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napoleon bonaparte, v2-第11部分

小说: napoleon bonaparte, v2 字数: 每页4000字

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house frequented by the grenadiers of the cavalry of the Guard。  They
began to drink quietly; speaking of campaigns; of cities taken; of the
First Consul; and finally of that morning's review。  It then occurred to
the young men of Boulogne; who were among the drinkers; to sing couplets
of very recent composition; in which were extolled to the clouds the
bravery and the exploits of the three regiments; without one word of
praise for the rest of the army; not even for the Guard; and it was in
the favorite resort of the grenadiers of the Guard that these couplets
were sung!  These latter maintained at first a gloomy silence; but soon
finding it unendurable; they protested loudly against these couplets;
which they said were detestable。  The quarrel became very bitter; they
shouted; heaped insults on each other; taking care not to make too much
noise; however; and appointed a meeting for the next day; at four o'clock
in the morning; in the suburbs of Marquise; a little village about two
leagues from Boulogne。  It was very late in the evening when these
soldiers left the public house。

More than two hundred grenadiers of the Guard went separately to the
place of meeting; and found the ground occupied by an almost equal number
of their adversaries of the Thirty…sixth; Fifty…seventh; and Tenth。
Wasting no time in explanations; hardly a sound being heard; each soldier
drew his sword; and for more than an hour they fought in a cool;
deliberate manner which was frightful to behold。  A man named Martin;
grenadier of the Guard; and of gigantic stature; killed with his own hand
seven or eight soldiers of the Tenth。  They would probably have continued
till all were massacred if General Saint…Hilaire;  informed too late of
this bloody quarrel; had not sent out in all haste a regiment of cavalry;
who put an end to the combat。  The grenadiers had lost two men; and the
soldiers of the line thirteen; with a large number of wounded on both

The First Consul visited the camp next day; and had brought before him
those who had caused this terrible scene; and said to them in a severe
tone: 〃I know why you fought each other; many brave men have fallen in a
struggle unworthy of them and of you。  You shall be punished。  I have
given orders that the verses which have been the cause of so much trouble
shall be printed。  I hope that; in learning your punishment; the ladies
of Boulogne will know that you have deserved the blame of your comrades
in arms。〃

However; the troops; and above all the officers; began to grow weary of
their sojourn at Boulogne; a town less likely; perhaps; than any other to
render such an inactive existence endurable。  They did not murmur;
however; because never where the First Consul was did murmuring find a
place; but they fumed nevertheless under their breath at seeing
themselves held in camp or in fort; with England just in sight; only nine
or ten leagues distant。  Pleasures were rare at Boulogne; the women;
generally pretty; but extremely timid; did not dare to hold receptions at
their own houses; for fear of displeasing their husbands; very jealous
men; as are all those of Picardy。  There was; however; a handsome hall in
which balls and soirees could easily have been given; but; although very
anxious to do this; these ladies dared not make use of it。  At last a
considerable number of Parisian beauties; touched by the sad fate of so
many brave and handsome officers; came to Boulogne to charm away the
ennui of so long a peace。  The example of the Parisian women piqued those
of Abbeville; Dunkirk; Amiens; and soon Boulogne was filled with
strangers; male and female; who came to do the honors of the city。  Among
all these ladies the one most conspicuous for style; intellect; and
beauty was a Dunkirk lady; named Madame F; an excellent musician;
full of gayety; grace; and youth; it was impossible for Madame Fnot
to turn many heads。  Colonel Joseph;  brother of the First Consul;
General Soult; who was afterwards Marshal; Generals Saint…Hilaire and
Andre Ossy; and a few other great personages; were at her feet; though
two alone; it is said; succeeded in gaining her affections; and of those
two; one was Colonel Joseph; who soon had the reputation of being the
preferred lover of Madame F。  The beautiful lady from Dunkirk often
gave soirees; at which Colonel Joseph never failed to be present。  Among
all his rivals; and certainly they were very numerous; one alone bore him
ill…will; this was the general…in…chief; Soult。  This rivalry did no
injury to the interests of Madame F; but like a skillful tactician;
she adroitly provoked the jealousy of her two suitors; while accepting
from each of them compliments; bouquets; and more than that sometimes。

The First Consul; informed of the amours of his brother; concluded one
evening to go and make himself merry in the little salon of Madame F;
who was very plainly domesticated in a room on the first floor in the
house of a joiner; in the Rue des Minimes。  In order not to be
recognized; he was dressed as a citizen; and wore a wig and spectacles。
He took into his confidence General Bertrand; who was already in great
favor with him; and who did all in his power to render his disguise

Thus disguised; the First Consul and his companion presented themselves
at Madame F's; and asked for Monsieur the Superintendent Arcambal。
The most perfect incognito was impressed on Arcambal by the First Consul;
who would not for all the world have been recognized; and M。 Arcambal
promising to keep the secret; the two visitors were announced under the
title of commissaries of war。

They were playing bouillotte; gold covered the tables; and the game and
punch absorbed the attention of the happy inmates to such a degree; that
none of them took note of the persons who had just entered。  As for the
mistress of the lodging; she had never seen the First Consul except at a
distance; nor General Bertrand; consequently; there was nothing to be
feared from her。  I myself think that Colonel Joseph recognized his
brother; but he gave no evidence of this。

The First Consul; avoiding as best he could all glances; spied those of
his brother and of Madame F。  Thinking signals were passing between
them; he was preparing to quit the salon of the pretty Dunkirkess; when
she; very anxious that the number of her guests should not yet be
diminished; ran to the two false commissaries of war; and detained them
gracefully; saying that all were going to play forfeits; and they must
not go away without having given pledges。  The First Consul having first
consulted General Bertrand by a glance; found it agreeable to remain and
play those innocent games。

Indeed; at the end of a few moments; at the request of Madame F; the
players deserted the bouillotte; and placed themselves in a circle around
her。  They began by dancing the Boulangere; then the young innocents kept
the ball in motion。  The turn of the First Consul came to give a forfeit。
He was at first very much embarrassed; having with him only a piece of
paper; on which he had written the names of a few colonels; he gave;
however; this paper to Madame F; begging her not to open it。

The wish of the First Consul was respected; and the paper remained folded
on the lap of the beautiful woman until the time came to redeem the
forfeits。  Then the queer penalty was imposed on the great captain of
making him doorkeeper; while Madame F; with Colonel Joseph; made the
'voyage a Cythere' in a neighboring room。  The First Consul acquitted
himself with a good grace of the role given him; and after the forfeits
had been redeemed; made a sign to General Bertrand to follow him; and
they went out。  The joiner who lived on the ground floor soon came up to
bring a little note to Madame F。

This was the note:

     I thank you; Madame; for the kind welcome you have given me。  If you
     will come some day to my barracks; I will act as doorkeeper; if it
     seems good to you; but on that occasion I will resign to no; other
     the pleasure of accompanying you in the 'voyage a Cythre'。

                         (Signed)   BONAPARTE

The pretty woman did not read the note aloud; neither did she allow the
givers of forfeits to remain in ignorance that she had received a visit
from the First Consul。  At the end of an hour the company dispersed; and
Madame F remained alone; reflecting on the visit and the note of the
great man。

It was during this same visit that there occurred a terrible combat in
the roadstead of Boulogne to secure the entrance into the port of a
flotilla composed of twenty or thirty vessels; which came from Ostend;
from Dunkirk; and from Nieuport; loaded with arms for the national fleet。

A magnificent frigate; carrying thirty…six pounders; a cutter; and a
brig; detached themselves from the English fleet; in order to intercept
the route of the Dutch flotilla; but they were received in a manner which
took away all desire to return。

The port of Boulogne was defended by five forts; the Fort de la Creche;
the Fort en Bois; Fort Musoir; Castle Croi; and the Castle d'Ordre; all
fortified with large numbers of cannon and howitzers。  The line of
vessels which barred the entrance was composed of two hundred and fifty
gunboats and other vessels; the division of imperial gunboats formed a
part of this。

Each sloop bore three pieces of cannon; twenty…four pounders;two pieces
for pursuit; and one for retreat; and five hundred mouths of fire were
thus opened on the enemy; independently of all the batteries of the
forts; every cannon being fired more than three times a minute。

The combat began at one o'clock in the afternoon。  The weather was
beautiful。  At the first report of the cannon the First Consul left the
headquarters at the Pont de Brique; and came at a gallop; followed by his
staff; to give orders to Admiral Bruix; but soon wishing to examine for
himself the operations of the defense; and to share in directing them; he
threw himself; followed by the admiral and a few officers; into a launch
which was rowed by sailors of the Guard。  Thus the First Consul was borne
into the midst of the vessels which formed the line of defense; th

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