a journey in other worlds-第30部分
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system; which involves the necessity of one general and
simultaneous creation day。 But as Sirius; with its diameter of
twelve million miles; must be larger than some of the nebulae
will be when equally condensed; we must suppose rather that
nebulae are forming and coming into the condition of bright and
dead stars; much as apples or pears on a fruit tree are
constantly growing and developing; so that the Mosaic description
of the creation would probably apply in point of time only to our
system; or perhaps to our globe; though the rest will doubtless
pass through precisely the same stages。 This; I think; I will
publish; on our return; as the Cortlandt astronomical doctrine;
as the most rational I have seen devised; and one that I think we
may safely believe; until; perhaps; through increased knowledge;
it can be disproved。〃
After they crossed a line of hills that ran at right angles to
their course they found the country more rolling。 All streams
and water…courses flowed in their direction; while their aneroid
showed them that they were gradually descending。 When they were
moving along near the surface of the ground; a delicious and
refined perfume exhaled by the blue and white flowers; that had
been growing smaller as they journeyed northward; frequently
reached their nostrils。 To Cortlandt and Bearwarden it was
merely the scent of a flower; but to Ayrault it recalled mental
pictures of Sylvia wearing violets and lilies that he had given
her。 He knew that the greatest telescopes on earth could not
reveal the Callisto moving about in Jupiter's sunshine; as even a
point of light; at that distance; and; notwithstanding
Cortlandt's learning and Bearwarden's joviality; he felt at times
extremely lonely。
They swept along steadily for fifty hours; having bright sunny
days and beautifully moonlit nights。 They passed over finely
rounded hills and valleys and well… watered plains。 As they
approached the ocean and its level the temperature rose; and
there was more moisture in the air。 The plants and flowers also
increased in size; again resembling somewhat the large species
they had seen near the equator。
〃This would be the place to live;〃 said Bearwarden; looking at
iron mountains; silver; copper; and lead formations; primeval
forests; rich prairies; and regions evidently underlaid with coal
and petroleum; not to mention huge beds of aluminum clay; and
other natural resources; that made his materialistic mouth water。
〃It would be joy and delight to develop industries here; with no
snow avalanches to clog your railroads; or icy blizzards to
paralyze work; nor weather that blights you with sun…strokes and
fevers。 On our return to the earth we must organize a company to
run regular interplanetary lines。 We could start on this globe
all that is best on our own。 Think what boundless possibilities
may be before the human race on this planet; which on account of
its vast size will be in its prime when our insignificant earth
is cold and dead and no longer capable of supporting life! Think
also of the indescribable blessing to the congested communities
of Europe and America; to find an unlimited outlet here! Mars is
already past its prime; and Venus scarcely habitable; but in
Jupiter we have a new promised land; compared with which our
earth is a pygmy; or but little more than microscopic。〃
〃I see;〃 said Ayrault; 〃that the possibilities here have no
limit; but I do not see how you can compare it to the promised
land; since; till we undertook this journey; no one had even
thought of Jupiter as a habitable place。〃
〃I trace the Divine promise;〃 replied Bearwarden; 〃in what you
described to us on earth as man's innate longing and desire to
rise; and in the fact that the Almighty has given the race
unbounded expansiveness in very limited space。 This would look
to me as the return of man to the garden of Eden through
intellectual development; for here every man can sit under his
own vine and fig…tree。〃
〃It seems to me;〃 said Cortlandt; 〃that no paradise or heaven
described in anything but the Bible compares with this。
According to Virgil's description; the joys on the banks of his
river Lethe must have been most sad and dreary; the general
idleness and monotony apparently being broken only by wrestling
matches between the children; while the rest strolled about with
laurel wreaths or rested in the shade。 The pilot Palinurus; who
had been drowned by falling overboard while asleep; but who
before that had presumably done his duty; did not seem especially
happy; while the harsh; resentful disposition evidently remained
unsoftened; for Dido became like a cliff of Marpesian marble when
AEneas asked to be forgiven; though he had doubtless considered
himself in duty bound to leave her; having been twice commanded
to do so by Mercury; the messenger of Jove。 She; like the rest;
seems to have had no occupation; while the consciences of few
appear to have been sufficiently clear to enable them to enjoy
unbroken rest。〃
〃The idleness in the spirit…land of all profane writers;〃 added
Bearwarden; 〃has often surprised me too。 Though I have always
recommended a certain amount of recreation for my staffin fact;
more than I have generally had myselfan excess of it becomes a
bore。 I think that all real progress comes through thorough
work。 Why should we assume that progress ceases at death? I
believe in the verse that says; 'We learn here on earth those
things the knowledge of which is perfected in heaven。'〃
〃According to that;〃 said Cortlandt; 〃you will some day be
setting the axis of heaven right; for in order to do work there
must be work to be donea necessary corollary to which is that
heaven is still imperfect。〃
〃No;〃 said Bearwarden; bristling up at the way Cortlandt
sometimes received his speeches; 〃it means simply that its
development; though perfect so far as it goes; may not be
finished; and that we may be the means; as on earth; of helping
it along。〃
〃The conditions constituting heaven;〃 said Ayrault; 〃may be as
fixed as the laws of Nature; though the products of those
conditions might; it seems to me; still be forming and subject to
modification thereby。 The reductio ad absurdu would of course
apply if we supposed the work of creation absolutely finished。〃
Two days later; on the western horizon; they beheld the ocean。
Many of the streams whose sources they had seen when they crossed
the divide from the lake basin; and whose courses they had
followed; were now rivers a mile wide; with the tide ebbing and
rising within them many hundreds of miles from their mouths。
When they reached the shore line they found the waves breaking;
as on earth; upon the sands; but with this difference: they had
before noted the smallness of the undulations compared with the
strength of the wind; the result of the water's weight。 These
waves now reminded them of the behaviour of mercury; or of melted
lead when stirred on earth; by the rapidity with which the crests
dropped。 Though the wind was blowing an on…shore gale; there was
but little combing; and when there was any it lasted but a
second。 The one effort of the crests and waves seemed to be to
remain at rest; or; if stirred in spite of themselves; to
When over the surface of the ocean; the voyagers rose to a height
of thirty thousand metres; and after twenty… four hours'
travelling saw; at a distance of about two hundred miles; what
looked like another continent; but which they knew must be an
island。 On finding themselves above it; they rose still higher
to obtain a view of its outlines and compare its shape with that
of the islands in the photographs they had had time to develop。
The length ran from southeast to northwest。 Though crossed by
latitude forty; and notwithstanding Jupiter's distance from the
sun; the southern side had a very luxuriant vegetation that was
almost semi…tropical。 This they accounted for by its total
immunity from cold; the density of the air at sea…level; and the
warm moist breezes it received from the tepid ocean。 The climate
was about the same as that of the Riviera or of Florida in
winter; and there was; of course; no parching summer。
〃This shows me;〃 said Bearwarden; 〃that a country's climate
depends less on the amount of heat it receives from the sun than
on the amount it retains; proof of which we have in the tops of
the Himalayas perpetually covered with snow; and snow…capped
mountains on the very equator; where they get the most direct
rays; and where those rays have but little air to penetrate。 It
shows that the presence of a substantial atmosphere is as
necessary a part of the calculation in practice as the sun
itself。 I am inclined to think that; with the constant effect of
the internal heat on its oceans and atmosphere; Jupiter could get
along with a good deal less solar heat than it receives; in proof
of which I expect to find the poles themselves quite comfortable。
The reason the internal heat is so little taken into account on
earth is because; from the thickness of the crust; it cannot make
itself felt; for if the earth were as chilled through as ice; the
people on the surface would not feel the difference。〃
A Jovian week's explorations disclosed the fact that though the
island's general outlines were fairly regular; it had deep…water
harbours; great rivers; and land…locked gulfs and bays; some of
which penetrated many hundred miles into the interior。 It also
showed that the island's length was about six thousand miles; and
its breadth about three thousand; and that it had therefore about
the superficial area of Asia。 They found no trace of the great
monsters that had been so numerous on the mainland; though there
were plenty of smaller and gentle…looking creatures; among them
animals whose build was much like that of the prehistoric horse;
with undeveloped toes on each side of the hoof; which in the
modern terrestrial horse have disappeared; the hoof being in
reality but a rounded…off middle finger。
〃It is wonderful;〃 sai