mary stuart-第43部分
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heard; and inflexible history is burdened with Elizabeth's
We said that the executioner's axe; in striking Mary Stuart's head;
had caused the crucifix and the book of Hours which she was holding
to fly from her hands。 We also said that the two relics had been
picked up by people in her following。 We are not aware of what
became of the crucifix; but the book of Hours is in the royal
library; where those curious about these kinds of historical
souvenirs can see it: two certificates inscribed on one of the blank
leaves of the volume demonstrate its authenticity。 These are they:
〃We the undersigned Vicar Superior of the strict observance of the
Order of Cluny; certify that this book has been entrusted to us by
order of the defunct Dom Michel Nardin; a professed religious priest
of our said observance; deceased in our college of Saint…Martial of
Avignon; March 28th; 1723; aged about eighty years; of which he has
spent about thirty among us; having lived very religiously: he was a
German by birth; and had served as an officer in the army a long
〃He entered Cluny; and made his profession there; much detached from
all this world's goods and honours; he only kept; with his superior's
permission; this book; which he knew had been in use with Mary
Stuart; Queen of England and Scotland; to the end of her life。
〃Before dying and being parted from his brethren; he requested that;
to be safely remitted to us; it should be sent us by mail; sealed。
Just as we have received it; we have begged M。 L'abbe Bignon;
councillor of state and king's librarian; to accept this precious
relic of the piety of a Queen of England; and of a German officer of
her religion as well as of ours。
Vicar…General Superior。〃
〃We; Jean…Paul Bignon; king's librarian; are very happy to have an
opportunity of exhibiting our zeal; in placing the said manuscript in
His Majesty's library。
〃8th July; 1724。〃
This manuscript; on which was fixed the last gaze of the Queen of
Scotland; is a duodecimo; written in the Gothic character and
containing Latin prayers; it is adorned with miniatures set off with
gold; representing devotional subjects; stories from sacred history;
or from the lives of saints and martyrs。 Every page is encircled
with arabesques mingled with garlands of fruit and flowers; amid
which spring up grotesque figures of men and animals。
As to the binding; worn now; or perhaps even then; to the woof; it is
in black velvet; of which the flat covers are adorned in the centre
with an enamelled pansy; in a silver setting surrounded by a wreath;
to which are diagonally attached from one corner of the cover to the
other; two twisted silver…gilt knotted cords; finished by a tuft at
the two ends。