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nd people around me come to simplicity and naturalness of life。
When earthly rulers rule in calm and harmony; people; too; are calm and peaceful。 And they do not aspire to anything outside this wellbeing?br》
On the contrary; if earthly rulers act with irritation and aggressiveness; then people begin to suffer。 Wellbeing is replaced then with troubles and calamities。 And people begin to seek the way out; and some of them find it by coming to non…doing and becoming immersed into the Light of Infinite Tao。 Then luck and happiness result from affliction。
As we can see; happiness and unhappiness give birth to each other?br》
The wise is always calm; gentle; and just。 He does not want to take something away from others。 He is selfless and does not harm anyone。 He is honest and lives in harmony with Tao; with nature; and with other people。
He is bright but does not glitter。
In order to serve Tao successfully by helping other people; one has to be able to preserve and accumulate the power of consciousness。 This requires renouncing everything that wastes this power。
Such a renunciation on the higher stages of the Path helps one to grow one抯 own Power of Te;* which can become inexhaustible and can help one to cognize Tao in fullness。
And Tao is the Eternal and Infinite Primordial Foundation of every man and of the entire material world。 The way which unites one with that Foundation is called root。
* Power of Te; in other terms; is the Brahmanic component of an individual consciousness developed through the methods of buddhi yoga。
The activity of Tao and Te in relation to numerous individual souls of different age can be likened to cooking a meal of many ingredients in a large cauldron。
For realization of the destinies of most people which they deserved; Tao and Te use spirits; some of these spirit may be of low level of development。
Yet if man approaches Tao by the quality of the soul; he goes beyond the sphere of influence of such spirits。
The Great Kingdom of Tao* is located as if behind the mouth of a river。
The Ocean is below all rivers; and all rivers flow into It。
The Ocean is calm and patient。 It waits those who approach It and enter It。
The Ocean is a Great Kingdom; but on the Earth there are only small kingdoms composed of people。
The Great Kingdom takes care of satisfying with Itself all who enter It。
So; let the rulers of small kingdoms take care that all people be satisfied。
Then all will receive everything what they want ?both in the Great Kingdom and in small kingdoms。
And let us remember that the Great always has to be below all。
* In other terms ?the Abode of the Creator。
Tao is the deepest Base of everything。 It is the Treasure of those who aspire to It。 But it also acknowledges the existence of evil people。
Yes; one has to preach the purity and kind behavior to all people。 Nevertheless; aren抰 evil people necessary?
They help one to cognize the ephemerality of earthly treasures and the illusiveness of hopes for eternal staying on the Earth in one抯 current body。
In interaction with them; the people of good make efforts on changing themselves on the path to Tao ?so that to become farther from evil as much as possible。 After all; in order to become unreachable for evil; one must perform concrete actions on developing oneself as a consciousness?
Many people would not strive to become better if evil people did not 揾elp?them!
The earthly rulers possessing absolute power and their servants value their jewelry and luxury chariots?Yet in reality; they are not better than those living in solitude and calm and walking the Deepest Path to Tao! Wouldn抰 it be better for those earthly rulers to lead calm life and dedicate it to cognition of Tao?
People say that in ancient time no one aspired to earthly wealth; and the criminals were not executed。 In those ancient times; people worshipped Tao?
* Such examples are given; in particular; in the book How God Can Be Cognized。 Book 2。 Autobiographies of God抯 Students。
Rid yourself of the vanity of mind and unnecessary deeds; keep calm; and be satisfied with simple food!
Thus one begins walking the Path toward cognition of the Great Tao; Which is One Whole consisting of many Great Souls。
Also there are many small souls incarnated into bodies。
Having cognized this; the wise knows that one should requite hatred with good。
Start difficult work with easy beginning。 Every great work consists of small components。 In this way ?gradually ?one fulfills great tasks。
If someone promises to perform great work quickly; such a person cannot be trusted?br》
But the wise never starts 揼reat undertakings?in the world of matter! Therefore; he can perform great work in the spiritual world。 It is not hard for him。
It is easy to help him who mastered harmony。
It is easy to show the way to a seeker who has not found it yet。 However; one has to remember that a week person can easily fall out of the path。 He who is a weak soul yet will run away from difficulties。
It is better to begin constructing there where one does not have to destroy old walls。 It is better to introduce spiritual knowledge there where one is not attacked by angry and fool people。
And then ?a great tree grows of a small sapling; a nine…story tower begins to be constructed of a handful of earth; a journey of thousand li begins with one step。
In the world of matter; entrepreneurs go bankrupt; the owners of property lose it。 This is why the wise does not act like this ?and he does not suffer failures。 He possesses nothing ?and thus has nothing to lose。
The wise does not live in worldly passions; he does not strive to gain something material that requires much effort。 He lives in natural simplicity and is satisfied with that which was refused by other people。
He walks the Path to Tao。
He who cognized Tao does not shows off in front of ignorant people。 He also refuses to 搑ule the crowd? and therefore he can continue his development and helping deserving people。
Confidential higher knowledge about the methods of development of consciousness can be harmful to people who are not ready for receiving it。
That wise; who knows about this and acts accordingly to this knowledge; becomes an example for others。
Thus acts Great Te。
In order to understand this; one has to recognize that Great Te is the Opposite of evil people。 In relation to such people; Great Te is located at unreachable distance。
This is what Great Te is。 It possesses the Highest Power and contains in Itself all the multitude of living beings! It unites and separates people; It controls everything! It is the Ruler deserving the most strong love and respect!
By learning from It; you will achieve the highest wellbeing!
Great rivers became so powerful because they flow down into the sea accumulating in themselves water from the neighborhood。
The wise; who desires to help people; also has to put himself below others。 Therefore; though he is superior to people; he is not a burden for them ?and people do not harm him。 People gladly follow him and do not turn away from him。
He does not compete with anyone and therefore he is unconquerable。
He constantly advances further ?yet people do not envy him。
He does not struggle with anyone ?thus no one in the whole world can force him to act against his will。
Tao is Great and do not have equals or similar to It!
It resides so deeply and is so subtle that one cannot catch It or force It to do something!
I possess three treasures valuable to me: the first is benevolence; the second is frugality; and the third is that I do not stand ahead of others。 I am benevolent; thus I can be brave。 I am frugal; thus I can generous。 I do not stand ahead of others; thus I can be a wise leader。
He who is brave without love; generous without frugality; who tries to be ahead of others and pushes others away ?such a person suffers failure。
One of the contrary; he who is full of love achieves victory。 And he is unconquerable because Tao constantly guards him。
The wise leader is never bellicose。 The wise soldier does not get angry。 He who can win does not attack first。 He who can lead people does not humiliate them; but puts himself into a lower position。
Such are the laws of Te that denounce anger; self…praise; and violence。 In this way act Those Who represent Te and guide people to Primordial and Eternal Tao。
The military arts teaches: I do not begin first; I have to wait。 I do not advance even an inch; but rather retreat a foot。 It is called to act without action; to win without violence。 In this case; I have no enemies; thus I can avoid wasting power。
There is no affliction worse than to hate enemies! Hatred toward enemies is the path that leads to the loss of the most important ?Tao!
Thus in battle those achieve victory who avoided it。
My words are easy to understand and realize。 Yet many people cannot understand them and cannot realize。
Behind my words; there is the Origin of everything。 Since those people do not know It; they do not understand me。
He who cognized Tao is quiet and unnoticeable; though he behaves with dignity。 He wears simple clothes and hides the treasure* within。
* Wisdom。
He who possesses knowledge and keeps silence about it is honorable。
He who has no knowledge yet pretends to be knowing?is not healthy。
He who is wise heals himself。 The wise never falls ill because he rids himself of the causes of illness。 He abides in Tao。 How can he be ill then?
He who lives with fear cannot become strong。 The strength of consciousness can be gained only if one lives without fear。
So rid yourself of the ability to despise others! He who despises others is despicable before Tao!
Rid yourself of violence in relations with others! He who d