mary stuart-第7部分
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〃My lord;〃 the queen then said; taking a step towards him; 〃it may be
that as I am a woman; in spite of my desire and my will; I never find
an opportunity to repay you what you are doing to me; but;〃 she
added; energetically striking her womb with her hand; 〃he whom I bear
there; and whose life you should have respected; since you respect my
Majesty so little; will one day revenge me for all these insults〃。
Then; with a gesture at once superb and threatening; she withdrew by
Darnley's door; which she closed behind her。
At that moment a great noise was heard in the queen's room。 Huntly;
Athol; and Bothwell; who; we are soon about to see; play such an
important part in the sequel of this history; were supping together
in another hall of the palace; when suddenly they had heard outcries
and the clash of arms; so that they had run with all speed。 When
Athol; who came first; without knowing whose it was; struck against
the dead body of Rizzio; which was stretched at the top of the
staircase; they believed; seeing someone assassinated; that the lives
of the king and queen were threatened; and they had drawn their
swords to force the door that Morton was guarding。 But directly
Darnley understood what was going on; he darted from the cabinet;
followed by Ruthven; and showing himself to the newcomers
〃My lords;〃 he said; 〃the persons of the queen and myself are safe;
and nothing has occurred here but by our orders。 Withdraw; then; you
will know more about it in time。 As to him;〃 he added; holding up
Rizzio's head by the hair; whilst the bastard of Douglas lit up the
face with a torch so that it could be recognised; 〃you see who it is;
and whether it is worth your while to get into trouble for him〃。
And in fact; as soon as Huntly; Athol; and Bothwell had recognised
the musician…minister; they sheathed their swords; and; having
saluted the king; went away。
Mary had gone away with a single thought in her heart; vengeance。
But she understood that she could not revenge herself at one and the
same time on her husband and his companions: she set to work; then;
with all the charms of her wit and beauty to detach the kind from his
accomplices。 It was not a difficult task: when that brutal rage
which often carried Darnley beyond all bounds was spent; he was
frightened himself at the crime he had committed; and while the
assassins; assembled by Murray; were resolving that he should have
that greatly desired crown matrimonial; Darnley; as fickle as he was
violent; and as cowardly as he was cruel; in Mary's very room; before
the scarcely dried blood; made another compact; in which he engaged
to deliver up his accomplices。 Indeed; three days after the event
that we have just related; the murderers learned a strange piece of
newsthat Darnley and Mary; accompanied by Lord Seyton; had escaped
together from Holyrood Palace。 Three days later still; a
proclamation appeared; signed by Mary and dated from Dunbar; which
summoned round the queen; in her own name and the king's; all the
Scottish lords and barons; including those who had been compromised
in the affair of the 〃run in every sense;〃 to whom she not only
granted full and complete pardon; but also restored her entire
confidence。 In this way she separated Murray's cause from that of
Morton and the other assassins; who; in their turn; seeing that there
was no longer any safety for them in Scotland; fled to England; where
all the queen's enemies were always certain to find a warm welcome;
in spite of the good relations which reigned in appearance between
Mary and Elizabeth。 As to Bothwell; who had wanted to oppose the
assassination; he was appointed Warden of all the Marches of the
Unfortunately for her honour; Mary; always more the woman than the
queen; while; on the contrary; Elizabeth was always more the queen
than the woman; had no sooner regained her power than her first royal
act was to exhume Rizzio; who had been quietly buried on the
threshold of the chapel nearest Holyrood Palace; and to have him
removed to the burial…place of the Scottish kings; compromising
herself still more by the honours she paid him dead ;than by the
favour she had granted him living。
Such an imprudent demonstration naturally led to fresh quarrels
between Mary and Darnley: these quarrels were the more bitter that;
as one can well understand; the reconciliation between the husband
and wife; at least on the latter's side; had never been anything but
a pretence; so that; feeling herself in a stronger position still on
account of her pregnancy; she restrained herself no longer; and;
leaving Darnley; she went from Dunbar to Edinburgh Castle; where on
June 19th; 1566; three months after the assassination of Rizzio; she
gave birth to a son who afterwards became James VI。
Directly she was delivered; Mary sent for James Melville; her usual
envoy to Elizabeth; and charged him to convey this news to the Queen
of England; and to beg her to be godmother to the royal child at the
same time。 On arriving in London; Melville immediately presented
himself at the palace; but as there was a court ball; he could not
see the queen; and contented himself with making known the reason for
his journey to the minister Cecil; and with begging him to ask his
mistress for an audience next day。 Elizabeth was dancing in a
quadrille at the moment when Cecil; approaching her; said in a low
voice; 〃Queen Mary of Scotland has just given birth to a son〃。 At
these words she grew frightfully pale; and; looking about her with a
bewildered air; and as if she were about to faint; she leaned against
an arm…chair; then; soon; not being able to stand upright; she sat
down; threw back her head; and plunged into a mournful reverie。 Then
one of the ladies of her court; breaking through the circle which had
formed round the queen; approached her; ill at ease; and asked her of
what she was thinking so sadly。 〃Ah! madam;〃 Elizabeth replied
impatiently; 〃do you not know that Mary Stuart has given birth to a
son; while I am but a barren stock; who will die without offspring?〃
Yet Elizabeth was too good a politician; in spite of her liability to
be carried away by a first impulse; to compromise herself by a longer
display of her grief。 The ball was not discontinued on that account;
and the interrupted quadrille was resumed and finished。
The next day; Melville had his audience。 Elizabeth received him to
perfection; assuring him of all the pleasure that the news he brought
had caused her; and which; she said; had cured her of a complaint
from which she had suffered for a fortnight。 Melville replied that
his mistress had hastened to acquaint her with her joy; knowing that
she had no better friend; but he added that this joy had nearly cost
Mary her life; so grievous had been her confinement。 As he was
returning to this point for the third time; with the object of still
further increasing the queen of England's dislike to marriage
〃Be easy; Melville;〃 Elizabeth answered him; 〃you need not insist
upon it。 I shall never marry; my kingdom takes the place of a
husband for me; and my subjects are my children。 When I am dead; I
wish graven on my tombstone: 'Here lies Elizabeth; who reigned so
many years; and who died a virgin。'
Melville availed himself of this opportunity to remind Elizabeth of
the desire she had shown to see Mary; three or four years before; but
Elizabeth said; besides her country's affairs; which necessitated her
presence in the heart of her possessions; she did not care; after all
she had heard said of her rival's beauty; to expose herself to a
comparison disadvantageous to her pride。 She contented herself;
then; with choosing as her proxy the Earl of Bedford; who set out
with several other noblemen for Stirling Castle; where the young
prince was christened with great pomp; and received the name of
Charles James。
It was remarked that Darnley did not appear at this ceremony; and
that his absence seemed to scandalise greatly the queen of England's
envoy。 On the contrary; James Hepburn; Earl of Bothwell; had the
most important place there。
This was because; since the evening when Bothwell; at Mary's cries;
had run to oppose the murder of Rizzio; he had made great way in the
queen's favour; to her party he himself appeared to be really
attached; to the exclusion of the two others; the king's and the Earl
of Murray's。 Bothwell was already thirty…five years old; head of the
powerful family of Hepburn; which had great influence in East Lothian
and the county of Berwick; for the rest; violent; rough; given to
every kind of debauchery; and capable of anything to satisfy an
ambition that he did not even give himself the trouble to hide。 In
his youth he had been reputed courageous; but for long he had had no
serious opportunity to draw the sword。
If the king's authority had been shaken by Rizzio's influence; it was
entirely upset by Bothwell's。 The great nobles; following the
favourite's example; no longer rose in the presence of Darnley; and
ceased little by little to treat him as their equal: his retinue was
cut down; his silver plate taken from him; and some officers who
remained about him made him buy their services with the most bitter
vexations。 As for the queen; she no longer even took the trouble to
conceal her dislike for him; avoiding him without consideration; to
such a degree that one day when she had gone with Bothwell to Alway;
she left there again immediately; because Darnley came to join her。
The king; however; still had patience; but a fresh imprudence of
Mary's at last led to the terrible catastrophe that; since the
queen's liaison with Bothwell; some had already foreseen。
Towards the end of the month of October; 1566; while the queen was
holding a court of justice at Jedburgh; it was announced to