany the corpse; to see what was done with it;
they were at liberty; and that those who stayed behind could follow
the funeral pageant; Elizabeth's positive desire being that all; from
first to last; should be present in the funeral procession。 This
assurance calmed the unfortunate prisoners; who deputed Bourgoin;
Gervais; and six others to follow their mistress's body: these were
Andrew Melville; Stewart; Gorjon; Howard; Lauder; and Nicholas
At ten o'clock at night they set out; walking behind the chariot;
preceded by the herald; accompanied by men on foot; who carried
torches to light the way; and followed by twenty gentlemen and their
servants。 In this manner; at two o'clock in the morning; they
reached Peterborough; where there is a splendid cathedral built by an
ancient Saxon king; and in which; on the left of the choir; was
already interred good Queen Catharine of Aragon; wife of Henry VIII;
and where was her tomb; still decked with a canopy bearing her arms。
On arriving; they found the cathedral all hung with black; with a
dome erected in the middle of the choir; much in the way in which
'chapelles ardentes' are set up in France; except that there were no
lighted candles round it。 This dome was covered with black velvet;
and overlaid with the arms of Scotland and Aragon; with streamers
like those on the chariot yet again repeated。 The state coffin was
already set up under this dome: it was a bier; covered like the rest
in black velvet fringed with silver; on which was a pillow of the
same supporting a royal crown。
To the right of this dome; and in front of the burial…place of Queen
Catharine of Aragon; Mary of Scotland's sepulchre had been dug: it
was a grave of brick; arranged to be covered later with a slab or a
marble tomb; and in which was to be deposited the coffin; which the
Bishop of Peterborough; in his episcopal robes; but without his
mitre; cross; or cope; was awaiting at the door; accompanied by his
dean and several other clergy。 The body was brought into the
cathedral; without chant or prayer; and was let down into the tomb
amid a profound silence。 Directly it was placed there; the masons;
who had stayed their hands; set to work again; closing the grave
level with the floor; and only leaving an opening of about a foot and
a half; through which could be seen what was within; and through
which could be thrown on the coffin; as is customary at the obsequies
of kings; the broken staves of the officers and the ensigns and
banners with their arms。 This nocturnal ceremony ended; Melville;
Bourgoin; and the other deputies were taken to the bishop's palace;
where the persons appointed to take part in the funeral procession
were to assemble; in number more than three hundred and fifty; all
chosen; with the exception of the servants; from among the
authorities; the nobility; and Protestant clergy。
The day following; Thursday; August the 9th; they began to hang the
banqueting halls with rich and sumptuous stuffs; and that in the
sight of Melville; Bourgoin; and the others; whom they had brought
thither; less to be present at the interment of Queen Mary than to
bear witness to the magnificence of Queen Elizabeth。 But; as one may
suppose; the unhappy prisoners were indifferent to this splendour;
great and extraordinary as it was。
On Friday; August 10th; all the chosen persons assembled at the
bishop's palace: they ranged themselves in the appointed order; and
turned their steps to the cathedral; which was close by。 When they
arrived there; they took the places assigned them in the choir; and
the choristers immediately began to chant a funeral service in
English and according to Protestant rites。 At the first words of
this service; when he saw it was not conducted by Catholic priests;
Bourgoin left the cathedral; declaring that he would not be present
at such sacrilege; and he was followed by all Mary's servants; men
and women; except Melville and Barbe Mowbray; who thought that
whatever the tongue in which one prayed; that tongue was heard by the
Lord。 This exit created great scandal; but the bishop preached none
the less。
The sermon ended; the herald king went to seek Bourgoin and his
companions; who were walking in the cloisters; and told them that the
almsgiving was about to begin; inviting them to take part in this
ceremony; but they replied that being Catholics they could not make
offerings at an altar of which they disapproved。 So the herald king
returned; much put out at the harmony of the assembly being disturbed
by this dissent; but the alms…offering took place no less than the
sermon。 Then; as a last attempt; he sent to them again; to tell them
that the service was quite over; and that accordingly they might
return for the royal ceremonies; which belonged only to the religion
of the dead; and this time they consented; but when they arrived; the
staves were broken; and the banners thrown into the grave through the
opening that the workmen had already closed。
Then; in the same order in which it had come; the procession returned
to the palace; where a splendid funeral repast had been prepared。 By
a strange contradiction; Elizabeth; who; having punished the living
woman as a criminal; had just treated the dead woman as a queen; had
also wished that the honours of the funeral banquet should be for the
servants; so long forgotten by her。 But; as one can imagine; these
ill accommodated themselves to that intention; did not seem
astonished at this luxury nor rejoiced at this good cheer; but; on
the contrary; drowned their bread and wine in tears; without
otherwise responding to the questions put to them or the honours
granted them。 And as soon as the repast was ended; the poor servants
left Peterborough and took the road back to Fotheringay; where they
heard that they were free at last to withdraw whither they would。
They did not need to be told twice; for they lived in perpetual fear;
not considering their lives safe so long as they remained in England。
They therefore immediately collected all their belongings; each
taking his own; and thus went out of Fotheringay Castle on foot;
Monday; 13th August; 1587。
Bourgoin went last: having reached the farther side of the
drawbridge; he turned; and; Christian as he was; unable to forgive
Elizabeth; not for his own sufferings; but for his mistress's; he
faced about to those regicide walls; and; with hands outstretched to
them; said in a loud and threatening voice; those words of David:
〃Let vengeance for the blood of Thy servants; which has been shed; O
Lord God; be acceptable in Thy sight〃。 The old man's curse was
heard; and inflexible history is burdened with Elizabeth's
We said that the executioner's axe; in striking Mary Stuart'