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the expedition of humphry clinker-第14部分

小说: the expedition of humphry clinker 字数: 每页4000字

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seems to have intended for better purposes。

About a dozen years ago; many decent families; restricted to
small fortunes; besides those that came hither on the score of
health; were tempted to settle at Bath; where they could then
live comfortably; and even make a genteel appearance; at a small
expence: but the madness of the times has made the place too hot
for them; and they are now obliged to think of other migrations 
Some have already fled to the mountains of Wales; and others have
retired to Exeter。 Thither; no doubt; they will be followed by
the flood of luxury and extravagance; which will drive them from
place to place to the very Land's End; and there; I suppose; they
will be obliged to ship themselves to some other country。 Bath is
become a mere sink of profligacy and extortion。 Every article of
house…keeping is raised to an enormous price; a circumstance no
longer to be wondered at; when we know that every petty retainer
of fortune piques himself upon keeping a table; and thinks it is
for the honour of his character to wink at the knavery of his
servants; who are in a confederacy with the market…people; and;
of consequence; pay whatever they demand。 Here is now a mushroom
of opulence; who pays a cook seventy guineas a week for
furnishing him with one meal a day。 This portentous frenzy is
become so contagious; that the very rabble and refuse of mankind
are infected。 I have known a negro…driver; from Jamaica; pay
over…night; to the master of one of the rooms; sixty…five guineas
for tea and coffee to the company; and leave Bath next morning;
in such obscurity; that not one of his guests had the slightest
idea of his person; or even made the least inquiry about his
name。 Incidents of this kind are frequent; and every day teems
with fresh absurdities; which are too gross to make a thinking
man merry。

 But I feel the spleen creeping on me apace; and therefore will
indulge you with a cessation; that you may have no unnecessary
cause to curse your correspondence with;

Dear Dick;
Yours ever;
BATH; May 5。

To Miss LAETITIA WILLIS; at Gloucester。


I wrote you at great length by the post; the twenty…sixth of last
month; to which I refer you for an account of our proceedings at
Bath; and I expect your answer with impatience。 But; having this
opportunity of a private hand; I send you two dozen of Bath
rings; six of the best of which I desire you will keep for
yourself; and distribute the rest among the young ladies; our
common friends; as you shall think proper  I don't know how you
will approve of the mottoes; some of them are not much to my own
liking; but I was obliged to take such as I could find ready
manufactured  I am vexed; that neither you nor I have received
any further information of a certain person  Sure it cannot be
wilful neglect!  O my dear Willis! I begin to be visited by
strange fancies; and to have some melancholy doubts; which;
however; it would be ungenerous to harbour without further
inquiry  My uncle; who has made me a present of a very fine set
of garnets; talks of treating us with a jaunt to London; which;
you may imagine; will be highly agreeable; but I like Bath so
well; that I hope he won't think of leaving it till the season is
quite over; and yet; betwixt friends; something has happened to
my aunt; which will probably shorten our stay in this place。

Yesterday; in the forenoon; she went by herself to a breakfasting
in one of the rooms; and; in half an hour; returned in great
agitation; having Chowder along with her in the chair。 I believe
some accident must have happened to that unlucky animal; which is
the great source of all her troubles。 Dear Letty! what a pity it
is; that a woman of her years and discretion; should place her
affection upon such an ugly; ill…conditioned cur; that snarls and
snaps at every body。 I asked John Thomas; the footman who
attended her; what was the matter? and he did nothing but grin。 A
famous dog…doctor was sent for; and undertook to cure the
patient; provided he might carry him home to his own house; but
his mistress would not part with him out of her own sight  She
ordered the cook to warm cloths; which she applied to his bowels;
with her own hand。 She gave up all thoughts of going to the ball
in the evening; and when Sir Ulic came to drink tea; refused to
be seen; so that he went away to look for another partner。 My
brother Jery whistles and dances。 My uncle sometimes shrugs up
his shoulders; and sometimes bursts out a…laughing。 My aunt sobs
and scolds by turns; and her woman; Win。 Jenkins; stares and
wonders with a foolish face of curiosity; and; for my part; I am
as curious as she; but ashamed to ask questions。

Perhaps time will discover the mystery; for if it was any thing
that happened in the Rooms; it cannot be long concealed  All I
know is; that last night at supper; miss Bramble spoke very
disdainfully of Sir Ulic Mackilligut; and asked her brother if he
intended to keep us sweltering all the summer at Bath? 'No;
sister Tabitha (said he; with an arch smile) we shall retreat
before the Dog…days begin; though I make no doubt; that with a
little temperance and discretion; our constitutions might be kept
cool enough all the year; even at Bath。' As I don't know the
meaning of this insinuation; I won't pretend to make any remarks
upon it at present: hereafter; perhaps; I may be able to explain
it more to your satisfaction  In the mean time; I beg you will be
punctual in your correspondence; and continue to love your ever

BATH; May 6。

To Sir WATKIN PHILLIPS; of Jesus college; Oxon。

So then Mrs Blackerby's affair has proved a false alarm; and I
have saved my money? I wish; however; her declaration had not
been so premature; for though my being thought capable of making
her a mother; might have given me some credit; the reputation of
an intrigue with such a cracked pitcher does me no honour at all
In my last I told you I had hopes of seeing Quin; in his hours of
elevation at the tavern which is the temple of mirth and good
fellowship; where he; as priest of Comus; utters the inspirations
of wit and humour  I have had that satisfaction。 I have dined
with his club at the Three Tuns; and had the honour to sit him
out。 At half an hour past eight in the evening; he was carried
home with six good bottles of claret under his belt; and it being
then Friday; he gave orders that he should not be disturbed till
Sunday at noon  You must not imagine that this dose had any other
effect upon his conversation; but that of making it more
extravagantly entertaining  He had lost the use of his limbs;
indeed; several hours before we parted; but he retained all his
other faculties in perfection; and as he gave vent to every
whimsical idea as it rose; I was really astonished at the
brilliancy of his thoughts; and the force of his expression。 Quin
is a real voluptuary in the articles of eating and drinking; and
so confirmed an epicure; in the common acceptation of the term;
that he cannot put up with ordinary fare。 This is a point of such
importance with him; that he always takes upon himself the charge
of catering; and a man admitted to his mess; is always sure of
eating delicate victuals; and drinking excellent wine  He owns
himself addicted to the delights of the stomach; and often jokes
upon his own sensuality; but there is nothing selfish in this
appetite  He finds that good chear unites good company;
exhilerates the spirits; opens the heart; banishes all restraint
from conversation; and promotes the happiest purposes of social
life。 But Mr James Quin is not a subject to be discussed in the
compass of one letter; I shall therefore; at present; leave him
to his repose; and call another of a very different complexion。

You desire to have further acquaintance with the person of our
aunt; and promise yourself much entertainment from her connexion
with Sir Ulic Mackilligut: but in this hope you are baulked
already; that connexion is dissolved。 The Irish baronet is an old
hound; that; finding her carrion; has quitted the scent  I have
already told you; that Mrs Tabitha Bramble is a maiden of forty…five。
In her person; she is tall; raw…boned; aukward; flat…chested;
and stooping; her complexion is sallow and freckled; her
eyes are not grey; but greenish; like those of a cat; and
generally inflamed; her hair is of a sandy; or rather dusty hue;
her forehead low; her nose long; sharp; and; towards the
extremity; always red in cool weather; her lips skinny; her mouth
extensive; her teeth straggling and loose; of various colours and
conformation; and her long neck shrivelled into a thousand
wrinkles  In her temper; she is proud; stiff; vain; imperious;
prying; malicious; greedy; and uncharitable。 In all likelihood;
her natural austerity has been soured by disappointment in love;
for her long celibacy is by no means owing to her dislike of
matrimony: on the contrary; she has left no stone unturned to
avoid the reproachful epithet of old maid。

Before I was born; she had gone such lengths in the way of
flirting with a recruiting officer; that her reputation was a
little singed。 She afterwards made advances to the curate of the
parish; who dropped some distant hints about the next
presentation to the living; which was in her brother's gift; but
finding that was already promised to another; he flew off at a
tangent; and Mrs Tabby; in revenge; found means to deprive him of
his cure。 Her next lover was lieutenant of a man of war; a
relation of the family; who did not understand the refinements of
the passion; and expressed no aversion to grapple with cousin
Tabby in the way of marriage; but before matters could be
properly adjusted; he went out on a cruise; and was killed in an
engagement with a French frigate。 Our aunt; though baffled so
often; did not yet despair。 She layed all her snares for Dr Lewis;
who is the fidus Achates of my uncle。 She even fell sick upon the
occasion; and prevailed with Matt to interpose in her behalf with
his friend; but the Doctor; being a shy cock; would not be caught
with chaff; and flatly rejected the proposal: so that Mrs Tabitha
was content to 

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