napoleon bonaparte, v2-第3部分
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the education of all the young ladies of her country。 Time has calmed
the vivacity of her youth; and madame; the Duchess of Friuli; has since
given an example of most faithful devotion to duty; and great strength of
mind in the severe trials that she has endured。 In the loss of her
husband; however grievous it might be; glory had at least some
consolation to offer to the widow of the grand marshal。 But when her
young daughter; sole heiress of a great name and an illustrious title;
was suddenly taken away by death from all the expectations and the
devotion of her mother; who could dare to offer her consolation? If
there could be any (which I do not believe); it would be found in the
remembrance of the cares and tenderness lavished on her to the last by
maternal love。 Such recollections; in which bitterness is mingled with
sweetness; were not wanting to the duchess。
The religious ceremony of marriage between Louis and Hortense took place
Jan。 7; in a house in the Rue de la Victoire; and the marriage of General
Murat with Caroline Bonaparte; which had been acknowledged only before
the civil authorities; was consecrated on the same day。 Both Louis and
his bride were very sad。 She wept bitterly during the whole ceremony;
and her tears were not soon dried。 She made no attempt to win the
affection of her husband; while he; on his side; was too proud and too
deeply wounded to pursue her with his wooing。 The good Josephine did all
she could to reconcile them; for she must have felt that this union;
which had begun so badly; was her work; in which she had tried to combine
her own interest; or at least that which she considered such; and the
happiness of her daughter。 But her efforts; as well as her advice and
her prayers; availed nothing; and I have many a time seen Hortense seek
the solitude of her own room; and the heart of a friend; there to pour
out her tears。 Tears fell from her eyes sometimes even in the midst of
one of the First Consul's receptions; where we saw with sorrow this young
woman; brilliant and gay; who had so often gracefully done the honors on
such occasions and attended to all the details of its etiquette; retire
into a corner; or into the embrasure of a window; with one of her most
intimate friends; there to sadly make her the a confidante of her trials。
During this conversation; from which she rose with red and swollen eyes;
her husband remained thoughtful and taciturn at the opposite end of the
room。 Her Majesty; the Queen of Holland; has been accused of many sins;
but everything said or written against this princess is marked by
shameful exaggeration。 So high a fortune drew all eyes to her; and
excited bitter jealousy; and yet those who envied her would not have
failed to bemoan themselves; if they had been put in tier place; on
condition that they were to bear her griefs。 The misfortunes of Queen
Hortense began with life itself。 Her father having been executed on a
revolutionary scaffold; and her mother thrown into prison; she found
herself; while still a child; alone; and with no other reliance than the
faithfulness of the old servants of the family。 Her brother; the noble
and worthy Prince Eugene; had been compelled; it is said; to serve as an
apprentice。 She had a few years of happiness; or at least of repose;
during the time she was under the care of Madame Campan; and just after
she left boarding…school。 But her evil destiny was far from quitting
her; and her wishes being thwarted; an unhappy marriage opened for her a
new succession of troubles。 The death of her first son; whom the Emperor
wished to adopt; and whom he had intended to be his successor in the
Empire; the divorce of her mother; the tragic death of her best…loved
friend; Madame de Brocq; who; before her eyes; slipped over a precipice;
the overturning of the imperial throne; which caused her the loss of her
title and rank as queen; a loss which she; however; felt less than the
misfortunes of him whom she regarded as her father; and finally; the
continual annoyance of domestic dissensions; of vexatious lawsuits; and
the agony she suffered in beholding her oldest surviving son removed from
her by order of her husband;such were the principal catastrophes in a
life which might have been thought destined for so much happiness。
The day after the marriage of Mademoiselle Hortense; the First Consul set
out for Lyons; where there awaited him the deputies of the Cisalpine
Republic; assembled for the election of a president。 Everywhere on his
route he was welcomed with fetes and congratulations; with which all were
eager to overwhelm him on account of the miraculous manner in which he
had escaped the plots of his enemies。 This journey differed in no wise
from the tours which he afterwards made as Emperor。 On his arrival at
Lyons; he received the visit of all the authorities; the constituent
bodies; the deputations from the neighboring departments; and the members
of the Italian councils。 Madame Bonaparte; who accompanied him on this
journey; attended with him these public displays; and shared with him the
magnificent fete given to him by the city of Lyons。 The day on which the
council elected and proclaimed the First Consul president of the Italian
Republic he reviewed; on the Place des Brotteaux; the troops of the
garrison; and recognized in the ranks many soldiers of the army of Egypt;
with whom he conversed for some time。 On all these occasions the First
Consul wore the same costume that he had worn at Malmaison; and which I
have described elsewhere。 He rose early; mounted his horse; and visited
the public works; among others those of the Place Belcour; of which he
had laid the corner…stone on his return from Italy; passed through the
Place des Brotteaux; inspected; examined everything; and; always
indefatigable; worked on his return as if he had been at the Tuileries。
He rarely changed his dress; except when he received at his table the
authorities or the principal inhabitants of the city。 He received all
petitions most graciously; and before leaving presented to the mayor of
the city a scarf of honor; and to the legate of the Pope a handsome
snuff…box ornamented with his likeness。
The deputies of the council received presents; and were most generous in
making them; presenting Madame Bonaparte with magnificent ornaments of
diamonds and precious stones; and other most valuable jewelry。
The First Consul; on arriving at Lyons; had been deeply grieved at the
sudden death of a worthy prelate whom he had known in his first campaign
in Italy。
The Archbishop of Milan had come to Lyons; notwithstanding his great age;
in order to see the First Consul; whom he loved with such tenderness that
in conversation the venerable old man continually addressed the young
general as 〃my son。〃 The peasants of Pavia; having revolted because
their fanaticism had been excited by false assertions that the French
wished to destroy their religion; the Archbishop of Milan; in order to
prove that their fears were groundless; often showed himself in a
carriage with General Bonaparte。
This prelate had stood the journey well; and appeared in good health and
fine spirits。 Talleyrand; who had arrived at Lyons a few days before the
First Consul; gave a dinner to the Cisalpine deputies and the principal
notables of the city; at which the Archbishop of Milan sat on his right。
He had scarcely taken his seat; and was in the act of leaning forward to
speak to M。 de Talleyrand; when he fell dead in his armchair。
On the 12th of January the town of Lyons gave; in honor of the First
Consul and Madame Bonaparte; a magnificent fete; consisting of a concert;
followed by a ball。 At eight o'clock in the evening; the three mayors;
accompanied by the superintendents of the fete; called upon their
illustrious guests in the government palace。 I can imagine that I see
again spread out before me that immense amphitheater; handsomely
decorated; and illuminated by innumerable lusters and candles; the seats
draped with the richest cloths manufactured in the city; and filled with
thousands of women; some brilliant in youth and beauty; and all
magnificently attired。 The theater had been chosen as the place of the
fete; and on the entrance of the First Consul and Madame Bonaparte; who
advanced leaning on the arm of one of the mayors; there arose a thunder
of applause and acclamations。 Suddenly the decorations of the theater
faded from sight; and the Place Bonaparte (the former Place Belcour)
appeared; as it had been restored by order of the First Consul。 In the
midst rose a pyramid; surmounted by the statue of the First Consul; who
was represented as resting upon a lion。 Trophies of arms and bas…reliefs
represented on one side; the other that of Marengo。
When the first; transports excited by this spectacle; which recalled at
once the benefits and the victories of the hero of the fete; had
subsided; there succeeded a deep silence; and delightful music was heard;
mingled with songs; dedicated to the glory of the First Consul; to his
wife; the warriors who surrounded him; and the representatives of the
Italian republics。 The singers and the musicians were amateurs of Lyons。
Mademoiselle Longue; Gerbet; the postmaster; and Theodore; the merchant;
who had each performed their parts in a charming manner; received the
congratulations of the First Consul; and the most gracious thanks of
Madame Bonaparte。
What struck me most forcibly in the couplets which were sung on that
occasion; and which much resembled all verses written for such occasions;
was that incense was offered to the First Consul in the very terms which
all the poets of the Empire have since used in their turn。 All the
exaggerations of flattery were exhausted during the consulate; and in the
years which followed; it was necessary for poets often to repeat
themselves。 Thus; in the couplets of Lyons; the First Consul was the God
of victory; the conqueror of the Nile and of Neptune; the savior of his
country; the peacemaker of the world; the arbiter of Europe。 The French
soldiers were transformed into friends and companions of Alcides; etc。;
all of which was cutting the gro