八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > a journey in other worlds >


a journey in other worlds-第38部分

小说: a journey in other worlds 字数: 每页4000字

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us of the last day; and of the awakening and resurrection of the
The scene was indeed weird。  The east; already streaked with the
rays of the rising far…away sun; and the pale moons nearing the
horizon in the west; seemed connected by the huge bow of light。 
The snow on the dark evergreens produced a contrast of colour;
while the other trees raised their almost bare and whitened
branches against the sky; as though in supplication to the
mysterious rings; which cast their light upon them and on the
ground。  As they gazed; however; the rings became grey; the moons
disappeared; and another day began。  Feeling sure the snow must
have cleared the air of any deleterious substances it contained
the day before; they descended into the neighbouring valley;
which; having a southerly exposure; was warm in comparison with
the hills。  As they walked they disturbed a number of small
rodents; which quickly ran away and disappeared in their holes。
〃Though we have seen none of the huge creatures here;〃 said
Cortlandt; 〃that were so plentiful on Jupiter; these burrowers
belong to a distinctly higher scale than those we found there;
from which I take it we may infer that the evolution of the
animal kingdom has advanced further on this planet than on
Jupiter; which is just what we have a right to expect; for
Saturn; in addition to being the smaller and therefore more
matured of the two; has doubtless had a longer individual
existence; being the farther from the sun。〃
Notwithstanding the cold of the night; the flowers; especially
the lilies; were as beautiful as ever; which surprised them not a
little; until; on examining them closely; they found that the
stems and veins in the leaves were fluted; and therefore elastic;
so that; should the sap freeze; it could expand without bursting
the cells; thereby enabling the flowers to withstand a short
frost。  They noticed that many of the curiously shaped birds they
saw at a distance from time to time were able to move with great
rapidity along the ground; and had about concluded that they must
have four legs; being similar to winged squirrels; when a long;
low quadruped; about twenty…five feet from nostrils to tail;
which they were endeavouring to stalk; suddenly spread two pairs
of wings; flapping the four at once; and then soared off at great
〃I hope we can get one of those; or at least his photograph;〃
said Cortlandt。
〃If they go in pairs;〃 said Bearwarden; 〃we may find the
companion near。〃
At that moment another great winged lizard; considerably larger
than the first; rose with a snort; not twenty yards on their
left。  Cortlandt; who was a good shot with a gun at short range;
immediately raised his twelve…bore and fired both barrels at the
monster; but the double…B shots had no more disabling effect than
if they had been number eights。  They; however; excited the
creature's ire; for; sweeping around quickly; it made straight
for Cortlandt; breathing at him when near; and almost
overpowering the three men with the malodorous; poisonous cloud
it exhaled。  Instantly Bearwarden fired several revolver bullets
down its throat; while Ayrault pulled both barrels almost
simultaneously; with the muzzles but a few inches from its side。 
In this case the initial velocity of the heavy buckshot was so
great; and they were still so close together; that they
penetrated the leathery hide; tearing a large hole。  With a roar
the wounded monster beat a retreat; first almost prostrating them
with another blast of its awful breath。
〃It would take a stronger light than we get here;〃 said
Bearwarden; 〃to impress a negative through that haze。  I think;〃
he continued; 〃I know a trick that will do the business; if we
see any more of these dragons。〃  Saying which; he withdrew the
cartridges from his gun; and with his hunting…knife cut the tough
paper shell nearly through between the wads separating the powder
from the shot; drawing his knife entirely around。
〃Now;〃 said he; 〃when I fire those; the entire forward end of the
cartridge will go out; keeping the fifteen buckshot together like
a slug; and with such penetration that it will go through a
two…inch plank。  It is a trick I learned from hunters; and;
unless your guns are choke…bore; in which case it might burst the
barrel; I advise you to follow suit。〃
Finding they had brought straight…bored guns; they arranged their
cartridges similarly; and set out in the direction in which the
winged lizards or dragons had gone。

                           CHAPTER IV。


The valley narrowed as they advanced; the banks rising gently on
both sides。  Both dragons had flown straight to a grove of tall;
spreading trees。  On coming near to this; they noticed a faint
smell like that of the dragon; and also like the trace they found
in the air on leaving the Callisto the day before; after they had
sought safety within it。  Soon it almost knocked them down。
〃We must get to windward;〃 said Cortlandt。  〃I already feel
faint; and believe those dragons could kill a man by breathing on
Accordingly; they skirted around the grove; and having made a
quarter circlefor they did not wish the dragons to wind
themagain drew nearer。  Tree after tree was passed; and finally
they saw an open space twelve or fifteen acres in area at the
centre of the grove; when they were arrested by a curious sound
of munching。  Peering among the trunks of the huge trees; they
advanced cautiously; but stopped aghast。  In the opening were at
least a hundred dragons devouring the toadstools with which the
ground was covered。  Many of them were thirty to forty feet long;
with huge and terribly long; sharp claws; and jaws armed with
gleaming batteries of teeth。  Though they had evidently lungs;
and the claws and mouth of an animal; they reminded the observers
in many respects of insects enormously exaggerated; for their
wings; composed of a sort of transparent scale; were small; and
moved; as they had already seen; at far greater speed than those
of a bird。  Their projecting eyes were also set rigidly in their
heads instead of turning; and consisted of a number of flat
surfaces or facets; like a fly's eye; so that they could see
backward and all around; each facet seeing anything the rays from
which came at right angles to its surface。  This beautiful grove
was doubtless their feeding…ground; and; as such; was likely to
be visited by many more。  Concluding it would be wise to let
their wounded game escape; the three men were about to retreat;
having found it difficult to breathe the air even at that
distance from the monsters; when the wounded dragon that they had
observed moving about in a very restless manner; and evidently
suffering a good deal from the effect of its wounds; espied them;
and; with a roar that made the echoes ring; started towards them
slowly along the ground; followed by the entire herd; the nearer
of which now also saw them。  Seeing that their lives were in
danger; the hunters quickly regained the open; and then stretched
their legs against the wind。  The dragons came through the trees
on the ground; and then; raising themselves by their wings; the
whole swarm; snorting; and darkening the air with their deadly
breath; made straight for the men; who by comparison looked like
Lilliputians。  With the slug from his right barrel Bearwarden
ended the wounded dragon's career by shooting him through the
head; and with his left laid low the one following。  Ayrault also
killed two huge monsters; and Cortlandt killed one and wounded
another。  Their supply of prepared cartridges was then exhausted;
and they fell back on their revolvers and ineffective spreading
shot。  Resolved to sell their lives dearly; they retreated;
keeping their backs to the wind; with the poisonous dragons in
front。  But the breeze was very slight; and they were being
rapidly blinded and asphyxiated by the loathsome fumes; and
deafened by the hideous roaring and snapping of the dragons'
jaws。  Realizing that they could not much longer reply to the
diabolical host with lead; they believed their last hour had
come; when the ground on which they were making their last stand
shook; there was a rending of rocks and a rush of imprisoned
steam that drowned even the dragons' roar; and they were
separated from them by a long fissure and a wall of smoke and
vapour。  Struggling back from the edge of the chasm; they fell
upon the ground; and then for the first time fully realized that
the earthquake had saved them; for the dragons could not come
across the opening; and would not venture to fly through the
smoke and steam。  When they recovered somewhat from the shock;
they cut a number of cartridges in the same way that they had
prepared those that had done them such good service; and kept one
barrel of each gun loaded with that kind。
〃We may thank Providence;〃 said Bearwarden; 〃for that escape。  I
hope we shall have no more such close calls。〃
With a parting glance at the chasm that had saved their lives;
and from which a cloud still arose; they turned slightly to the
right of their former course and climbed the gently rising bank。 
When near the top; being tired of their exciting experiences;
they sat down to rest。  The ground all about them was covered
with mushrooms; white on top and pink underneath。
〃This is a wonderful place for fungi;〃 said Ayrault。  〃Here;
doubtless; we shall be safe from the dragons; for they seemed to
prefer the toadstools。〃  As he lay on the ground he watched one
particular mushroom that seemed to grow before his eyes。 
Suddenly; as he looked; it vanished。  Dumfounded at this
unmistakable manifestation of the phenomenon they thought they
had seen on landing; he called his companions; and; choosing
another mushroom; the three watched it closely。  Presently;
without the least noise or commotion; that also disappeared;
leaving no trace; and the same fate befell a number of others。 
At a certain point of their development they vanished as
completely as a bubble of air coming to the surface of water;
except that they caused no ripple; leaving merely a sma

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