the holly-tree-第6部分
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cutting it in print all over the fence。
He couldn't say he had taken particular notice of children before
that; but really it was pretty to see them two mites a going about
the place together; deep in love。 And the courage of the boy!
Bless your soul; he'd have throwed off his little hat; and tucked up
his little sleeves; and gone in at a Lion; he would; if they had
happened to meet one; and she had been frightened of him。 One day
he stops; along with her; where Boots was hoeing weeds in the
gravel; and says; speaking up; 〃Cobbs;〃 he says; 〃I like you。〃 〃Do
you; sir? I'm proud to hear it。〃 〃Yes; I do; Cobbs。 Why do I like
you; do you think; Cobbs?〃 〃Don't know; Master Harry; I am sure。〃
〃Because Norah likes you; Cobbs。〃 〃Indeed; sir? That's very
gratifying。〃 〃Gratifying; Cobbs? It's better than millions of the
brightest diamonds to be liked by Norah。〃 〃Certainly; sir。〃
〃You're going away; ain't you; Cobbs?〃 〃Yes; sir。〃 〃Would you like
another situation; Cobbs?〃 〃Well; sir; I shouldn't object; if it
was a good Inn。〃 〃Then; Cobbs;〃 says he; 〃you shall be our Head
Gardener when we are married。〃 And he tucks her; in her little sky…
blue mantle; under his arm; and walks away。
Boots could assure me that it was better than a picter; and equal to
a play; to see them babies; with their long; bright; curling hair;
their sparkling eyes; and their beautiful light tread; a rambling
about the garden; deep in love。 Boots was of opinion that the birds
believed they was birds; and kept up with 'em; singing to please
'em。 Sometimes they would creep under the Tulip…tree; and would sit
there with their arms round one another's necks; and their soft
cheeks touching; a reading about the Prince and the Dragon; and the
good and bad enchanters; and the king's fair daughter。 Sometimes he
would hear them planning about having a house in a forest; keeping
bees and a cow; and living entirely on milk and honey。 Once he came
upon them by the pond; and heard Master Harry say; 〃Adorable Norah;
kiss me; and say you love me to distraction; or I'll jump in head…
foremost。〃 And Boots made no question he would have done it if she
hadn't complied。 On the whole; Boots said it had a tendency to make
him feel as if he was in love himselfonly he didn't exactly know
who with。
〃Cobbs;〃 said Master Harry; one evening; when Cobbs was watering the
flowers; 〃I am going on a visit; this present Midsummer; to my
grandmamma's at York。〃
〃Are you indeed; sir? I hope you'll have a pleasant time。 I am
going into Yorkshire; myself; when I leave here。〃
〃Are you going to your grandmamma's; Cobbs?〃
〃No; sir。 I haven't got such a thing。〃
〃Not as a grandmamma; Cobbs?〃
〃No; sir。〃
The boy looked on at the watering of the flowers for a little while;
and then said; 〃I shall be very glad indeed to go; Cobbs;Norah's
〃You'll be all right then; sir;〃 says Cobbs; 〃with your beautiful
sweetheart by your side。〃
〃Cobbs;〃 returned the boy; flushing; 〃I never let anybody joke about
it; when I can prevent them。〃
〃It wasn't a joke; sir;〃 says Cobbs; with humility;〃wasn't so
〃I am glad of that; Cobbs; because I like you; you know; and you're
going to live with us。Cobbs!〃
〃What do you think my grandmamma gives me when I go down there?〃
〃I couldn't so much as make a guess; sir。〃
〃A Bank of England five…pound note; Cobbs。〃
〃Whew!〃 says Cobbs; 〃that's a spanking sum of money; Master Harry。〃
〃A person could do a good deal with such a sum of money as that;
couldn't a person; Cobbs?〃
〃I believe you; sir!〃
〃Cobbs;〃 said the boy; 〃I'll tell you a secret。 At Norah's house;
they have been joking her about me; and pretending to laugh at our
being engaged;pretending to make game of it; Cobbs!〃
〃Such; sir;〃 says Cobbs; 〃is the depravity of human natur。〃
The boy; looking exactly like his father; stood for a few minutes
with his glowing face towards the sunset; and then departed with;
〃Good…night; Cobbs。 I'm going in。〃
If I was to ask Boots how it happened that he was a…going to leave
that place just at that present time; well; he couldn't rightly
answer me。 He did suppose he might have stayed there till now if he
had been anyways inclined。 But; you see; he was younger then; and
he wanted change。 That's what he wanted;change。 Mr。 Walmers; he
said to him when he gave him notice of his intentions to leave;
〃Cobbs;〃 he says; 〃have you anythink to complain of? I make the
inquiry because if I find that any of my people really has anythink
to complain of; I wish to make it right if I can。〃 〃No; sir。〃 says
Cobbs; 〃thanking you; sir; I find myself as well sitiwated here as I
could hope to be anywheres。 The truth is; sir; that I'm a…going to
seek my fortun'。〃 〃O; indeed; Cobbs!〃 he says; 〃I hope you may find
it。〃 And Boots could assure mewhich he did; touching his hair
with his bootjack; as a salute in the way of his present calling
that he hadn't found it yet。
Well; sir! Boots left the Elmses when his time was up; and Master
Harry; he went down to the old lady's at York; which old lady would
have given that child the teeth out of her head (if she had had
any); she was so wrapped up in him。 What does that Infant do;for
Infant you may call him and be within the mark;but cut away from
that old lady's with his Norah; on a expedition to go to Gretna
Green and be married!
Sir; Boots was at this identical Holly…Tree Inn (having left it
several times since to better himself; but always come back through
one thing or another); when; one summer afternoon; the coach drives
up; and out of the coach gets them two children。 The Guard says to
our Governor; 〃I don't quite make out these little passengers; but
the young gentleman's words was; that they was to be brought here。〃
The young gentleman gets out; hands his lady out; gives the Guard
something for himself; says to our Governor; 〃We're to stop here to…
night; please。 Sitting…room and two bedrooms will be required。
Chops and cherry…pudding for two!〃 and tucks her; in her sky…blue
mantle; under his arm; and walks into the house much bolder than
Boots leaves me to judge what the amazement of that establishment
was; when these two tiny creatures all alone by themselves was
marched into the Angel;much more so; when he; who had seen them
without their seeing him; give the Governor his views of the
expedition they was upon。 〃Cobbs;〃 says the Governor; 〃if this is
so; I must set off myself to York; and quiet their friends' minds。
In which case you must keep your eye upon 'em; and humour 'em; till
I come back。 But before I take these measures; Cobbs; I should wish
you to find from themselves whether your opinion is correct。〃 〃Sir;
to you;〃 says Cobbs; 〃that shall be done directly。〃
So Boots goes up…stairs to the Angel; and there he finds Master
Harry on a e…normous sofa;immense at any time; but looking like
the Great Bed of Ware; compared with him;a drying the eyes of Miss
Norah with his pocket…hankecher。 Their little legs was entirely off
the ground; of course; and it really is not possible for Boots to
express to me how small them children looked。
〃It's Cobbs! It's Cobbs!〃 cries Master Harry; and comes running to
him; and catching hold of his hand。 Miss Norah comes running to him
on t'other side and catching hold of his t'other hand; and they both
jump for joy。
〃I see you a getting out; sir;〃 says Cobbs。 〃I thought it was you。
I thought I couldn't be mistaken in your height and figure。 What's
the object of your journey; sir?Matrimonial?〃
〃We are going to be married; Cobbs; at Gretna Green;〃 returned the
boy。 〃We have run away on purpose。 Norah has been in rather low
spirits; Cobbs; but she'll be happy; now we have found you to be our
〃Thank you; sir; and thank you; miss;〃 says Cobbs; 〃for your good
opinion。 Did you bring any luggage with you; sir?〃
If I will believe Boots when he gives me his word and honour upon
it; the lady had got a parasol; a smelling…bottle; a round and a
half of cold buttered toast; eight peppermint drops; and a hair…
brush;seemingly a doll's。 The gentleman had got about half a
dozen yards of string; a knife; three or four sheets of writing…
paper folded up surprising small; a orange; and a Chaney mug with
his name upon it。
〃What may be the exact natur of your plans; sir?〃 says Cobbs。
〃To go on;〃 replied the boy;which the courage of that boy was
something wonderful!〃in the morning; and be married to…morrow。〃
〃Just so; sir;〃 says Cobbs。 〃Would it meet your views; sir; if I
was to accompany you?〃
When Cobbs said this; they both jumped for joy again; and cried out;
〃Oh; yes; yes; Cobbs! Yes!〃
〃Well; sir;〃 says Cobbs。 〃If you will excuse my having the freedom
to give an opinion; what I should recommend would be this。 I'm
acquainted with a pony; sir; which; put in a pheayton that I could
borrow; would take you and Mrs。 Harry Walmers; Junior; (myself
driving; if you approved;) to the end of your journey in a very
short space of time。 I am not altogether sure; sir; that this pony
will be at liberty to…morrow; but even if you had to wait over to…
morrow for him; it might be worth your while。 As to the small
account here; sir; in case you was to find yourself running at all
short; that don't signify; because I'm a part proprietor of this
inn; and it could stand over。〃
Boots assures me that when they clapped their hands; and jumped for
joy again; and called him 〃Good Cobbs!〃 and 〃Dear Cobbs!〃 and bent
across him to kiss one another in the delight of their confiding
hearts; he felt himself the meanest rascal for deceiving 'em that
ever was born。
〃Is there anything you want just at present; sir?〃 says Cobbs;
mortally ashamed of himself。
〃We should like